𝐗𝐈𝐈 - 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧

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"- Aunt Rhaenys?" The black-haired lady stepped forward in the room and pulled the princess in a warm embrace. "- I am so sorry for your father." Daenys nodded and pulled away not desiring to discuss any further the topic. "- What are you doing here? At this hour of the day... Has something happened? Is it Lord Co-" Rhaenys quickly waved her hand in the air hushing her niece. She let out a sigh and eyed the knight who stood dutifully by the door. Ser Arryk nodded and walked to the ladies pulling out from his bag a brown cloak with a hood similar to the one the elder lady was wearing and handed it to the younger princess.

Daenys looked hesitantly at her aunt not understanding what was happening. "- My aunt... what is the meaning of this?" Rhaenys frantically grabbed her by the shoulders. "- Things are about to change here. They're going to name Aegon king." Baffled by the news, Daenys' mouth hang open as she realized the heavy meaning of her aunt's words. "- But- but Rhaenyra-" Hushing her again, the elder princess was getting impatient. "- Now is our only chance to escape Daenys. Take your son and come with us."

Daenys' eyes traveled to her son who was laying in his crib glued to his egg. Escape? Kingslanding was her home. However unpleasant her relationships with some members of the family were, she had spent her whole life here. It was her family's home. And then there was Aemond... Not to mention that they had a child now. Could she take her son away from his father?

"- I cannot go with you..." She handed the cloak back to the knight and shook her head slightly. The knight reluctantly took the cape and sighed. "- You have changed princess..." Daenys' gaze fell to the floor unable to meet his. She was worried to think that his statement held some truth. But this wasn't only about her. She was a mother now. She couldn't simply abduct her son away from his father. "- I grew up with only one of my parents. I do not wish to inflict the same fate upon my son."

Rhaenys nodded and took her hands in hers. "- You do well. A mother must always put her children first..." A melancholy danced in the eyes of the Lady of Driftmark. Only she could know how true those words were. The knight cleared his throat interrupting her thoughts. "- We must go my lady. The hour is late" The elder princess gave the knight a curt nod before refocusing on the woman before her. "- Be careful. Your life is in danger now." Her gaze fell on the crib next to her niece. "- And protect him. At any cost." After a warm embrace, Rhaenys left the chamber with ser Arryk leaving Daenys alone with her thoughts.


After her aunt's departure, Daenys couldn't stop thinking about her words. Could the Hand and the Queen really be as bold as to go against her father's wishes and name Aegon as the new monarch? The princess knew the answer and a feeling of profound disgust settled in her. She felt guilt for letting herself be comforted by her stepmother when all the while she was plotting to usurp her sister's throne. All those warnings about a war between the greens and the blacks to her father showed to be true. Here she was now, in the middle of a war bound to break her House in two, not to mention her own family...

Aemond was a green after all. Her dear husband listened to his mother's every word and would certainly stand up for his older brother if she dictated so. A dreadful feeling crept into her as she recalled her wedding day and the emerald bracelet gifted to her by the Lord of Oldtown. It was more than obvious that they wanted her on their side. Yet the princess would never support Aegon's claim that much was certain. It wasn't what her father had wanted. Even on his dying bed, he had asked her to help Rhaenyra rule. Daenys knew this plot to sit her brother on the iron throne had started since the day he was born.

The giggles of her son pulled the princess out of her thoughts. The little babe had a contagious smile on his face as he tried to reach for his foot. Her lips curling into a smile of her own, the mother bent down to pick up her child. She lifted him up in her arms and started humming a gentle tune. « No matter what happens, I will do anything to protect you, my little dragon. » His little hand grasped for a strand of his mother's silver hair and he rested his head against her chest. Daenys laid a gentle kiss on his forehead as a maid rushed through the door.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now