𝐕 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Today was her wedding. The Hightowers hadn't wasted any time in announcing and organising their union. Alicent had taken great care of all the preparations. Aemond was her favourite son after all. Everything had to be perfect. His bride, on the other hand, remained a mystery to the Queen. Despite her best efforts, the princess wouldn't let her in. She was closed off around her. And around the rest of her family for the matter. Although she had found a friend in Helena, the two girls spent only little time together. The Queen had decided today things would change. Daenys was to be her daughter and the mother of her grandchildren after all. It was about time the two got close.

In this spirit, Alicent had Daenys' wedding dress made of the finest silk in the world. It was a beautiful long sleeved white gown embroidered with golden dragons and a thin cape hanging at the back. She brought it to the princess' room herself. It should have been the late Queen Aemma's duty to care for the girl on this particular day. As her father's wife, she had taken it on her to carry out this duty. She knocked softly on the princess' door before opening it. "- Marry, thank all seven Gods you're here! Please tell me I don't look completely horrible?" The silver haired maiden sat at her table in front of her mirror frowning at her appearance. Not able to see who had entered her chambers, she assumed it had been her maid Marry. Alicent left the dress on a seater and walked to the princess smiling. "- You always look beautiful, dear". Daenys froze as she saw the Queen and the smile she wore left her lips almost immediately. "Your Grace, thank you". Alicent smiled softly at her and took the brush that laid on the table. She started brushing through her long wavy silver hair. It remained her of the time she used to do this for Rhaenyra, although she wore them straight. Her own daughter never let her approach this close. Helena seemed frighten every time she would try to touch or comfort her.

The silence felt heavy as the Queen brushed through Daenys' hair. The princess was intrigued, to say the least, of her presence here in her chambers on this particular day. She was already feeling stressed about this day as it was. All of the lords and Ladies paramount had gathered in the Red Keep to witness this royal union. It wasn't every day that a prince wedded a princess. Although, it was the custom in her family. The House of the Dragon had seen but just 2 unions within its ranks in the last two decades. The King and former Queen were cousins. Aemma's mother was the Targaryen princess Daella whilst her father was Lord paramount of the Vale. Viserys' parents were the crown prince Baelon The Brave and the princess Alyssa Targaryen, siblings to Aemma's mother. They did not live long enough to rule as Viserys succeeded directly his grandfather as King.

There had also been Rhaenyra's wedding to her uncle Daemon; a wedding held in the privacy of their family home. The enthusiasm of the Lords and Ladies of the realm regarding Daenys and Aemond's marriage was understandable and most very welcomed by the Queen and her father. It was a great opportunity for the greens to show the rest of the realm that the dear princess had taken their side. Although she would never make such declarations, she would be Aemond's wife now. As it is well known, marriage is only about a political arrangement.

" I am very sorry your mother isn't here to assist you through this day." Alicent interrupted Daenys' thoughts and not with the most pleasant subject. The reminder of her mother's absence stunk to her heart. She was so little when she had left them. All she could remember of her was her beautiful smile and how she would sing her songs in High Valaryan before bed. Upon seeing the grieved look on the girl's face, Alicent smiled gently at her reflection in the mirror. "- She would be very proud of you and the woman you've become." Somehow it felt good to hear those words. Her father and sister never talked of her mother. It pained them too grandly and so she would restrain from asking about her. Alicent's comment brought a soft ghostly smile on her lips. It was the first time she had genuinely smiled at anything the Queen had said. "What was she like? I can't remember much about her..." As Alicent had finished braiding the princess' hair, she rested her hands gently on her shoulder as she stood smiling nostalgically behind her. "- Queen Aemma was... a kind and gentle soul. She loved deeply her children. Unfortunately, the lost of many of them had left her incredibly sad." Alicent felt her eyes getting watery as she remembered Rhaenyra's mother who had brought her so much comfort as she had lost her own mother. Noticing the silent tears rolling down on the Queen's cheek, Daenys felt empathy for her. The very first time she felt any kindness towards her truthfully.

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