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i hardly got any sleep that night but luckily i didn't have to meet with amatsuki until 4 pm. i stayed in bed until well past noon that day. at around 2 o'clock i got up and ate a little something and i decided to do a bit of homework before i had to go. i figured id have to leave a little earlier so i can go to mafu's house and have amatsuki pick the both of us up from there.

time went by relatively quickly and before i knew it it was almost 4:30. i put on a warm hoodie since it was supposed to be fairly cold later in the night. i washed my face and made myself look, somewhat presentable. we were just going to an amusement park so there was no reason to pay too much attention to my looks. my head was hurting quite a bit and i wanted to take some medicine but suddenly i heard a knock at the door. isn't it still early? oh well, i thought as i opened the door. to my surprise, it was mafu?
    "hey, soraruuu! are you ready to go soon?" he grinned.
    "y-yeah i am, but, what are you doing here?" i smiled with confusion.
    "well i thought since you're always the one going out of your way to come to my house, i'd just come to yours! i already let amatsuki know to pick us up here, and i was gonna let you know i was coming too but, i wanted it to be a surprise, hehe!" he said as he walked into my house.

we sat down on the couch in my living room as we waited for amatsuki to show up. mafu and i were just chatting and laughing about a variety of things.
    "im really excited to be doing this!" mafu smiled, "going to an amusement park is one of the last things i haven't done yet on my list."
after he said that he had a reaction which made it seem like he didn't mean to say it.
    i raised an eyebrow,  "list?" i asked in confusion.
    "mmhm.." he paused for a second, "like..? like, a bucket list!" he grinned, "though, there really isn't much on there, haha!"
    "oh yeah? makes sense. that's cool though," i smiled.
    "glad you think so! i just think its important to do everything you want to do until you, you know, kick the bucket," he smiled, "this way when its your time, you won't have many regrets."
his smile lessened as he said that. and honestly, i didn't know whether i should've smiled or not either. but i was concerned, to say the least.
    "hey, maf-" i started but got cut off frm the doorbell ringing.
    "oh! hes here!" mafu said jumping off the couch and rushing to the door.
i followed behind him. we grabbed our stuff and headed into amatsuki's car. inside the car with amatsuki was, meychan, nqrse, and 96neko. as mafu and i opened the door of the car, nqrse greeted us and said araki and some others were planning on meeting up with us later on. mafu and i climbed to and squished in the back seats and everyone seemed so excited to be going, and mafu quickly matched their enthusiastic energy.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now