𝐈 - 𝐀 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥

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As Dreamfyre landed on the ground before the Dragon Pit, Daenys patted the dragon smiling. "- Well done my beauty."

The princess unsaddled the blue-scaled creature and smiled at the keepers of the pit who bowed their heads. Lord Commander Westerling was waiting for the young lady next to her horse. Upon seeing him, her smile grew even larger.

"- Lord Commander, to what do I own this pleasure?" The knight bowed his head to the princess and helped her on her mount. Climbing on his own horse, the Kingsguard led the way and the princess's horse followed right beside his. "- The King has requested your presence in the small council this afternoon, my princess."

Daenys frowned; she was used to attending all small councils since Rhaenyra had left the capital but there was none planned for today.  "- Do you know what matter will be discussed sir?"

Feeling the knight's gaze on her, she turned to look at him. He seemed worried and Daenys did not like it. She had grown close to the man over the years. He'd been protecting her since the day she was born and had been appointed to her watch ever since. She trusted him with her life.

"- It seems it is about a new union for the royal family...". The knight could read the princess's despair in her eyes. Reaching over, he squeezed her hand in his and offered her a smile full of compassion. The little princess was quiet dear to his heart and if the discussion was indeed about this topic, it'd most likely involve her. After all, there were only a few members of the family left to be wed...

As Ser Criston Cole, the Queen's sworn protector and Kingsguard, opened the door to the small council all Lords went silent and Commander Westerling announced the young lady who walked past him into the room. "- Princess Daenys of House Targaryen." 

The entire ride to the castle she had been thinking it over. Could her father break his promise to her and finally wed her off? She didn't think so; at least she hoped he wouldn't betray her like this.

She had expressed her wish to remain home by his side after he had had Rhaenyra married and sent away to Dragonstone. Her father meant the world to her - he was the closest family she had after her older sister left her here alone.

She remembered feeling the same fear but then relief a few years ago, as the Queen had announced the wedding of her children. Helena and Aegon were meant to be wed many years ago Alicent had decided; not that her daughter's wishes mattered...

There was still Aemond who was yet to be married or maybe they would marry Aegon's son to his daughter. Or maybe Daenys was right to be worried and her father couldn't keep his promise.

Clearing her throat, she watched the faces around the table trying to forget about her uneasiness on coming to this meeting and focused instead on appearing strong and powerful, as a Targaryen princess.

At the head of the table, her father, the King, seated at his usual place a grin plastered on his face as he watched his daughter. The other members of the council were at their respectful places as always. Something was unusual though... The presence of her siblings had never been requested but when the marriage was announced.

Daenys sighed internally; it was most likely Aemond was to marry, she thought. Bowing slightly her head to her father, she walked to him and laid a kiss on his cheek before gaining her place next to her siblings. "- Daenys, my dear, now that you're here, we may start my Lords."

The Hand, Otto Hightower, cleared his throat and let his eyes fall on Daenys. "- Your Grace, yet another offer for the princess' hand arrived this morning from Casterly Rock."

This had Daenys' heart take a fast pace. Beside her, Helena had noticed how her sister had gotten tensed and decided to take her hand offering her some support.

The princess gladly took the hand offered to her and smiled at her little sister who had become as much of a sister to her as Rhaenyra was.

Yet despite the comfort brought by Helena, she was still waiting for her father's words on the matter. He seemed tired. He always did lately.

"- That matter has already been settled, Otto. Daenys is to remain here, by my side. I will not have her sent away." Viserys did not like his Hand's attempts to send his daughter away. He grew tired of it. His breathing quickened as he leaned back against the back of his chair.

The girl let out a small sigh of relief eyeing lord Otto's reaction. He nodded to the King but carried on nonetheless with his speech about the princess.

-"Yes, your Grace, the princess is indeed to remain in the capital by your side. But she's a princess; it'd only be fitting for her to wed... She's of age not to mention the most beautiful maiden in the Rea-" Slaming his fist on the table, the King rose from his seat, agitated.

"- I will not have her sent away to some Lord! She's my daughter." Her father hadn't looked so angry in months. She was happy to have him on her side. A smile made its way on her lips.

However Otto knew no limit as he carried on. "- Your Grace, there's a solution to this matter that would not require for the princess to leave Kingslanding. One perhaps closer to home..." He would not give up.

Daenys' smile faded from her lips as she noticed her father's reaction as his curiosity was picked. "- Prince Aemond is a good match for her ladyship. He would ensure that she remains home and the family be strengthened...".

She could see it on his face; he was truly considering it and it frightened her. She felt Helena squeeze her hand but it did little to reassure her. She saw the flicker in her father's eyes as his gaze fell on Aemond. Her heart nearly stopped as she watched with horror her own father silently agreeing to this match. She dropped her hand and stormed out of the room hearing his calls for her. "Daenys! Daenys!"

Ser Westerling followed after the princess only to realize where she was headed; the stable. She saddled her white horse and did not wait for the knight to catch up before departing for the Dragon Pit feeling hot tears leave her eyes.

Up in the sky on the back of Dreamfyre was the only place where she felt safe at that moment. She had felt safe at home despite the presence of the Queen and her father, the Hand. But they had too much of an influence on Viserys. 

She had never thought of the possibility to wed her younger brother. Four years younger than her, Aemond was handsome though he was left with one eye only after a fight with their nephews. And she had always thought of him as clever. He was also a skilled swordsman.

The prince did have something to him, not to mention the fact that he rode Vaghar, the largest dragon in the world. Shaking her head, she cursed herself for even thinking about him in such a way.

The view from up here was quite something. Kingslanding was a beautiful city and the Red Keep, a stunning red castle. It was her home. Yet the last place she wanted to be. Instead of returning to the Dragon Pit, Daenys flew to the second place she called home. Dragonstone.

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