𝐈𝐕 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥

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After Daenys' encounter with Aemond the other evening, she couldn't help but think again and again at this last sentence. "I can't wait to make you mine, dear sister ". Ever since that night, she had had this heavy feeling whenever she stood in the same room as him. Despite being younger, the prince's presence held a powerful and intimidating aura. He had a straight posture and a determined look on his face at all times. In truth, she had only seen his perfect emotionless facade fade once; on that night.

The princess found herself smiling as she thought of her little prince; Baelon, her son by Aemond. She remembered him perfectly from her dream... The babe had the white silver hair of the House of the Dragon and the purple eyes of his mother. He was to be handsome just like his father. And So Daenys knew that this dream of hers was a vision of her future. A future as Aemond's wife.


Viserys was very disappointed not to see his daughter at dinner last night. Although he could understand her reasons for not coming, he had hoped to talk to her. He could only assume she felt betrayed... He wanted to reassure her; that no decision would be made without her leave.

The King wasn't close to his children by his second wife, yet he knew Aemond was by far the best of his two first-born sons. He had heard great things about the prince, not to mention his skills in High Valyrian. He seemed to be a good match for his dear daughter. Viserys wasn't cruel though. On the contrary, Daenys's happiness was precious to him. He knew he wouldn't be living for long... and she had a whole life waiting ahead of her. He could only leave this world in peace knowing that both his daughters were contented and happy. Aemond could be just what Daenys needed.

The old King sighed as he leaned against his chair admiring the structure built on the table. Old Valyria. The greatest Empire of all time, born by his ancestors. His family legacy weighed heavy on his frail old shoulders. He could only hope he had lived up to the name. The future of the House looked bright with Rhaenyra as heir, he thought. The succession was secured and the Crown was strong.

The doors opened loudly as Ser Erryk announced the summoned guest. "- Princess Daenys, your Grace". In the door frame stood his daughter tall. How she looked like her mother... Unconsciously Viserys toyed with the ring on his finger, his dear Aemma's ring. He smiled at her and motioned for her to take the seat next to his. Graciously, Daenys sat avoiding her father's gaze. The door closed and the room fell silent. Not for long though, the old man cleared his throat before taking her hands in his.

"- My dearest child..." Lifting her gaze to her father, she thought to herself that he somehow aged faster as the days went by. It made her fear what the next years might hold. She had been angry at him for considering Otto's proposal but now, as she knew everything, she no longer held anger towards him. She had just felt sadness that her father, her protector, had wanted to offer her to a man without asking for her permission. Little did she know that was the reason why she had been summoned here on that day.

"- I will do it, father. I will marry Aemond." Viserys wasn't expecting it. It took him by surprise, to say the least. His mouth hung open as he stared eyes wide open at his little girl who looked dead serious. Daenys rolled her eyes and stood. She walked around the table laying her delicate fingers on the gray structures. "- Why the sudden change of heart?" This time it was her father who stood. Her eyes remained fixed on the table as she answered. "- I had a dream." It was the first time she had talked to her father or anyone about her dreams. In truth, she was fearing his reaction. Her eyes lift up to meet his, curious to see how he'd react. Viserys hadn't had dreams in years, yet to know his daughter had this gift. He rushed to her sides taking her face in his hands. "- Daenys you have the gift! Very few amongst us do. Tell me child what did you see?" His hands were lightly shaking, he was overwhelmed by the news. She smiled and gently removed his hands from her face guiding him towards his chair. As they sat back down, she sighed and started explaining to him the dream she had had. The King was listening very carefully to her words, fascinated and proud. Daenys the Dreamer, she lived up to the name.

"- Baelon..." Viserys had a ghostly nostalgic smile on his lips as he reached forward taking her hands. "- That is my father's name." Daenys had never heard her father speak if his father nor his mother for that matter. She felt curious and intrigued as she knew this was her chance to ask about them. "- The Spring Prince, wasn't he?" Viserys' smile brighten as he nodded. His eyes were getting watery as he laid a kiss on his daughter's head. Daenys understood this as her clue to leave. Today was not the day she would hear stories of his past.


On the morrow, a Small council was announced. Daenys knew well what it was about. She was wearing her long wavy hair loose and had a red dress. It had long sleeves and an opened neckline. Her dress was embroidered with golden details. She looked like a Targaryan princess. She had come early to the meeting, she was the first to arrive. She took her seat to father's left and as she waited she was playing with her ring feeling nervous. The room started filling up slowly. Otto Hightower took his seat opposite to hers. "- My princess, such a lovely day isn't it?" He didn't usually adress to her but to argue. "- It is indeed, my Lord Hand."

Through the doors now walked Aemond who smirked as he had his sister's gaze on him. Every Lord in the room bowed his head to greet the prince just as they did for Daenys. However Aemond did not take his seat, instead he walked to stand behind his sister as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. "- Good morrow sister, you look beautiful." Only the Grand Maester could understand and he did not dare lift his eyes as they remained locked on the floor. Daenys nodded and felt relieved to know her brother wanted this wedding. As Viserys arrived, he noticed his son standing behind his daughter. It earned a smile on his lips and he walked to his chair. Before sitting down, he smiled at the couple patting Aemond's shoulder. "- Have a chair brought for the prince." The servants rushed to answer their King's demand and brought a chair for Aemond to sit next to Daenys. "- Very well, now this council may begin." Otto cleared his throat and stood tall. "- My Lords, we are gathered here today to announce the wedding of our dear princess Daenys to our prince Aemond." They all cheered, even Otto himself had a smile on his lips as he whispered for Aemond. "- Well done."

As the meeting ended, the room started to clear. Before Daenys could stand, Aemond laid his hand on her thigh holding her in place. They watched as the room was finally cleared and the door closed. The prince turned to face his sister, yet her eyes were already on him. He smirked and reached for a strand of her hair. "- Will you not say anything?" She didn't. He had this smirk never leaving his lips as he moved his hand further up on her thigh. Daenys gasped as she felt his hand moving between her thighs. "- Aemond what are you doing..." He pulled her face closer to his with his free hand. He wanted to taste those lips of hers. Everything about her drove him crazy. He had restrained himself from doing anything before but then a marriage between the two was discussed. The possibility alone of having her as his wife made him loose all control. He couldn't wait any longer, he took her month as his hand was still grabbing her hair on the back of her head. He wanted her closer to him. He pushed his tongue in her mouth as he took control of the kiss. Daenys' hand went to touch his face but he flinched immediately and leaned back.

They were both breathless as they stared at each other. He was worried she found him repulsive because of his eye. But all of those thoughts faded away as he looked at her. Her hair had gotten messy because of his hand grabbing at it. Her lips swollen because of his kiss. She looked perfect. He had made her look like this. "- What are we doing Aemond?". Was she regretting kissing him? He tore his gaze away from her and stood to walk towards the door. "- Don't leave." Her voice not louder than a whisper stopped him in his tracks. He felt guilt wanting to leave her like this. He wasn't a man to talk about his feelings. He turned around and stopped to stand next to her. He took her face in his hands and laid a soft gentle kiss on the crown of her head. "- If I don't stop now, I won't be able to stop later." With this, he left the room and the princess lost in her thoughts.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now