𝐗 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬

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When Aemond woke up, it was to an empty bed. His wife and their son no longer in his arms, the young prince frowned and hurried to his feet to get dressed. He made sure his dagger was safely tugged in his jacket, easy to reach, yet hidden from prying eyes. As he walked out of the room, an unusual smile was playing on his lips. Knowing Daenys as well as he did, she must have brought the babe to their father. Following this logic, Aemond pushed the doors to his father's appartements slowly open.

The sight before him felt him speechless. His wife had fallen asleep in the arms of none other than their brother. The little prince was fast asleep in a curb next to them. It should have been him watching over his son and holding his wife. How dare Aegon usurped his place in his own family? Aemond was blinded by rage, his palms turned into fists and he launched himself on his older brother.

The oldest prince hadn't seen his brother enter the room as he was too focused on listening to the peaceful breathing of their sister. Aemond threw Aegon on the floor and punched him in the face before receiving a punch himself.

Furious, he gripped his older brother by the throat and carried him to the balcony. Trying desperately to free himself, Aegon kicked and struggled against his opponent's strong grip. In all the commotion, his foot made contact with a vase and the frail object shattered into piece as it fell on the ground.

« - How dare you touch her like this?! She is not yours! » The words left Aemond's mouth like venom filled with hatred. Barely able to breath, Aegon's eyes started to flutter close when suddenly his brother's grip loosened. « - Let. him. go. Aemond. » As Daenys pressed an edge-cutting piece of the shattered vas against her husband's throat, her voice lost any trace of kindness and love it held when she usually addressed him. It was laced with anger and the piece of porcelain pressed close to his throat only amplified her threat.

Aemond let out a chuckle and his grip on Aegon's throat strengthened. "- You're defending him?!" Scoffing, the princess frowned as she looked at their dumbfounded brother's pale face. "- Of course I'm defending him! He's our brother! Let him go. At once!" Reluctantly loosening his grip, the youngest prince threw one last dirty glare at his older brother. Daenys let her weapon fall to the floor, as her husband walked out of the room fuming.

The princess rushed to her young brother and helped steady him back on his feet. Aegon started laughing as his sister dropped him on the couch. "- Aaah, that was funny." Sighing, the princess face-palmed herself muttering a swearing under her breath.


Daenys stood before the castle's gate, wearing a long sleeved red gown with a matching cap hanging at the back. She had her silver blond hair braided giving her a neat look. The pregnancy had taken a toll on her and she was still recovering. She usually loved to have her hair loose, yet now with the pregnancy, every little thing irritated her so quickly. She was grateful for having it tided up for once.

The princess wasn't much one for waiting. She impatiently stared at the horizon above the gates hoping to catch a glimpse of the golden carriage. Yet, nothing... She sighed and started fidgeting with her fingers restless. Suddenly, the big double doors bursted open as a guard announced her sister and uncle's arrival. Without sparing a minute, she rushed to the carriage's door and as soon as her sister stepped out, she muffled her in her arms. Rhaenyra laughed as she hugged her little sister back. "- I've missed you, sister." She whispered as she wrapped her arms tighter around her petite body. Pulling away from one another, the Princess of Dragonstone's eyes fell on her sister's flatten belly. Her hand gently reached for it and she smiled gently looking up at her. "- How are you feeling?" Daenys nodded and dismissed the talk with a wave of her hand. Her pregnancy and her son were all people could talk about with her these days. Her uncle stood behind his wife smirking as the young princess' eyes fell on him. "- Your favorite uncle doesn't deserve a warm welcome?" It was enough to have her jump in Daemon's arms. The prince laughed and held her by the waist tightly.

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