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songs from the morning birds from outside filled the quiet room. the sun had started to rise and was illuminating the room through the curtains.
we did not sleep at all that night. mafu cried a lot and we talked about it a bit. he wasn't really in any shape to talk though, so i didn't force it. i kept reassuring him that i was not gonna leave his side, and he just kept apologizing for everything.

we both layed on our backs, staring at the ceiling in silence. 
"the sun is starting to rise," i said, sorta starting to start a conversation.
"i'm sorry... you got no sleep because of me. i shouldn't have come here, i just made the both of us feel worse..." mafu said.
really...? after everything i've told him, i thought and sighed.
i sat up and got out of bed, "come on, let's go."
"huh? what??" mafu watched me walk to the foot of the bed in confusion.
"come on, get up!" i said and pulled the blankets off of him.
"hey! what are you doing?!" mafu yelled out.
i grabbed his ankles and started dragging him out of bed, "h-hey w-wait! wait!!!" he tried grabbing onto the sheets but couldn't get a grip. i pulled him to the foot of the bed and he stared blankly at me.
"up," i demanded.
"uh??? no??" he said with attitude.
i sighed and grabbed his arm, pulling him off the bed.
"agh! what's with you?! it's not even 6 yet!!"
i opened the bedroom door and walked down the hall, tugging mafu behind me.
i put on my shoes and opened the front door. he hesitated but put his shoes and followed me.

"what are we doing?" he asked, "soraru??? can you answer me?"
"just follow me, and shhhhh" i said and put a finger to my mouth indicating for him to be quiet.
he pouted and followed me.

"how much longer?" he asked annoyed.
"we haven't even been walking for 2 minutes, a little bit of patience would be nice," i said.
"but it's so early, i wanna go back, i'm tired."
"it's not like we were gonna get any sleep, anyways."

we walked down the streets and towards a hidden little pathway.
"stay close," i said and held mafus hand as we walked through a narrow path between two large bushes.
"what are you doing? i don't think we're supposed to be here," he said slightly resisting.
"just trust me," i insisted.
"ugh, but if we get in trouble, it's all on you!"
"yeah, yeah, whatever."

we squeezed our way through, and on the other side, there was a huge field of grass. little flowers gave the scene a sweet smell and some nice colour.
mafu stood there in awe.
i laughed slightly, "come on," i tugged at his hand and started walking again, but this time he didn't need to be dragged along.
he looked around at the area. trees surrounded it making it completely hidden from everything. off center to the middle of the field there was a weeping willow tree. we walked up to it. i sat down on the grass in front of it, and patted the grass beside me, motioning for mafu to sit as well, and he did.
"this is absolutely beautiful," he said.
his eyes were wide and he was looking around, taking in the scenery around him. his voice was still shakey, and his eyes were swollen from crying all night.
i looked up at the tree drooping above us, "when i'm feeling down, i come here to clear my head."
mafu turned to look at me.
"the breeze is gentle and calming. the sound of the leaves and branches.. the birds singing, the scent of the flowers, everything. even when the weather gets cold and there's a bit of snow on the ground, this place remains as beautiful as it is now. sometimes it's nice to just be in a quiet place, different from where you usually are, you know?"
mafu nodded and looked around, "that's true..."
i smiled slightly, "i wanted to show you this place, so you could use it as your little escape as well. sometimes we cant put our feelings into words, and it's perfectly normal. but i find, after i take a moment to breathe here, my head is a lot more clear. it helps me reflect on what i'm feeling, and recognize what i need to get better. and well, i'm hoping it could provide the same sort of comfort for you as well!"
mafu's eyes widened and he looked up at the tree.
"of course, i am always here for you as well. if you ever feel like talking, i'll drop everything to be by your side. and it's never a bother!!" i put my hand on his shoulder, "however, i know sometimes you cant just talk about things with people, and i guess that kinda links back to what i just said."
mafu nodded, "yeah i get it, thank you."
"mmhm" i nodded in response.

we sat there in silence for a little while. the sun rose slowly and made the place more illuminated. i looked over at mafu and he seemed to be lost in thought. i didn't want to disturb him, so i didn't say anything.

he then suddenly turned his eyes to look at me.
a little "huh?" escaped my mouth.
"why are you staring at me?" he asked
"eh?? wait.. was i staring?!" i realized i had been staring at him for almost 2 whole minutes as i was lost in my own thoughts, "i'm sorry!!"
he laughed, "no worries, haha," he stood up and stretched, "you're right about this place, it is quite nice."
i stood up and stretched as well.
mafu continued, "i'll definitely come here on my own when i need to recentre myself, it worked very well for me right now!" he smiled.
his eyes were still a little pink from earlier, but i could tell by his breathing and his posture that he was more relaxed than before.
i nodded, "i'm glad you find comfort in this place too!"
he smiled softly then started walking, "let's head back now."
"yeah? are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer?"
"yeahhhh, i feel much better now. well i wouldn't say 'much' but i do feel better. i want to maybe get a tiny bit of sleep before heading back to my place," mafu said with a yawn.
"you could just go to your home now and sleep," i said in a jokingly annoyed tone.
we started squeezing through the hidden pathway we walked through earlier.
"yeah well my stuff is already at your place! definitely not by my choice though, i'd rather be at my home!" he said waving his hand, "the only good thing about your house is that you have food," he gave me a joking evil smile.
"well that's too bad! cuz i'm not gonna give you any of my food! and if you'd rather be at your house then just go! i already burnt all the stuff you left anyways," i said walking in front of him.
he laughed, "hahaha, why burnt?! wait..!" he caught himself then returned back into character, "ahem, well that's a shame, because i burnt down your entire house!! muhahahaha-OH MY GOODNESS HELLO THERE!!!!" as we exited the pathway, there was a little grey cat sitting on the sidewalk which completely diverted mafu's attention.
he pet the cat and it nuzzled up against him. he grinned.
"can we bring it back to your house!? pleeeeeaaase?!!!" he asked with sparkles in his eyes.
"no, i already got one cat to deal with," i said walking passed them.
"hm?" mafu raised an eyebrow, "what cat?"
"you. now let's go," i said laughing.
he shook his head and sighed. in a cutesy voice he talked to the cat, "i have to go now, but we will meet again soon, little one! i love youu... mwah!" he kissed its forehead and caught up to me. the cat sat there watching us walk off into the distance as we continued to jokingly insult and annoy each other.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now