1 | The Demoness Butler

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*tap* *tap* *tap* (Name)'s shoes started to fill the empty and quiet hallway of the west side of the castle. She was pushing a trolley with the usual that Her Highness likes with his favorite snacks...

     "Your Highness, I have brought your afternoon tea. May I come in?" she knocked from behind. Placing her hand above her skirt. Diavolo opened his office door, "I'll serve you, Your Highness. Do not worry about the tea, I'll give it to you and you should continue doing your paper works."

     "Thank you, (Name)."

     She bowed to her Highness, "It is my pleasure, My Prince Diavolo." Smiling gently at the Prince, she left his room with the trolley.

The castle is unusually quiet, she always hears the agony screams from her torture room, but today's different. Placing the trolley in the kitchen, she explored the castle, searching for what was happening. Placing her right gloved hand under her chin, the balcony on the second floor was opened...

     "How peculiar," she told herself before closing the balcony doors. Returning to where she came from, she felt the gust of wind again and it was coming from the once again opened balcony doors. "I couldn't sense any demon nearby."

Just then, a black horse with a carriage appeared in front of her, it was floating to say at least. (Name) caressed the horse's head, inspecting its origin. Widening her eyes from the realization, she was sucked into the carriage's coffin...

     "(Name)? (Name)?" Diavolo called, searching for her presence. "That's odd. She always leaves with my permission, where has she gone to..." He asked himself, still searching for her.

(Name), awoke from the deep sleep she was forced in, stood up to see herself face to face with a mirror. She was inside a room, filled with green-lit candle sticks, extravagant violet-blue curtains, and a neat floor. In instinct, she touched the mirror to see not her reflection but someone else's...

     Concentrating on a spell, she tried breaking the mirror. Her hand summoned a black circle with different symbols inside a red-outlined star. To her surprise, her magic bounced back to her, "Fascinating." She backed away when the image in front of her started to move its mouth.

Ah, my appealing lady...

The noble and alluring flower of wickedness...

You are the most attractive woman in this world...

Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror...

(Name), who was curious and cautious at the same time, took the clawed hand reflected in the mirror. The hand firmly gripped hers, restraining her from running away. For once, her strength was overpowered by a mirror...

Flames that turn stars into ashes...

Ice that imprisons even time...

The great tree that can terminate life itself...

Don't be afraid of the power of evil...

Come now and show your power...

Mine, their, yours...

We only have a nick of time remaining, do not let go of my hand at all costs...



(✔︎) ❝𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐑❞Where stories live. Discover now