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we arrived at his house and he unlocked the door. he invited me inside for a bit so we could finish the conversation we started on the walk there. as i entered his house, it felt different from the last time i visited. he had boxes stacked by the entrance of his house and it felt a lot more empty.
"what are these boxes for?" i asked in curiosity.
"just selling some old stuff i don't need anymore!" he smiled as he sat at his table and clicked something on his laptop. i noticed his phone was connected to his computer, along with a usb.
hm, is he backing up his phone? i guess he didn't have it with him the whole time while he was at my house, i thought.
"i don't rly have much food, but would you like something to drink? a glass of water or something?" he asked as he unplugged the usb and stood up.
"oh! uh,, yeah sure! i'll have a little glass of water, please!" i said, unprepared for him to ask me something. as he filled a cup of water for me, i scanned the area. everything was surprisingly clean from what it usually was. however, at his work desk, i noticed a messy pile of crumpled papers in the trash can and around it, along with papers and pens scattered across the desk. i lowered my eyebrows slightly, confused.
"yeah, i'm working on some blue prints and planning. im doing some redecorating and im tryna figure out what'd look best," he said noticing me staring over at his desk, "hence the reason everything is so bare, aha!"
i nodded and drank the glass of water and washed it in his sink.
"thanks for the water, i'll get going now, you seem to have your hands full," i said not wanting to impose.
mafu seemed a little off put and unsure what to say, "i mean you can definitely stay as long as you want, i just might have to run to the store to buy some food n stuff for the both of us."
"no no, don't worry about it. i should probably do some homework for class tomorrow anyways. do you want me to bring over som food for you though?" i said putting my shoes on again. i could tell he did want to just be left alone now, so i didn't want to extend my stay any longer.
mafu nodded, "no, no, i'm good. thanks tho. i'll see you tomorrow! did you want me to walk you home?"
"haha, that's alright, that's what i just did for you," i laughed, "see you tomorrow!!"
i closed the door behind me and headed home.


i arrived at home and went straight to my room. as i entered i saw the little white and blue cat plush placed nicely on my bed. i sighed, "i guess that's why he stepped into my room for a second," i said sitting on my bed and holding the cat. i smiled. i had just noticed that it had crimson eyes, which resembled mafumafu's eyes almost identically. i layed down and felt the cats plush fabric in my hands. i held the plush close to me, it smelt like mafu as well as the cotton candy we had at the fair. the top of its head was slightly wet, from mafu crying on it all night. i sighed as i cuddled with the plush and before i knew it, i had fallen asleep.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now