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birds chirped from outside and the sun illuminated the room through the curtains. i opened my eyes slowly and stretched.
i looked beside me to see mafu sprawled out on his back, sleeping still. his mouth was wide open and he held the cat plush in one arm. i smiled and yawned. i turned to my other side and closed my eyes but didn't sleep. i wanted to stay laying down for a little while longer before getting up to make something to eat. i figured i'll wait for him to wake up and then get food prepared.
i rested my eyes for a couple of minutes but then turned to grab my phone from the nightstand beside the bed. it was almost 1 pm. we nearly slept through the entire day. makes sense though, we were up all night, i thought.
i scrolled mindlessly through various social media apps, trying to entertain myself. i was quite bored.
i yawned, and as i began to stretch again i heard a little noise. i looked over and saw mafu doing a big stretch. as he relaxed he looked over at me, with his eyes half open, "good morning soraru."
"good morning mafu. how do you feel? did you sleep okay?"
he stretched again, "yeah."
i raised an eyebrow, "just, 'yeah'?"
"yeah," he said pulling the blankets over his shoulder and getting comfortable to fall back asleep. he snuggled with the cat plush and smiled. it was clear he really loved that plushie.
i smiled then sat up and swung my feet off the side of the bed. i had a pounding headache. i stood up slowly and got a bit of a head rush. i put my hand to my head and walked to the door. mafu peaked from under the blankets.
"huh? where are you going?" he sat up and looked at me.
"i'm gonna go make something for us to eat," i responded, "it's almost one o'clock."
he shook his head, "i usually don't eat as soon as i wake up, so don't worry about me," he stretched and got out of bed too.
"are you sure?"
"alright, if you insist. if you're hungry or need anything tho, please tell me."
"thanks, i'm prob gonna head back home now tho, i'll just change back into my clothes quickly," mafu said picking up his neatly folded clothes from a chair in the room.
"there's no rush, you can stay as long as you want."
"thanks, but i have some things to do at home today and over the next few days," he smiled slightly.

he headed to the bathroom to get dressed and i got changed in my room. my head was spinning and my ears were ringing, i definitely need to catch up on my sleep tonight, i thought. after i got dressed, i waited for mafu back in the room we slept in. i fixed the bed and folded mafu's brown fluffy blanket and left it on the chair in the room so i can put it in it's usual spot later. i sat on the edge of the bed with my face in my hands.
"i've been overdoing it the past few days.. i was told to take it easy so my head can heal, arghh..." i said to myself rubbing my temples to try to ease the pain.
"i'm sorry."
i heard mafu say. i looked up and he was there standing in the doorway of the room. i hadn't noticed he was there.
"what? no no, you didn't do anything wrong! i'm okay!" i said. gahh, he heard me... i don't want him feeling guilty about this now, it wasn't his fault at all, i thought.
"alright, well, thank you for having me. i'll be going now," he said and walked into my bedroom for a second then walked out and down the hall to the front door.
i raised an eyebrow in confusion but then immediately followed behind him, not checking why he went to my room, "i'll walk you home," i said.
"no worries, i can go on my own- huh?"
as he said that, i slipped on my shoes and already stepped out the door. he trailed along behind me.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now