2 | Grim

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(Name) was awoken by a ruckus happening outside, she opened her eyes to see herself inside a box. The lid was tightly shut and the space within is limited, sighing in annoyance, she placed her hand in front of her. A black-outlined circle appeared once again on her hand, filled with ancient letters within it...

Outside, a hand appeared, touching the lock of the lid. With ease, the hand magically removed the lock of the lid, and (Name) got out of the box. Dispelling the hand to thin air, the demoness looked where she was contained. A black coffin with such weird designs...

     "How cute," she commented looking at her new attire. She was wearing a black robe with a hoodie, its inside leather was dark purple and the ends have golden linings forming a beautiful symbol that adds uniqueness to the robe. "I might keep this robe for myself." She giggled quietly. She also has black eyeliner with purple eyeshadow.

     "The lid is too tight!" From the distance, "Time for my secret move!" A black cat with blue flaming ears yelled and blew fire to the coffin it was trying to open. (Name) observed from afar while another person popped out of the coffin. "WHY ARE YOU UP?!" The cat yelled at the mysterious person.

     (Name) saw the person's facial features as their hood fell off. They have black short hair, tied into a small ponytail behind their head—their eyes are dark blue, and based on their buff structure, they're a man. "A talking raccoon...?" He stated, observing the cat in front of him.

     "Getting roasted by a raccoon, that's new..." He whispered, which made the raccoon in question angry. It started making a wildfire around him, this gave the unknown man to run away from it. "COME BACK HERE!" The raccoon called as he ran after the unknown man.

(Name) followed quietly extinguishing the blue fire around her the raccoon caused. Even tho she's in an unknown realm or dimension, she wasn't scared or surprised, must be the result of her being the calm and mysterious butler of Diavolo...

     They arrived inside a library, the unknown man pinched his face, "If this is a dream, I wanna wake up." He told himself.

     (Name) immediately took the mysterious man out of the way when Grim targeted him again, "Did you think you'll get away from my nose?! You moron!" Grim told the guy. (Name) stood up and cast a simple spell, shutting Grim's mouth from talking.

     "Thank you," the man said to her. "My pleasure, sir," (Name) bowed at him. That's when a rope was entangled in Grim before he pounces behind (Name). The unknown man noticed (Name)'s unique features, her dark green hair with turquoise highlights stands out with her bangs reaching her eyebrows. The fringe of her hair is longer than the other while her eyes are a mix of lime and green.

     (Name) let Grim talk again, making a circular motion using her finger, "WHAT IS THIS?! A CORD?! I'M NOT A PET, LET ME GO!" The poor animal yelled as he struggle.

     (Name) gave the unknown man a wink with a finger placed above her lips, signaling to keep it a secret. A crow masked-man appeared from behind Grim, he seems to have the other end of the cord, "This is no ordinary cord! This is the lash of love!" He proclaimed. He looked at the two students in front of him, "You two might be the new students!"

     The unknown man and (Name) looked at each other, taken back. The crow masked-man took (Name) and the unknown man's arms, while the imprisoned cat was floating and following behind them, "You two shouldn't leave the Gate like that, young men! You're almost late for the dorm selection ceremony!" He lightly chided

     "You must've mistaken, sir. I'm not a man—," (Name) tried to correct the crow masked-man, but she was interrupted when the crow masked-man chided the unknown man, "Not only that, but your familiar has broken a lot of rules in the first day of your school year! Certainly surprising for a new student!"

     "He's not my familiar—" the unknown man tried to correct the crow-masked man. "Sure sure, the defiant ones always say that to their new master. Now quiet down, you!" The crow masked-man told Grim and cast a spell to quiet him down.

     "Oh, Great Seven. How impatient can you two be?" The crow masked-man told them, disappointed. "You missed half of the dorm selection. We must head to the Hall of Mirrors, to get you placed in a dorm you're worthy in."

     "What is this Gate you're talking about?" (Name) asked. "I'm a new student, so pardon me for asking a such basic question." She smiled at the crow masked man.

     "It's the coffins where you woke up," he answered. "I thought I'm dead..." The black-haired man whispered to himself, sighing in relief.



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