𝐗𝐈 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝

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Waking up in the middle of the night, Daenys couldn't find her sleep. She frowned upon noticing the blanket wrapped tightly around her body. As she glanced to her left, her father was breathing faintly whispering under his breath. "Father?" The princess gently asked lifting herself up from her laid position and turned to check on him. "Rhaenyra?" A gentle smile appeared on her lips and she sighed softly reaching for his hand. "No, it's Daenys, father." His hand remained motionless in her grasp and worry settled in her stomach. "My dreamer..."

Involuntary tears left silently her eyes. He was the only one she had ever told about her dreams. It was their secret, something they shared in common. Not even Rhaenyra had those. Now, it would be her burden alone to bear... The old King's frail trembling hand reached for her face. It gently rested against her cheek. "No no... don't ... cry" His fingers brushed away the tears escaping her eyes and the princess let out a chocked laugh. "Don't be... sad..., for there... is going to be joy... soon..." A worried frown settled on Daenys' face as she tried to make sense of her father's words. "What do you mean?" A loud cough left the King's lips and he painfully grunted. His daughter hurried to straighten him up. He dismissed her help with a wave of his hand and settled back on the pillow sighing. "A daughter... smoothes all... the worries of the world...away... oh Daenys... I wish..."

Hushing him gently, Daenys held the hand to her face as if her life depended on it. Her eyes were filled with tears as she tried desperately to not let a sound leave her lips. She watched as her father's soul left his body. The hand holding her face lost all its vitality and felt heavy in her grip. The regular lifting of Viserys' chest abruptly stopped and she knew. She knew her father was gone for good. Daenys let out the breath she was holding and sobbed loudly resting her numb body next to her father's.


A servant girl gently knocked on the door as Alicent awoke. Clearing her throat the Queen invited the person in. The maid quickly informed her of the scene she had just walked upon as she had intended to help the King with his morning routine. "-  The princess... the poor girl fell asleep by his side..." An involuntary sob left the young maid's lips as she recalled how the young woman laid snuggled next to her father holding onto his hand, dried tears on her cheeks.

The Queen couldn't believe her husband was gone. Clapping a hand over her mouth, a lonely tear fell from the corner of her eye. Just yesterday had she spoken to him, when he told her about Aegon. She quickly dismissed the girl and sent for Daenys. If Alicent was in such a terrible state, she couldn't even imagine how the young mother was feeling...

Dressed in a dark green dress, she sat at the table in the middle of her appartements, two cups of tea and biscuits before her. It disgusted her, the simple thought of eating. How could she eat on such a day? Her mind was clouded with memories of her late husband. Despite the considerable age gape between them, Viserys had always been a nice and kind man to her. The rare arguments the royal couple ever had were always about one topic only ; Rhaenyra. The King had loved blindly his daughter. Almost until the end... Alicent was sure of the words that had left his mouth on the other night, yet she couldn't make sense of his sudden change of heart. Could she have misheard it? She knew well what having doubts would mean and she simply couldn't afford it. Not her nor her children. This was their chance. Her father had warned her all those years ago when the children were still scorning babes of what would happen if Rhaenyra were to be crowned.

As the doors opened, ser Cole's voice echoed in the silent room. "- The princess Daenys, my Queen." As Alicent looked up to the door, the familiar petite figure of her stepdaughter stepped in the room, tightly wrapped in a red blanket. Upon seeing her state, Alicent hurried to her feet and rushed to take the girl in her arms. At first, Daenys stood still not expecting the motherly embrace of her stepmother. Yet having her arms wrapped around her cold body spread warmth through her body. She had been feeling so lonely and now her father was gone... She couldn't refuse Alicent's kindness ; not today, she didn't have the strength for it. Her body relaxed and she leaned into the Queen letting out a sob she hadn't realised she was holding. Alicent ran gently a hand on her back hushing her. "- Oh my sweet girl, it's alright. I got you."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now