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    "did you want me to walk you home?" mafumafu asked as we arrived to his house.
    i looked at him a little confused, "but then you'll have to walk back alone. i thought you didn't-"
    "it'll be fine! lets go," he said interrupting me and tugging my arm as he walked ahead of me.
as we walked we lightened the mood by joking about what had happened. it felt nice to laugh with him in that moment. when we arrived at my house, we stood and discussed what we should do tomorrow, since we had plans with amatsuki.
    "i think its best you stay home and rest tomorrow, thats what the nurse suggested, right? ill text amatsuki and explain we can't make it," mafu said grabbing his phone from his pocket.
    i nodded, "no, its okay! i don't feel all that bad, so there's no need to cancel. if i suddenly start feeling bad tomorrow, then ill just stay back, but you should still go with ama," i said.
    "whaaaat? no way. im not gonna go without you," mafu pouted, "we'll see how youre feeling and make our decision tomorrow!" he smiled.
i nodded and waved to him as i unlocked my front door. he waved and started walking back to his house. i stood at my door and watched him until he was out of sight, just in case something happened. i closed the door slowly, locked it, and plopped down of the floor immediately. i leaned back on the cold door and held a hand to my head and sighed. i reached into my pocket and took out my phone. there were a bunch of messages from our friend group chat. i started reading through the notifications but then i blacked out.

i woke up to my phone buzzing in my hand. my house was pitch black, i was laying on the floor in front of my front door, and i still had my backpack on. confused by where i was, i jumped up and looked around. w-what happened...? ah, its already nighttime? i mustve fallen asleep by accident, i thought, scratching the back of my neck. oh, right, my phone, i thought as i reached for my phone that was ringing.

    "hello?" i said groggily.
    "oh, im sorry! were you asleep?" mafumafu said on the phone.
    "y-yeah, i fell asleep right at the front foyer of my house i guess," i said turning on some lights and carrying my backpack to my room.
    "haha of course you did," he laughed, "well its 9 o'clock, and if you sleep any longer you'll have trouble sleeping tonight. go eat dinner and wash up."
    "yeah yeah..." i said yawning, "is that all you wanted to say?"
    "oh! no that's right! i just wanted you to check the group chat, cause amatsuki set the time and details for tomorrow, and i hadn't seen you read the messages yet!"
    "well, can't you just tell me?" i said as i put my phone on speaker so i can get things done and talk at the same time.
    "hm, well yeah i guess i could uh- so amatsuki will be passing by to pick us up at around 4:30 tomorrow! oh, and! as of now, 96neko, nqrse, urata, shima, sakata and senra will be joining us as well!"
    "so many people..." i complained.
    "yes, but it's gonna be so much fun!" mafu said happily.
    i smiled at his excitement and said, "yeah, it will be."
    "well, i'll let you go now! don't forget to eat dinner!" mafu said.
    "alright, and you too! make sure you ea-" i began but got cut off by him hanging up, "ah, okay then," i turn off my phone and start making myself something small to eat.


it was nearly midnight and i layed in bed staring at the ceiling. i was thinking over everything that happened that day. mafumafu did things he never would have done before. at least, they were things he did leading up to the days before the incident. he never really explained what had happened to him, but when he came to me that one day, he was a wreck. he was sobbing more than ive ever seen him do before, he cried out that he can never be trusted to be alone outside of his house. from how distraught he was, i knew better than to question it. i knew that if he wanted me to know he would've told me. of course i want to ask him about it. i want to know what hes been through so i can help me cope with getting over it i guess because i know it still haunts him.
"it must've been something really bad but, i can't imagine what," i said to myself as i closed my eyes, he walked alone today, i wonder if he is starting to get over what had happened, i thought as i turned over to my side trying to sleep. i just hope this is a turn in the right direction rather than leading up to another bad event, i opened my eyes, feeling a growing pit in my stomach. i sat up in my bed, feeling sick. 


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now