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absolutely nothing happened in the rest of my classes that day. the teachers seemed to be talking so slowly and going off-topic. the lessons were going nowhere. luckily i sat beside mafu in our second and third-period classes, and near him in our fourth-period class. he helped keep things tolerable and helped keep me awake and in a good mood. 

in second period we were doodling little things on our notebooks. somehow it seemed that when we were supposed to be quiet, everything was ten times more funny. it was so hard for us to keep our laughter down.

after second period we had lunch. mafu and i usually take walks around the school during lunchtime, but that day we went to the cafeteria with our group of friends, it was extremely chaotic. urata and sakata got into a full-blown debate because amatsuki randomly blurted out that 'homework should be banned'. urata kept bringing up valid facts about how important homework is and sakata just kept replying about how it's actually pointless. i'm pretty sure mafu had it all on video too. he was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe at one point, and it sent everyone into a panic, but mafu just kept laughing even when about to pass out. i'm pretty sure everyone in the cafeteria was concerned about what was going on at our table because we were exceptionally loud. i don't usually like being the center of attention, so i tend to keep the noise level under control in situations like this, but i'll admit, even i was laughing a lot from it.

during third period, mafu was still trying to calm down after the shenanigans in the cafeteria. he kept quoting random things that were said and started laughing again. we were still laughing so hard our faces were hurting so much. we did not listen to a single word our teacher said that class, and i don't regret a thing.

fourth period was pretty boring though since we didn't sit together. i kept looking at him at his desk and saw him try to keep it together, definitely still thinking about lunch. i'll admit, i did have a few moments where i started laughing at the thought of it too. random moments randomly popped in my mind, as well as the general fact of how random it all was.

after what felt like forever, the bell rang and it was time to go home. mafu and i walked to the front doors of the school together, which was where we were gonna meet up with amatsuki. we had planned to go to an amusement park that afternoon since it was friday and we wouldn't have to worry about being super tired for school the next day. at first, i wasn't looking forward to it, but after lunch, i was in a much better mood and surprisingly wanted to go. we opened the doors and stepped outside where we saw amatsuki standing and staring in disappointment. it was raining. a storm. we had no umbrellas.
amatsuki turned to look at us, "i think it's best if we cancel for today then, haha! we can do something tomorrow if the weather clears up!"
mafu and i nodded.
"i'm free all day, just let me know the time!" mafu smiled.
"i might have some homework to catch up on in the morning, so anytime in the afternoon is good for me," i added.
amatsuki gave us a thumbs up, "perfect! let's just hope the weather is on our side tomorrow and then..." his words trailed off as our friend nqrse walked out of school with an umbrella in hand, "hey nqrse! give me half of that umbrella will ya?!" he said running and squeezing under the umbrella with nqrse.

mafu and i stood there watching people with umbrellas walking out into the rain without a second thought.
"well, i guess we'll be waiting here a whi-what are you doing?!" i began but cut myself off from seeing mafu take his jacket off and hold it over his head.  he motioned for me to come underneath the jacket as well.
"no, no, absolutely not," i shook my head and waved my hands, "i didn't wear a jacket today, and we won't both fit under yours. i really do not want to get wet."
mafumafu shrugged, "be quiet and come over here, the rain probably won't stop anytime soon, and we just need to run to the bus stop just down the street."
i sighed and held half the jacket over my head as well.
"on my go, we run," mafu said.
"okay okay but shouldn't we coordinate our steps fir-"
"NOW!!" mafu shouted, cutting me off, as he started running. i stumbled from the sudden tug at the jacket above me but i quickly caught up before the jacket fell off.

cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now