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i stirred the chocolate mix into a warm mug of milk. the white milk turned into a chocolatey brown colour and began to smell quite nice. i decided to make myself a small cup of hot chocolate as well, since the smell of it had opened up my appetite. i glanced over at mafu hugging his knees on the chair. he leaned his head into his arms and had his eyes closed. i noticed his thumb on one hand lightly stroking the blanket he had around him, it was a large brown blanket that was quite soft. every time he came over he used it, and it was sorta like his own blanket that stayed at my house.

i reached in the cabinet and grabbed a bag of marshmallows. the crinkling of the bag seemed to get mafumafu's attention. he opened his eyes and lifted his head from his arms slightly to look at what i was doing. i put a handful of marshmallows into his mug and i looked up at him. he watched and waited eagerly. i walked back to the table holding his and my mug. i placed his in front of him and his eyes sparkled, "wow, this looks and smells delicious! thank you, soraru!" he said with some drool dripping from his mouth.
i chuckled, "i hope you like it! just be careful, it's still very hot."

he grabbed the mug and held it firmly in his hands. the warmth of the mug warmed up his cold hands. he closed his eyes and brought the mug close to his face and the steam warmed him up. he opened his eyes and looked down at the marshmallows and blew softly to try to cool down the drink. he then looked over and my mug and then back at his own.
"you don't have any marshmallows?" he asked.
"nah, i didn't really wan-"
"here," he interrupted me by grabbing a couple of marshmallows and plopping them into my drink.
"huh?" i said in confusion.
"i saw you put the last bit that was left in the bag into my cup. you deserve to have some too," he giggled ever so slightly then continued trying to cool his drink. i smiled and drank a bit of my hot chocolate. we both sat there in silence drinking, it felt awkward and uncomfortable at the start, but afterward, it felt comfortable just being in the presence of each other, especially after the tension from earlier in the evening.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now