𝐈𝐈 - 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Daenys had been welcomed by her older sister as she had landed on the dragon island. Although Rhaenyra enjoyed the comfort of her current home, her ancestors seat, she was missing deeply the presence of her father and sister.

And so she threw a huge souper to celebrate the young princess' arrival. Smiling fondly, Daenys felt loved as she sat at the table next to her sister and her uncle.

Uncle Daemon hadn't aged a day since she last saw him in Kingslanding; he looked fitter than ever. As for Rhaenyra, she was mother of 5 children now and seemed happy and contented with her life.

Everything her father had wanted for her. Daenys hadn't felt this happy in months... Unfortunately, it did not last.

"- Tell me, little dragon, how's life in Kingslanding?" asked Daemon before sipping from his cup making her uncomfortable as she remembered the reason why she'd left the capital in the first place.

"- Well, it was decent as I thought I had father on my side but now..." She looked down at her plate avoiding her sister's gaze.

"- But now... What do you mean?" Rhaenyra was getting agitated. She didn't care about Alicent's anger on her but Daenys... If anything were to ever happen to her little sister, she'd make sure that the Queen's life at court would be unpleasant. After all, she was the heir to the Throne and the future Queen.

Daenys did not want to answer as she knew she would have to eventually mention the marriage; it was the last thing she wanted to talk about. But as it seemed, her sister was persistent.

"- Tell me what has happened. If Alicent di-" Before the lady of Dragonstone could finish her sentence, the little princess cut her off. She knew she would not give up on this matter any time soon.

"- They want me to marry Aemond!" She sighed leaning back into her chair and closed her eyes for a brief moment. Daemon rose to his feet and slammed his fist on the table.

"- This is not happening." Rhaenyra laid gently a hand on her husband's arm.

"- Daemon is right. We will not let this happen to you. You can stay here in Dragonstone with us." She rose from her seat and walked up to her sister and took her hand in hers.

"- I should have taken you with me on the day I left Kingslanding." Looking down at her, she felt so much guilt for leaving her there with these vultures. She had grown though, she was no longer the little child she had left behind.

Daenys had indeed grown and into a beautiful woman with long blond-silver hair and purple valaryan doe-eyes. She didn't ressemble her late mother but had a heart as big as hers. Her beauty and gentleness were praised all around the Seven Kingdoms.

"- It doesn't matter whether I would have left with you or not. Alicent had wanted me married for long." She rose from her chair and stormed out of the room. Rhaenyra sighed and stared after her little sister rubbing her swollen belling unconsciously.

Consumed by her thoughts, she hadn't notice her husband walking up next to her. Daemon laid gently a hand on her belly where his child was growing. "- None of this is your fault."

"- Then why can't I help feeling like it is?" She sighed resting her forehead on his.


Confined to her chambers, Daenys sat on the edge of the balcony balancing her legs and admiring the blue-scaled creature flying in the black sky light up by the moon. Dreamfyre was never far from its rider as the princess tried to leave her dragon as little as possible in the Dragon's pit. A dragon is not a slave. She would tell her father.

Sighing, she stared into the black sky wondering if there was a way out of this outrageous situation. She felt hurt as she thought of her father.

Living in Kingslanding after Rhaenyra's departure wasn't exactly a delight... Her siblings were not the problem as you might think. The issue was her dreadful mother-in-law.

Queen Alicent's incessant attempts to get close to the princess were ridiculous. She kept on desperately trying to get close to the lady, in vein. Daenys knew better than to fall for the Queen's flatteries.

In truth, all Alicent wanted was her sympathy. If the Realm's princess was on her side, it wouldn't matter if Rhaenyra was the heir. Daenys would protect her and her children against the futur Queen's wrath.

Despite all the political games and the plots, she had felt comfort in knowing that her father looked after her. He kept her safe and even gave her a position in small council as the King's voice. She was to report to him on all important matters. It is futile to mention that the Hand did not appreciate the princess's presence. Not that he had a say in this.

As the hour was growing late, Daenys had decided it was best to put an end to this exhausting day. She had walked to her bed and slide down under the covers. Her eyes closed and the princess fell asleep.


"- Your highness, prince Baelon has been asking for his mother since he first woke up." The maid had brought in the little babe who had been crying up until he saw his mother. Stretching his arms towards her, a smile grew large on his face and he giggled. Looking fondly at her son, Daenys picked the silver haired little boy in her arms and laid a kiss on his forehead.

"- Thank you Missara, you may leave us." The maid nodded and headed for the door where a young man stood smiling. "My prince." she bowed her head and left the room.

The prince had walked to Daenys and laid a kiss on her lips before tickling the boy in her arms.  "- How are my loves doing this morning?"


Sun had started to rise when Daenys woke up. She had gone to bed, the mind full of confusion, yet now she knew what she had to do; she was to be wed.

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