𝐗𝐈𝐕 - 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫

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Blackness was all Daenys could see. Frantic voices were calling out to her in the darkness and as she attempted to speak, nothing came out. Not a single sound escaped her lips. After what felt like forever trying to fight the obscurity, her body went numb and she let herself be consumed by the dark.

Suddenly, her eyes opened and she found herself in the throne room. Yet there was something unusual about her presence here. She wasn't standing before the Iron Throne or next to it like she was accommodated to do whenever her father held auditions. The princess found herself sitting on the chair before the empty room. The cries of babies echoed in the distance and her thoughts instantly went to her son. Without any trace of hesitation, she hurriedly left her seat and ran towards the double doors at the end of the room.

Pushing through them, she arrived into the Dragon Pit. All around her laid the dead bodies of Dragons for as far as the eye could see. Her hand rose to her lips as a sob left her mouth. She crouched to the floor where the corpse of Arax rested. Blood dripped from the creature where its neck was cut. Taking a closer look, the princess noticed it resembled the mark of a bite. As her hand reached for, Lucerys, her nephew's dragon, the cries of the babies echoed even louder in the pit. Her hand fell to her side as she stood and walked towards the exit.

The room before her looked oddly familiar, yet it wasn't hers. Taking cautious steps into the bedchamber, she halted as she noticed a little boy playing on the rug next to the fire. Upon hearing the woman's footsteps, he turned to face Daenys and a bright smile spread on his lips. He rushed to her and hug her leg tightly. Taken by surprise, the princess' mouth opened as she tentatively brushed the boy's hair. When she felt his grip loosen, she crouched to his level to stare into his familiar lilac orbs. She gently stroke his cheek with her finger and frowned as it felt so real.

The boy was certainly a Targaryen with his silver shinning hair. Could this be a dream? The princess was lost in her thoughts. The boy was perhaps her son. The cries of babies echoed yet again in the room and the boy ran away in the direction of the cries. She couldn't help herself but follow him to what looked like a nursery.

In the middle of the room, laying in a crib, were two babies crying and by their side, stood a boy and a little girl. Their eyes held such a sadness that Daenys felt her heart clutched. She approached the crib and the cries died slowly. Her gaze fell on the pair next to the crib. "- Aunt Daenys, we are waiting for you..." Frowning, she turned to the boy and he frantically grabbed her hand holding it tightly. "- You can still stop this! Only you can, you have to!"

Sitting next to her bed, the King held his sister's hand tightly between his palms as he stared at her face. Even laying unconscious, Daenys Targaryen was beautiful beyond words. Her plump lips looked soft and inviting. Only the Gods knew how much Aegon longed for his sister. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. Her skin felt frozen against his lips. The King gently stroke her cheek admiring her features, when his mother entered the room.

Alicent sat beside her son and gently stroke his back in comfort. "- You should go to your chambers. Prepare for the small Council." The man shook his head in disapproval and held on tightly to the princess' hand. "- She will wake up, Aegon. But you are King now." She reached for her son's hand, yet he wouldn't nudge. The Queen mother sighed in frustration letting her hands fall to her side. "- Fine have it your way! If only you would show the same devotion to your wife..." Aegon couldn't careless about his mother's petty comments. He had put Daenys in harm's way and he could never forgive himself for it. His head hung low as a silent tear rolled down his cheek.


Aemond's fists clenched as he watched from the doorway his brother tend to his wife. Day and night, he stood by her bedside holding her hand. Everything changed after that day for the prince. His brother was King now. Aegon held high authority over everyone in the castle including him. Even their mother and grandfather bowed to him as if he deserved it. He had everything. The crown, the title, the power. Yet he would not take her. Aemond won't ever let it happen. However difficult his wife could be at times, she was his most precious possession. He wasn't about to just let his brother take her.

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