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we entered my house and went back to the room we were in last night. mafu plopped onto the bed and hugged all the blankets.
he sighed in comfort, "ahhh home sweet home-!"
"uh this is my home, you fool," i said with a laugh as i plopped down as well.
"well you once told me your house is my house! therefore, this is my house and i make the rules! get off the bed, you animal!" he said lightly kicking me.
"ah! ah!! stop it hahaha!" i laughed and tried blocking his kicks, "fine! then take this!! aaaaa!!!" i grabbed my pillow from under my head and threw it at him, hitting him right in the face.
he screamed dramatically before looking around the area and plotting his revenge.
he grabbed his own pillow, as well as mine that had been thrown at him. he held them both in his hands and smiled evilly at me.
"uh oh-" i said as i realized the scene in front of me.
suddenly he started whacking me with the pillows, both of us laughing while doing so. i couldn't defend myself, i had to go for the distraction technique.
"wha- mafu look!!" i gasped and pointed behind him.
he quickly turned around in confusion and i grabbed one of the blankets and put it over the both of us. he got startled by the blanket and flinched slightly. he turned back to face me and i smiled.
"hmph, you have saved yourself from the pillow wrath... for now," he smiled.
we sat under the blanket for a few seconds before we had to throw the blanket to the side so we could escape for air.
we laughed in sync and mafu placed our pillows back in place then plopped down on his back.
he stretched and sighed. he searched for the cat plush within the mess of blankets then curled into a ball to cuddle it. i layed down beside him and pulled the blankets over the bother of us.
it was close to 6:30 in the morning. the sunlight was seeping through the curtains, illuminating the room a decent amount.
mafu was quick to fall asleep, but i layed awake for a little, to make sure he actually fell asleep. i smiled and laughed quietly to myself about what just happened. it felt like when we had our sleepovers as kids. it felt nice to laugh with him after the high tension all night. a few minutes passed, and after i made sure he was sleeping, i closed my eyes and sleep overtook me instantly.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now