𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈 - 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧

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As the guard locked the cell's door with his key, the princess sunk to the floor, her eyes filled with tears as she watched the man leave with her child in his arms. She hadn't even noticed the woman who shyly bowed her head in her direction and sat beside her on the floor. "- They won't be keeping us here for long, princess. I suspect that once they have crowned the new King, they will free us." The maiden's words had barely reached her ears as she nodded absentmindedly.

Her thoughts were else where... Daenys couldn't careless about her current predicament. She was more concerned about her son and what Otto and Alicent might do to reprimand her attempted escape.

As the deafening scream of one of her cell's companions was heard, she finally let her gaze fall on the girl next to her. Daenys had seen her once or twice around the castle; she was in Helena's service. The brown haired girl desperately tried to prevent a rat from approaching the princess who seemed to be oblivious to the animal. When the creature slid under the cell's bars, the maiden let out a relieved sigh and turned her gaze to the princess only to be met with her purple eyes settled on her. Layla slightly blushed at the attention and averted her eyes towards the guard standing outside the cell.

"- What's your name?" Daenys asked and all the voices faded away as everyone stared at the princess awaiting her next move. The servants had been surprised when the Hand's guards had brought the silver haired woman to the cells. No one had dared whisper a word about, instead they had all bowed their heads and returned to their gossiping. Anyone who had met the Hand knew better than to question him by fear of what he may do to them.


He needed to talk to her before it was too late. He needed to explain himself, but most of all, he simply wanted to hear her voice and stare at her angelic face. With a small smile tugged at his lips, he gently pushed the door open and entered the dark chamber dimly light by a candle on the nightstand. He quietly walked further into the room and halted as he stood near the bed. He softly whispered her name before reaching for the blanket.

He gently pulled it down expecting to find her sleeping form. Yet, the bed was empty. Sweat started to from on Aegon's forehead as he roughly pulled the blanket all the way out of the bed. He quickly ran to the crib to check on his nephew, only to find it empty. The prince hurriedly searched the room for an indication that his sister was safe. She had perhaps gone to the bathroom or the balcony. Running a hand through his messy silver hair, he desperately tried to convince himself that she was alright.

Aegon could feel his heart-pace quickening as his sister was nowhere to be found. Dark thoughts invaded his mind upon thinking of what could have happened to her. The prince was determined to find his sister, whatever it took.

After spending the better part of the night searching for Daenys without alerting anyone, he had finally discovered her whereabouts. The dragon Lord could feel his temper rise at the mere thought of his beloved sister thrown into a cell. His palms turned into fists as he dismissed the guard.


Daenys didn't know for how long she had been locked up in here, thanks to Layla who turned out to be a great distraction. The maiden was devoted to her family to say the least and it warmed her heart to see her talk with such affection of her younger sister. Helena was lucky to have her by her side, she thought. If only her little sister would be more opened to the outside world...

"-  She has the most beautiful hair I have ever seen! They are so soft to the touching... But so are yours, my princess! Your family is blessed with the most beauti -" As a shadow fell over them, Layla's mouth closed and she quietly bowed her head. Whispers rose in the cell as the door opened. Upon seeing the man, Daenys turned her head away unwilling to look at him.

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