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we arrived at the amusement park and it was fairly busy. it turned out to be a pretty nice evening, although the breeze was quite chilly. considering it was only the start of april, the warm weather had already started to roll in, asides from some rain storms here and there, and the fact it got very cold after the sun went down. honestly, the weather felt more like autumn some days, but it was still enjoyable for the most part.

we all walked to the center of the park, looking for the others who were supposed to meet us there.

a few minutes passed and amatsuki started to get very impatient. he took his phone out and dialed araki's number. we all stood around watching.

"hello?? araki? where in the world are you?" amatsuki huffed
"right behind you..." araki said in a creepy voice from directly behind amatsuki, causing him to turn around and jump.

we all got a kick out of that. mafu could've sworn he heard amatsuki scream very high pitched but he kept denying it which made us all laugh even more.

with araki, was urata, shima, sakata and senra, and they quickly came over to greet mafu and i. we all talked and split up into little groups. araki, meychan and nqrse went together, 96neko and amatsuki went together, usss were together of course, then mafu and i were together. we all agreed to meet back at that spot in a couple of hours, which was good.

mafu and i went around to some rides. the first one we went on was a little rollercoaster-type thing that went around in circles super fast with music blaring, then eventually went in a circle in reverse. mafu wanted to do it again but i definitely would've been sick if i did so i had to refuse. next, we went on a merry-go-round. mafu was having the time of his life. he was having more fun than the little kids on the ride with us. at first, i was a little embarrassed, but by the end of it the two of us were laughing so hard that our faces felt numb. we took a bunch of selfies and videos of us on the horses. at one point i extended my arm out to take a cool angled selfie of the both of us. i had my arm around his shoulder, and my other hand in the air holding my phone, which, was a mistake, since i had no grip on my horse. as i tried taking the picture, mafu's horse went up and mine went down. i completely lost my balance and slid off my horse. mafu thankfully caught me, nearly falling off as well, and we couldn't stop laughing.
as i tried getting onto the horse again i handed mafu my phone and he put it in his pocket.
"my pockets have zippers, i'll hold onto your phone for the night so it doesn't go flying if we go on crazier rides later!" mafu smiled.
i nodded, "good idea"
we laughed an unnecessary amount until the ride was over.

after that we went to wait in line for some cotton candy. the line was super long but we waited anyways. a few people ahead of us in line happened to be eve and sou. they got out of their place line and came back to where we were. we stood and talked with them a lot to pass the time. before we knew it we were up next to buy our things. eve got a caramel apple, sou got some popcorn and mafu and i got cotton candy.

after we got our things we stayed together for a little bit. we rode a ride called the scrambler, which was a ride that spun multiple carts around and swung them all over, nearly crashing into each other. it was very intense. mafu said he wanted to sit with sou for this ride, so i was sitting with eve. the two of us held on for dear life, but honestly it was quite fun. everytime we passed by mafumafu and sou's cart, we let go of the handlebar to wave, then instantly got thrown to the side, crushing each other and laughing. mafu and sou seemed to be either having a blast or scared for their lives, couldn't really tell. the whole time the two of them were screaming so loudly, and we couldn't tell if they were happy or scared by their faces when we saw them. however, when we got off the ride they seemed to be happy so, we assumed they had a good time. all of our hair was a disaster though. eve in particular had super soft and smooth hair before which had become one tangled mess. sou laughed and said he looked like a lion, but his own hair was arguably worse. surprisingly, me and mafu's hair wasn't too bad tho. but then again, we hardly did anything to our hair to make it look nice the way eve and sou did everyday. the two of them said for us to continue on our own while they go fix up their hair in the bathroom and that we will try to meet up again later. mafu and i headed towards some little carnival games after we said goodbye to them.

cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now