86 | Wife

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*I'll bite your neck if you won't comment

*Also wow, I didn't expect to get a lot of readers in just one month because of this book


     "(Name), if I die... Are you gonna marry someone?" The future Leona asked the current (Name) in front of him. "Of course not. I wouldn't let you die, don't worry," she assured and continued baking.

     "But like what if it's outside your control? Like I got hit by a car or got stabbed like that?" He asked again and the demoness stared at him with a deadpan, "I would gladly get you in hell if that happens."

     "That's cute—wait... Why did you say I'm going to hell?"

     "Didn't you notice? You're easy to get irritated over things and always curse. Either way, if you're in heaven, I'll be asking Simeon-san to take you from there and drag you to hell to come with me," she stated. Leona blinked his eyes, "Wow..."

- Briar Valley, Valley of Thorns -

Even if it gives an eerie vibe it certainly has a charm on it. Unlike Devildom, the kingdom is far smaller than it—it gives you the thought that this kingdom holds a lot of history within them...

     "Come on~!" Lilia called as he walked through a pavement leading to a castle in a distance. Luke ran towards Lilia to catch up, "The castle is so big! I like it!" He exclaimed in delight.

*Beep* "Hello, (Name)? Are you alright? How's your stay in the Valley of Thorns?" Vil asked, chatting with her. He seems worried to her because Malleus is known to be one of the strongest magicians in Twisted Wonderland—plus he doesn't want to know that the Diasomnia dorm leader took (Name) as his spouse. "I'm alright. Don't worry, Vil-san," she texted back...

     "Ah, (Name)-sama!" Sebek greeted, he was in his knight uniform. "I'm glad you agreed on visiting us! Her Majesty, the grandmother of Malleus-sama, will come home soon, too! She'll be delighted to see you!" He added, guiding the demoness to their room.

The castle's interior is surely wide and huge, guessing from the fact there are a lot of rooms inside. There's a ballroom, too and a large gate leading to the garden just near the dining area. Sebek led them upstairs and opened a door, seemingly their new room for the next few days...

     "Silver! Get off the bed!" Sebek yelled, pulling Silver out of the bed inside the room. He was sleeping, "This is for (Name)-sama and Luke! Get off, Silver!"

     Silver groaned, "Five more minutes..." He murmured. (Name) placed a hand on the green-haired's shoulder, "Don't worry, Sebek-san. Let him be for a while since I and Luke won't be sleeping any time soon."

Luke came running inside the room and landed on the bed beside Silver. Ah yes, Luke was too excited last night that he fell asleep around four in the morning because of his excitement. *Beep* "(Name), answer my calls! How dare you hang me up!" Vil texted, angry since she didn't answer his calls...

     "Your phone is ringing, (Name)-chan. Are you gonna answer it?" Lilia asked, appearing behind her. She nodded and took her phone, which is ringing again, "Yes. Please give me a moment and I'll cook you guys some lunch for today," she smiled and left the room.

     Once she's in an isolated area, she clicked the green button to answer Vil, "How dare you hang me up, (Name)?! I've been calling you since earlier and you didn't answer!" Vil yelled, making the demoness remove the phone near her ear. "Vil-san, I'm currently in the Valley of Thorns. Don't worry about me, alright? It'll ruin your beauty," she told the dorm leader of Pomefiore.

     "Well, I always prioritize myself more than you," Vil huffed. "Either way, has Malleus said something weird to you or something? Do you sense something wrong around them?" He asked. She shook her head, "Not at all. Nothing suspicious, but why are you so worried about Malleus-san? I don't think he poses a threat—"

     "He's one of the strongest magicians in this world, (Name). He's looking for a potential bride," Vil straight-forwardly told her—not caring if the others heard it or not. The demoness only chuckled, "I know for sure that you're aware that I'm not into marriage, Vil-san. Besides, he's a prince and I'm a butler of the prince in my world—no one would want a butler as a wife like me," she jested.

     Vil threw something on his wall, "Fine. I'm just warning you, and don't worry I'll call you later after dinner. I need to do something," he said before hanging up. The demoness looked at her phone, confused and flabbergasted, "Well, he didn't say goodbye. That's rude..." She whispered and went to the room again.

Malleus watched from upstairs, staring quietly at the demoness who he adore the most. Vil wasn't lying about the potential bride, which she didn't listen to because of how she sees herself as a butler and a servant to Diavolo only—she's not dense about how she looked like, it attracts unpleasant attention if she's not lying...

She tends to put her happiness aside to be beside people who are more important than hers, like Luke, Malleus, and Diavolo. The poor angel still has a lot to learn and she can't afford to have anyone ruining it for their gain. Malleus and Diavolo are the future kings of their respective kingdoms, naturally, they're meant to be kept safe from danger...

     "Are you still gonna ask her to be your wife, Malleus?" Lilia whispered.


- Mirror Chamber -

     Deuce looked at the crowd that was already lessening, "Look, there are only a few students left. Let's get home as soon as possible," he told Ace. The salmon-haired gave the blue-haired a thumbs up and looked at Yuu, "Yeah, by the way, Yuu! Since the Headmaster gave you the phone, let's exchange numbers!"

     "Sure," Yuu took his phone. "I hope you won't send any weird emojis if we're gonna text each other," he warned them with a glare.

     "That's right. Let's change the number, also I have (Name)-senpai's number if you want to," Deuce said as he put his number and earned a nod from Yuu, which allows him to put Barbatos's number too. Ace winked at Yuu, "Alright, everything's done~! If you're feeling lonely or you want someone to talk about your problems with, call us anytime~!" He told the dorm leader of Ramshackle.

The dorm leader of Ramshackle just rolled his eyes and gave a thumbs up, agreeing to it. Ace pouted because he was acting all serious and sassy again, while Deuce just laughed and reminded Yuu to contact them if they need help or something bad happened...

     "My mom's probably waiting for me, so I'll be going now. Have fun with your holidays, Yuu and Grim!" Deuce waved his hand before entering the mirror. "Bye, you two~!" Ace yelled and entered the mirror as well.

     Grim sighed, "And I thought they're annoying and loud, but... It feels quiet without them," he stated. Yuu chuckled and patted the cat's head, "Well, it's kinda lonely without them. They're probably the best, but annoying duos known here in this school," he muttered.



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