𝐕𝐈 - 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬

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Aemond laid his hand on Daenys' cheek and no louder than a whisper, he reassured her "- Worry not. I will take care of you." He had hoped to reassure her with those words, yet he could still see the worry in her lilac eyes. He frowned taking note of the curious stares the couple was getting from by-passers. The prince took his wife's hand in his and led the way to his chambers. Daenys' belongings had been brought to Aemond's bedchambers earlier on the day so that the newlyweds could settle down in their now shared appartements. A membre of the Kingsguard followed close behind making himself discreet by keeping a good distance from the couple.

As he closed the door, she didn't turn to face him but she could hear him breathing from behind her. After the sound of fabric moving, she could feel his hands sliding around her waist and his breathing near her ear. The maiden was intrigued to see how her prince would be like in intimacy. The anxiety of the first time faded away as she felt his hands on her. "- Follow my lead." He turned her around so she would face him earning a gasp leaving her parted lips. Sizing the opportunity, Aemond's month claimed hers as he inserted his tongue past her lips. His hands roamed her body as he rid her of her dress not letting go of her lips. They tasted sweet like cherry. He had decided the first time he had tasted them that it would be his favourite flavour.

She undid the buttons of his jacket and let it slide to the floor before tucking at his white shirt. Letting go of him, she stepped away smiling. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes as she removed a strap of her dress' slip. Aemond liked to see this bold side of his wife. He was eyeing her as he walked towards her. He stood tall in front of her as one of his fingers slid under the remaining strap to let it fall off her shoulder and the tiny gown followed to the floor. Daenys didn't feel particularly uncomfortable being naked under his scrutinising eye.

His hand reached for her naked waist as he dragged her closer to his body. "- I believe that you are overdressed husband." The princess looked up at him defiantly as her fingers slid underneath his shirt. She could feel his muscles contract at her touch and her smile grew even larger. She lifted up the fabric over his head and took a moment to admire his chiselled chest. There was no denying that Aemond was well built as he practised the sword every morning. Yet Daenys had never seen it and she started laying kisses on every inch of skin at display. He stopped her as she had reached his pants by guiding her towards their bed. He laid her down under the covers and kissed her lips before standing to undo his pants. Daenys eyed him all the while feeling her nervousness rising back inside her.

Standing in all his naked glory, Aemond marched confidently to his bed where his wife was laying. He positioned himself on top of her supporting his weight with his hands on the mattress. How she looked beautiful and desirable laying naked in his bed. "- I'll be gentle." The prince kissed her lips and slid his hand between their bodies. He positioned himself at her entrance. "- Will it hurt?" She had spoken in a whisper that he barely heard. Yet he did and stopped in his track to bring his hand to gently cup her face. "- It will. Yet I'll try to be gentle." Daenys wanted it only to be done quickly. She didn't particularly enjoy feeling pain. She didn't know much about sexual intercourses but what the ladies of the Court would whisper about. They all talked about how the bedding on the first night was painful.

Upon noticing the worry on his newly wife's face, Aemond gently parted her legs and let his fingers wonder. Daenys gasped as she felt his finger touching her in the most intimate part of her anatomy. He had started gently to rub the wet lips before slowly pushing a finger past them. The maiden felt confused as the feeling was pleasurable. She started moving her hips enjoying the sensation. She almost protested as he had removed his finger. Bringing the tip of his cock to her entrance, he laid kisses on her chest's bare skin. Slowly he inserted himself inside her making sure to give her time to adjust. She did feel pain however the feeling faded away quickly to be replaced by overwhelming pleasure. The prince started trusting gently and then faster and harder not able to control his lust for the princess. Soon moans of pleasure would escape her lips as she whispered his name digging her nails in his shoulder. She could feel the sensation reaching its high as her husband's trusts would fasten. She rolled her eyes as she felt her body shake and a warm feeling spreading in her entire being. Aemond closed his eyes breathless as he felt the warm liquid spring from the tip of his sex into his wife.

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