pls read (pt 2)

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hello hello!!!

SO UMMMMM you've made it to the end? yay??

sorry if you were expecting a happy ending uhhh i tried to make it a bit happier (?) at the end idk,,,

i actually had no idea how to end this story which is why it's kinda rushed but uh yeah cool cool.

i hope it was tolerable for anyone who did read it.

if you actually did read it all, i love you so much, thank you <3

i am gonna be writing very short stories adding on to this one now.

one will be some stuff from mafumafu's point of view. it'll explain some stuff that weren't explained in this one, such as, the incident, his inner thoughts, what was going on in the time he was avoiding everyone, and just some little things explaining why he did certain things!

and the other one will be a short continuation that'll take place a little bit in the future ig! not too much tho prob only like a month or smth?? it'll sorta go into how soraru and mafu can still connect with each other and that sorta stuff. i'm not too sure yet hmm..

also yeah as for the side characters like amatsuki or sou or eve and everyone else,, i just threw a lot of extra people in because i was going off of utaites, but when i recreate the story to be my ocs like i originally intended, the side characters will make more sense and have more of a role lol😭

not sure if i will upload the oc ver tho ill see

that's all i can think of right now. i'll prob come back and edit this thing later idk.

i appreciate you all for being here and existing <3 i love you all so much

thank you again!! :D

my dog wrote this:
grew. m

cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now