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*almost out of Barbatos pictures

*where are the voters from the Luke chapter, huh?

- Diasomnia Dorm, Lounge -

     "I'm afraid I'll decline," the demoness answered. She was asked if she could join the Magift's team for Diasomnia, but she doesn't see herself joining a such silly game, "I can't imagine myself playing that kind of game."

     "Aww~, it's a waste of your talent, (Name)-chan!" Lilia pouted, trying to convince the demoness. She just chuckled and shook her head, "I know you're adorable, Lilia-san, but I'm afraid I'll be declining the offer. There's still a lot of outstanding students in our dorm, either way," she said and pinched Lilia's cheek.

She's currently resting in the lounge with Luke sleeping on her lap, avoiding getting into another unexpected accident again. The Professor told her about the players that are injured because of their recklessness or someone making them get into accidents...

     "(Name), I heard you almost got into an accident," the one and only Horn-san remarked, sitting beside her. "I'm glad you didn't get hurt. A lot of people are getting into accidents these days, including Trey Clover of Heartslabyul," he uttered.

     "Trey-san of Heartslabyul?" She repeated, placing a hand under her chin. "This isn't recklessness anymore, don't you think? There's someone behind these unexpected injuries of the victims," she added, talking to Horn-san.

     The black-haired male nodded, "Indeed. Do you want to catch the perpetrator?" He asked the demoness. She shook her head, "No, it doesn't concern me. I have other things to worry about like my club," she replied.

     "(Name), I want some cream puffs later..." Luke murmured. "Sure, honey. I'll be back before evening and please look after him, Horn-san," the demoness favored and placed a kiss on the angel's head.

Malleus (Horn-san) waved goodbye to the leaving demoness, taking care of her child angel. Luke may or may not have slipped that (Name) is a demoness to them. Instead of getting scared by the true identity of Barbatos, it only made the far more interested in her. This might be the danger the unknown sender's talking about or is it?

- Heartslabyul Dorm, Trey's room -

Lying peacefully on his bed, Trey was awoken by the rowdy bunch they call the first-year troublemakers —the A-Deuce combo and the Ramshackle students. Yuu and Grim have told Ace they were sent by the Headmaster to investigate the matter of the victims, including Trey that fell on the stairs (reported by Deuce to his friends)...

     "How's Trey-senpai's injury?" Ace asked, watching the bandaged leg of his senior. "I missed a step while using the stairs. I did manage to hold on to the railings, but my right leg already got into a bad landing. I have to use crutches for a while until I'm healed," Trey answered.

     "That's one nasty injury," Deuce commented, poking Trey's leg. The senior just laughed nervously, "Yes, it is. I'm completely out of the Magift's lineup for this year," he remarked.

     "Eh, since you're injured—Have some tuna can cheer up, glasses," Grim placed the can on Trey's lap, earning a rub from the injured male. Trey laughed, "Thanks a lot, Grim. I appreciate it," he thanked the cat.

     "Ugh, this is annoying~!" Cater complained, tapping his phone. "To think that our star player is injured, now we need to re-open the tryouts for Trey's spot," he sighed, perking the attention of Ace and Deuce, who are willing to enter as Trey's replacement.

Until a knock on the door was heard, Riddle entered the room. He scolded the first years and Cater for bothering the injured Trey, but the others were surprised when he asked if the injured male want some snacks or drinks. He was sorry for causing Trey to go into getting hurt, which made the others question why?

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