𝐈𝐈𝐈 - 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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Returning to Kingslanding was something Daenys had dread ever since she had made her escape on dragon back. As she imagined, her father hadn't been delighted upon hearing of his daughter's whereabouts. He was furious. He didn't know his child to be so reckless.

Viserys had felt guilt for considering Lord Otto's proposal; he did make Deanys a promis after all. A promis he had intended to keep no matter what. The princess hadn't married yet, not because she hadn't any suiters, on the contrary. Ravens came from all over the Seven Kingdoms and even from across the Narrow Sea asking for her hand. But his daughter had a value to his heart that no gold, castle or territory could ever possibly compensate.

He had a few more years to live and he desired to spend them surrounded by his loved ones. The proposal Otto had made was undoubtedly an interesting one. It would insure Daenys remains by his side and put an end to all the incessant suiters coming to see her. Not to mention, she would eventually birth children of her own making the family stabler. He knew however that his daughter would not consent to it...


As Dreamfyre landed on the ground, Daenys' smile left her lips upon seeing the little group gathered at the Dragon Pit waiting for her return. There was her father, who looked relieved to see his child unhurt and alive, the Queen and by her side, her youngest son, Aemond along with members of the Kingsguard. The travel on her dragon's back had made her nearly forget about the dream she had had last night...

She had tried to change them before but somehow they always ended up to become reality. She knew now that fighting them was futile. Therefore she knew what she was meant to do. After she had unsaddled the blue creature, she walked to her family. She was determined as she held her head high and marched forward to her target.

Bowing her head slightly to her father, her eyes remained locked on the object of her torment. She stopped merely inches away from him as he held her gaze with the sole eye he had left.

"- Brother". Her face was emotionless. Daenys knew better than to fight this. If her dreams had taught her anything, it was that fighting them only gave her hope to be ripped away later. Showing her displeasure to this union would result in nothing. After all, she had seen it. She had seen where her marriage would lead.

"- We were worried." If Daenys excelled in High Valaryan, Aemond did as well. It was the only language the two would speak to one another. Not that they spoke often, but practice was essential to learn their mother tongue. Once in a while, Grand Maester would give a lesson to the two of them.

Aemond would quickly drop his gaze on her body searching for scars. When he found nothing, he felt somehow relieved. "- There was nothing to worry about." The princess turned to her father as she spoke. "- I simply needed some air to think." Viserys sighed and walked to his child to lay a hand on her shoulder.

"- What if something had happened to you Daenys!" The King took the girl in his arms as he whispered in her ear : "-Don't ever do that again."


As she had regained her chambers, Daenys thought again of her dream. How it felt so real... Her thoughts were interrupted as a knock was heard on the door. "- Come in!" To say that the princess was surprised upon seeing her visitor would be an understatement.

"- Lord Hand, what may I do for you?" Ser Arryn stood next to the door as Otto Hightower made his way towards the princess. He slightly bowed his head before clearing his throat.

"- My princess, I had hoped to discuss the late matter that was left without answer..." Daenys sighed; her father didn't even have the guts to come and address her with this matter himself. As it happened, the young maiden had no desire in entertaining the Queen's father in his ridiculous games.

Without any word, she walked to the door holding her head high. "- I do not wish to discuss this matter with anyone but my father." Opening the door, she smiled politely. "- If that'd be all, I will see you at the next small council my Lord."


On the same evening, as the royal family gathered in the dinning hall, Daenys preferred not to join them. She still had to make her peace with the recent event; not to mention she wasn't of good company that night. Through her window, she stared at city that spread from the castle's feet to across the horizon stopping at the blue sea. She wondered what her mother would have thought of this... What advice she would have given her.

"- How I miss you mother..." She smiled fondly at the stars in the sky as she remembered her Septa's words. The Mother is taking care of her Grace, little princess. She's up there in the sky, a shining star. Ever since she was little, she would fly up in the skies and stay for hours. She would feel close to her that way.

"- Prince Aemond, my princess." The door abruptly opened as ser Arryn announced the prince's presence. She eyed him before returning her gaze to the window. "- Aren't you supposed to be at dinner?" She could feel him move closer to her, yet she didn't want to turn around to face him.

As he gave her no answer, she turned around only to find herself face to face with her brother. She gasped in surprised and he smirked at her reaction. "- I've come to get you." She let out a small laugh as his gaze bore into her eyes.

"- Please you never cared about my presence." She lifted an eyebrow and smiled amused. He smirked and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. She could feel his breath fade on her neck and had to stop herself from shivering. "- But of course I'd care about my spouse, sister." As he leaned back, he placed a strand of her blond silver hair behind her ear. Despite their age gap, Aemond stood taller than Daenys. In truth, he had grown into an handsome man skilled with his sword and wise of the books. The princess was well aware of his charms, yet she was also aware of hers.

Aemond smirked as he noticed his sister's cheeks turn in a light shade of pink. "- Lost your tongue?" Upon seeing his cockiness, Deanys smirked as well and stepped closer to her brother. Now standing chest against chest, she tiptoed and found herself at the same height as him. Aemond smiled amused as Daenys laid a gentle kiss on his cheek before stepping aside. "- I won't be dinning this evening brother." She stood away from him and watched as he smirked walking back towards her.

Her first instinct was to back off until her back hit the wall and she found herself trapped between the cold concrete and Aemond's warm body. The young man had a smirk plastered on his lips as he rested his hands on the wall on each side of her face trapping her. "- Dear sister, I cannot wait to make you mine."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now