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i heard faintly. i opened my eyes slowly. i saw mafumafu with a worried expression.
he gasped and smiled, "soraru!!" he hugged me. i tried to lift my arms to hug him back, but there was a sharp stabbing pain in my muscles.
"agh!" i exclaimed. mafu pulled away from the hug quickly with concern.
"oh my! im sorry! was i hurting you?" he asked.
"n-no, you didn't... agh..." i grunted and slowly put a hand to my head, "what happened? where am i?"
"you're in the school nursery office. you got knocked out after that fight on the bus..." mafu said with guilt in his voice.
"agh.. i knew it..." i remembered and sat up in the bed and looked at him, "are you hurt? how are you feeling?"
"ah, soraru please lay back down, you need to rest! and yes im alright, no serious injuries thankfully. i just have a bunch of bruises everywhere, aha!" he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.
i layed back down but before i could speak mafu started again.
"it was really stupid for me to have started that fight. it was so pointless too, i-," he said looking like he was fighting back his tears, "thankfully neither of us are severely injured..this could have ended so badly and i..." tears started falling from his eyes, "it would've been my fault..."
"hey now, its okay. those lowlives needed to be taught a lesson. i don't think they'll act in the same ways anymore. please don't blame yourself," i lifted my hand to his face and wiped his tears with a smile.
he smiled back at me softly and we started talking about random nonsense to pass some time. i had to stay in the nursing room for another hour or so, to make sure i was okay. i had some cuts on the side of my head from when i smashed into the window and some bruises all over my body. my muscles were all super sore and it felt like i sprained my wrist, but it wasn't any intolerable pain, thankfully.

"soraru? mafumafu?" a voice said from the hallway, "what happened to you both?" suddenly two people popped into the room, it was eve and sou. they often stayed back after school for various clubs and activities, so it wasno surprise they were conveniently passing by.
"ah we just got into a little fight is all, but soraru totally won for us tho!" mafumafu said bragging as if i actually won.
"oh really? must've been rough," eve said with a frown looking at me, "are you hurt badly?" they both walked closer in concern.
"not really, they look worse than they are," i laughed nervously.

sou and eve stayed and talked with us for a little while. it was nice having their company. we started talking about funny stories we had from elementary school. we were all laughing so much, our faces all hurt.
suddenly a teacher popped into the room and yelled at sou and eve for suddenly disappearing in the middle of their work.
    "o-oh! Sorry sir!" Sou finched and said loudly.
the two of them scurried out of the class, nearly bumping into the school nurse on their way out.
    "hm, it seems you two had visitors. how are you feeling?" she asked.
    "im feeling great!" mafumafu said with a grin.
    "thats great to hear, and yourself?" she turned to me and stepped closer.
    i nodded, "yeah im feeling pretty normal actually."
    "would you like to try standing up? we'll evaluate how you feel and see if you're suited to head home," she said holding her arms out.
i grabbed her hand for balance and i wobbled out of the nursery bed. as i stood up my ears rang slightly. i stood fine on my own and i took a few steps. the nurse suddenly held out one finger in front of my face and directed me to follow it with only my eyes. she moved it all over the place, watching my eye movements and facial expressions. she then got a flashlight and ordered me to stare at her. she flashed the light in my eyes multiple times, one at a time, checking for the dilation of my pupils. the nurse nodded and went to grab her clipboard. i put a hand to my head and i sat back down on the edge of the bed and mafu came and sat beside me.
    "okay, so you'll probably have a headache for the remainder of the evening, but there are no signs of a concussion as of now. if your headache persists through the weekend, come back on monday and we can reassess. or, if before monday, it gets too unbearable, go to the nearest hospital. we don't want to risk anything," she said looking at me worriedly, "take things easy this weekend, alright?" she said with a smile. i nodded and mafu and i grabbed our belongings and headed out.

the rain had mostly stopped and it was only sprinkling now. we waited at the bus stop in complete silence. it was a strange vibe. suddenly, we both opened our mouths to speak at the exact same time. we both laughed at that. the bus finally arrived and we sat down where we usually sit. we didn't talk very much on the ride home that day though. it was a mixture of awkwardness and just not wanting to talk from us both being super tired and in pain.
it was a long bus ride home.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now