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i ended up making a little pot of soup for the both of us to have as well. it was very late at night but we needed something more than just hot chocolate to fill us up.

after we ate, mafu went to lie down on the couch, still having his blanket wrapped around him. by the time i finished cleaning all the dishes, he seemed to have fallen asleep.

i sighed softly and turned off the lights so he could rest, "goodnight, mafumaf-"
"i'm not fully asleep yet... and i'm not gonna stay the night," he said quietly as he sat up on the couch.
i walked over to him, "you can stay, i really don't mind. i can lend you some more comfortable clothes to sleep in too!"
mafu nodded hesitantly and stood up.
we walked over to my room where i handed him some black jogging pants and a grey t-shirt.
"do you maybe have a hoodie or something to wear overtop? i get very cold at night," he said.
"oh, yes of course! here," i smiled handing him a black hoodie.

he nodded as a thank you then headed to get changed in the bathroom.
i closed the door of my room and put my pyjamas on, a simple dark grey t-shirt with navy blue joggers. i got a sudden shiver and i rubbed my arms with my hands.
    "hoo, it is quite cold, maybe ill grab a hoodie for myself as well," i said to myself as i opened my closet and grabbed a grey zip-up hoodie. as i put the sweater on, i paused from a sudden thought. hang on, when was the last time i saw mafu in short sleeves...? i dont think he wore a t-shirt even once all of last summer, i thought. i started to feel very sick to my stomach. i shook my head, no, no, im sure im just remembering things wrong, i tried to clear my head from thinking of the worst possible things.

i heard the door to the bathroom open and i exited my room as well. mafu was wearing the clothes i lent him and he looked extremely tired. he held the clothes he was wearing before, along with the cat plush.
"i forgot to take it out of my pocket when i got home, i guess," he said looking at it, "works out since we decided you were gonna keep it."
i smiled, "well, you can hold onto it tonight, and we'll talk about it again tomorrow, haha."


i set up the bed of my spare bedroom for him to sleep in. 

i grabbed the brown blanket he had earlier, along with some extra blankets, and put them in the dryer to warm up again. once they finished i placed them nicely on the bed.

mafu immediately hopped onto the bed and got under the warm blankets. he snuggled up with the cat plush and the warmth and sighed. his eyes closed slowly and he seemed very relaxed and comfortable.
"goodnight, mafu," i said walking towards the door of the room. i clicked the lights off and started to close the door behind me until i heard mafus voice.
"is there a night light i could have?"
i opened the door again and looked at him. he was sitting up in bed and had an almost worried look to him. i nodded and i went to grab the nightlight i had in my room. i plugged it into the wall beside his bed.
"thank you..." he said quietly as he layed down again.
"of course. do you need anything else?" i asked.
he remained silent.
"alright, get your rest," i yawned, "goodnight mafumafu."
i closed the door about three quarters  of the way then went to my room.

i closed my door and plopped down in bed. i exhaled loudly. man, i'm exhausted, i thought and sighed. my room was pitch black, i wasn't used to this.
i layed on my back and put my arm over my forehead. i closed my eyes slowly, hoping sleep would come sooner rather than later.


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now