𝐗𝐕𝐈- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧

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Aegon found himself unable to move. His feet were glued to the floor and his eyes locked on his son's body. His mother approached him and wrapped her arms around him but he didn't move. He couldn't care less about her affection. His son was dead. He had been killed. His eyes remained fixed on the boy when his sister pulled his wife in her arms. Perhaps if he hadn't been with her, he could have saved him. He pushed his mother away and stormed out of the room, tears threatening to fall. The heavy footsteps of the guards behind him usually bothered him, but today, their presence was a comfort. He walked to the stable and saddled his dark horse. The King and his men could not be found for the rest of the day. They returned to the Red Keep late at night. The young man who had rejected the crown just a few hours ago was no longer. The boy was gone and now stood a king who was determined to crush all his enemies.


Helena's heart was breaking. She clung her knees close to her chest, her entire being shaking. She couldn't forget. She had chosen which of her sons was to be killed. When the two men had broken into her chamber, she had screamed, yet no one had heard. They had made her choose. She hadn't wanted to. She loved all her children the same. The horror in her youngest one's eyes, when his name had left his mother's lips, was burned in her memory.

The young Queen had dismissed everyone, even her sister. She couldn't bear to look at her knowing that it should have been her nephew's blood spilled tonight and not her son's. Rhaenyra was retaliating for Lucreys's murder at the hands of Aemond. If it weren't for Daenys... She shook her head violently. How could she think like this of her sister? She slid down on the bed and wrapped her body tightly in the blanket as tears ran down her cheeks.

Her eyes closed and when they opened again, she found herself before an enormous map-like table. The young queen had heard about it and read stories but she had never seen it in real. Mountains and rivers were carved into it embossing the wooden masterpiece. No candle was light plunging the room into darkness. Tears started running down Helena's face as she whispered. « - Please I'm so tired... don't do this now. I beg of you... » The violent sound of waves crashing on the coast and the obscurity of the night send shivers down her spine and she felt a cold breeze. She knew that none of this was real, yet every time it felt so true... With the back of her hand, she wiped off the wet tears on her cheeks and nodded her head with determination. "- Show me then what there's to see." She called out into the darkness and faint laughter echoed in the empty room. She followed the source of the giggles that led her to the balcony overseeing the Narrow Sea.

Her eyes were glued on the couple who laughed and joked pointing at stars in the black sky. She had seen portraits of them dressing the hallways when she was young. But as her father's health had started deteriorating, her mother had taken charge of the castle. The Red Keep resembled more a temple than the home of a Targaryen King now and all portraits of great figures of the Targaryen dynasty had been packed away. Helena couldn't believe her eyes. She had seen things before, yet never from the past. The Conquer wrapped his arm around Rhaenys's waist and brought her close to his chest.

He reached to cup her face with his hand and brought his lips to hers. The groans of beats could be heard in the dark night as the couple engaged in a passionate kiss. A small smile made its way on Helena's lips as she watched how Aegon loved his wife. That was all she wanted and could never have. The King broke the kiss off wearing a worried expression before starting into the obscure waters on the horizon. "- What has you so worried?" Rhaenys wrapped her arm around her husband's bicep and rested her head on his shoulder. "- Do you think that we'll succeed?" He turned to face her searching for the truth hidden in her lilac eyes mirroring his own. "- Conquering the Continent? Yes, we will. Nothing has ever resisted dragons." He hummed as a reply bringing her hand to his lips and laid a kiss on her knuckles.

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