𝐕𝐈𝐈 - 𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧

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Daenys was furious to say the least. Not only did Aemond command her maids to force the necklace upon her but he also didn't respect her privacy by reading the letter to Rhaenyra. She had left the prince behind her as she stormed away for their chambers. On her way to the gardens, she stumbled across Aegon, a cup full of wine in his hand. She caught him before he could fall on the floor, yet the content of his cup spilled on her dress and the paper she was holding. "- OW f-forgive me my lady" Her brother was mumbling some drunken nonsense as he attempted to straighten himself. Back on his two feet, he squinted his eyes to have a better look at the lady's face. Daenys wasn't angry at Aegon; she couldn't careless about her dress nor the letter as Aemond had already seen its content. She was just glad her dear husband hadn't followed her or she would have punched him in his so handsome face. She sighed and wrapped her arm around the drunken prince's waist to help him walk. He breathed in the scent of her hair "- My lady you have the hair that smell the- the best from alllll the hairs I have smelled and I have smelled a lot of hairs! Brunettes, gingers, blondes, everything." Daenys let out a small chuckle as her brother would run his hand through her hair. "-Silver" Aegon had a drunken smile plastered on his lips. "- My wife's hair are the same colour and owww there- there was this whore" Aegon frowned as he tried to make his brain work.

His drunken mumbling made Daenys forget about her marital issues. She actually had found herself enjoying the presence of her elder brother. Admittedly, she preferred to see him sober, yet his drunken jokes would always bring a smile to her lips. The two siblings weren't really close though. They would only talk when she found him drunk in a corner of the castle and she would help him to his chambers. In all honesty, Daenys had not as much love for her other siblings as she did for Rhaenyra as the sisters were bond by their mother. Yet Aegon, Aemond and Helena were still her blood by her father and she loved them all dearly. If she took care of her elder brother as he drank too heavily, they would never speak of this when he was sober. It was wether a silent agreement or Aegon was just too drunk to remember; either way Daenys appreciated the absence of conversations on the topic. She did not particularly desire to have smears about a romantic relationship between Aegon and her start.

Arriving to the kitchen, cooks and servants bowed their heads to the two intruders and Daenys asked them kindly to leave. "- You have a soft voice" She had nearly forgotten about the heavy smiling mass leaning on her shoulder for support. She gently made him sit on a nearby chair. He seemed to hold himself on his seating quiet alright. Satisfied by her work of making Aegon sit, the princess turned away in the search of some water and cake. A loud commotion startled her and when she found the source of it, she couldn't help herself but laugh. The prince had fallen on the ground and on his fall, he had brought a plate full of flour with him. Defeated, he was just laying on the floor eyeing the celling, face and clothes covered in the white powder.

Smiling at her brother's dumbfounded expression, Daenys bent down to his level. She blew gently before his face and the flour dispersed as dust in the air. Offering him a hand, she noticed how his eyes fell to her cleavage and she almost let her hand hide the little breast exposed before she remembered this was her brother. Her very perverted brother. She brushed the feeling off as he grabbed her hand to stand. He stumbled against her as he rose to his feet and started laughing. "- How is it that I laugh the most when I'm with you?" The princess shrugged smiling. "- I suppose I am simply there when you are the drunkest, my brother."

The silver haired lady brought a cup of water to her brother who pouted upon seeing the clear liquid. "- Unless it is alcohol I am not drinking it." She rolled her eyes as she handed him the cup. As she understood he wouldn't nudge, sighing, she lifted the cup to his lips. A large smile stretched on the prince's lips as his sister attempted to hydrate him. Obediently, he drank the water for the cup and she would whip the water left on his lips with a cloth. Although the prince could feel himself regaining soberness, he enjoyed the motherly care his sister gave him and decided he could faint drunkenness for a little while longer.

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