please read before starting!

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hello! i'll keep this short but there are some things to mention.

first things first, this story is in NO way related to the real mafumafu or soraru (or any utaites that are mentioned). this was written with their anime avatars in mind and is completely fiction.
i had the idea for a story but didn't have any ocs that fit the story, so i decided to make it about sora and mafu for the time being.

this is also NOT a romance story in any way. it is written with the idea of them being friends. you can of course interpret it in anyway you want, but my intent was strictly based on friendship.

WARNINGS: this story mentions some heavy topics such as depression and suicide.

this is also my first time writing such a long story so things may not flow or make a lot of sense and i'm sorry for that!

the story is written from soraru's pov btw!!

anyways that's all i can think of right now.
if you don't know what soraru and mafumafu look like then?? google what their characters look like cuz i don't describe anything in this.

also there are definitely gonna be a ton of grammatical errors, so if you notice something, please feel free to mention it so i can correct it!!

the story is gonna be pretty long, and it starts out kinda slow but give it a chance LOL

alrighty bye bye!!
good luck tryna get through the whole story lmao

cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now