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we hugged each other and comforted each other the rest of the day. he stayed for dinner to make sure i ate something before going back to his place.

he tried telling me to start going back to school but i don't feel ready right now and he respects that.

apparently, the school did a whole ceremony after it happened. they talked about suicide awareness and stuff like that, at least that's what amatsuki told me. i didn't go to it. unfortunately, people only seem to care about that stuff after a tragedy happens. at least, that's how i see it.

the school had told us we don't have to submit or do much work for class until we are ready. it was nearing the end of the school year anyway, and if we were okay with our grades, the teachers said they wouldn't drop our marks at all. that only really applied to our friend group since we were all so close with mafu.

i haven't attended school since the day it happened. i heard classes got a week off intense workloads, but went back to tons of assignments and work right after.


i sigh as i wave goodbye to amatsuki as he drives away. i close the door and head to my room. on my dresser, i notice the cat plush sitting there looking at me.
"huh..? i know for a fact that wasn't there before? it definitely was not there when i was looking for it this morning? and besides.. fell asleep with it in my arms last night..?" i say to myself as i hold it in my hands in confusion. i shrug it off and climb into my bed. i hug the plush tightly as tears flow gently from my eyes and i fall into a light sleep.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now