𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧

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"- I have tried to be gentle with you. But it's time you know whom you belong to." Aemond kicked the door to their chambers open as Daenys slammed her fists desperately against his very muscled hard chest, to no avail. The knight assigned to their watch closed the door behind the couple. The prince threw his wife's body on the mattress. She tried to catch her breath from all the shootings and punching. Her cheeks had turned red and her luscious lips were pouted. Her pink dress was still stained by Aegon's wine and her silver blond hair was scattered around her as she laid on the mattress. She looked so tempting that the prince would have joined her on the bed, were he not so enraged. He clenched his jaw as he remembered his brother's hand in her hair. "- You are mine! My wife." He walked up to the side of the bed and laid a knee on the mattress. His hands reached for her face where he held her in place. " - You will never be with him or any man ever again without my presence at your side" His hand slid to her throat and his grip tightened. Daenys had never seen this side of him; she was scared yet she knew he would not harm her. Instinctively, her own hand moved to his wrist. The hold wasn't strong enough for her to be out of breath, yet his grip was possessive and firm. When he took note of the look of worry in her eyes, he loosened his grip and stepped back. His eye fell on the floor and he left the room without glancing back at her.


After two moons of not addressing her husband, the princess felt somewhat guilt. Aemond had attempted to interact with her on many occasions, yet she wouldn't nudge. She didn't even spare him a glance. She didn't even sleep in the same bed as him anymore. Daenys had claimed her sister's former apartments as her own. The court wasn't oblivious to the tension between the younger prince and his wife. Quick enough, gossips amongst the ladies had spread. One in particular stood out and even had reached the Queen's ears. Lady Vagrem of Myrrh had witness the princess helping the older prince to his chambers. She had, of course, told all her lady friends about her theory that prince Aemond had caught his wife in his brother's bed -not really far from the truth. The King was furious as Otto had reported the gossip to him. He had ordered him to find the source of this slander and take their head. The Hand happily obliged and on the morrow, Lady Vagrem of Myrrh's head on a spike had decorated the gates of Kingslanding. Now, the smears had died and no one dared to speak of this, afraid their heads may be the next to find themselves on a spike.

Daenys was having her breakfast with Helena in her- Rhaenyra's- chambers. While she did certainly not appreciate the way her husband had forbidden her to be seen alone with any man, including their own brother, she understood now why it could be a problem. The princess rarely left her chambers and would only allow Helena to visit her. Her younger sister brought her twins with her as she knew her children would cheer the princess up.

The little Jahaera sat on her aunt's laps giggling as the princess tickled her. Helena sat on a chair eyeing the interaction, rubbing her pregnant belly. "- You're good at this, you know sister." A faint smile appeared on the young mother's lips. "- Hardly" a laugh escaped the older sister's lips as the little girl in her arms twisted in a fist of laughers and giggles. Focused on the child in her laps, she gasped in surprise as a tiny hand tugged at her dress. A little silver head looked up at her with big hopeful eyes that reminded her of Aegon's. She smiled gently at the little prince and picked him up in her arms. The twins enjoyed the company of their aunt. They were nothing like their shy mother. In truth, they were little copies of their father- always rambling something and curious to explore their surroundings.

Jaeherys' hand wrapped around a lock of his aunt's hair and a large smile spread on his young face. "- When I'm older, I want to have a wife just as beautiful as you!" Rubbing her nephew's hair, the princess laughed at the declaration. His mother sighed defeated. "- Everyday, I pray all seven Gods he doesn't become like his father."  As Jahearys tugged at his sister's hair, the latter started crying and a nurse immediately rushed to take the children away. Daenys rose from her seat and walked to where her younger sister sat. "- There's nothing wrong with Aegon. May I?" Helena nodded and so the princess laid her hand gently on her sister's very pregnant belly. A smile on her lips, she felt the babe's little kicks. "- It's amazing" The young  mother wore a frown on her face. "- Soon, you will have your own child growing inside you. Believe me, you won't be finding that amazing when they kick you." The pout on her face made her appear younger then she was. Daenys laughed before laying a kiss on her little sister's forehead. "- It won't happen any time soon, seeing how we stand with my dearest husband." Any trace of happiness left her face as she took her seat next to Helena. "- He loves you." As her gaze fell back on her young sister, she frowned. "- Love. I'm afraid there's no place for that in our marriages." Helena smiled knowingly and reached for Daenys' hand. "- You will have love, more than one. But only you shall remain." Helena started into blank space, her eyes distant, lost. Daenys had always wondered where she went when she just blacked out like this.

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