85 | His Highness

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*Note to self: Stop changing the lore at the last second

- Diasomnia Dorm, Barbatos's room -

*Beep* "I told you to be careful with Malleus-san, (Name). You're too laid out," Barbatos told her, seemingly angry because she was too comfortable with the prince. "Either way, don't make him too angry and you might call yourself lucky," she added and the number went offline...

     "(Name), (Name)! Lilia is calling us already!" Luke exclaimed, entering her room. She nodded at the angel and carried their luggage, "Yes, I'm aware, Luke. You're too excited today," she nervously smiled at the angel.

     "I wanna see the kingdom!" The angel chortled.

Once they went downstairs, Lilia was waiting for them since Sebek, Silver, and Malleus already left earlier—he's not a fan of squeezing himself into the crowd happening in the Mirror Chamber at the moment. The older fairy decided to wait for the two, so he can guide them...

     "Pardon our slow feet, Lilia-san," the demoness bowed in front of the fairy. Lilia chuckled, "No~, it's fine, (Name)-chan! We invited you all of the sudden anyway! You're our guest," he said and took her hand.

- Mirror Chamber -

     "It's crowded here," Deuce said, trying to help Yuu find the Headmaster. Ace sighed and pushed someone out of his way, "No, shit! It's hot here, too! Everyone's excited. Now, where's the Headmaster—"

     "Reminder for everyone to hold your luggage tightly after you say your destination to the Mirror. We don't want to hear complaints about bags going everywhere because you dropped them in the middle of your teleportation," the Headmaster announced as he guided students inside the mirror. "If you're chickening out, please leave your luggage with your name and address on it. It'll be sent via mail."

     "HE'S READY TO RELAX?!" The first years yelled. The Headmaster was wearing a hat and a Hawaiian shirt that doesn't fit the weather at all, while the demoness sighed behind them, "Well, he's certainly going somewhere south to relax," she stated.

Grim called the Headmaster, wanting to talk to him. The Headmaster questioned why they were here since Yuu and Grim don't have a home to return considering Yuu belongs to another world and Grim is an orphan...

     "Headmaster, are you even searching for a way for us to go back home?" (Name) asked. Crowley tensed when she asked, "AH! OF COURSE, MY DEAR (NAME)! It's a way to get back to your world, right? And, as well Yuu—I'm researching properly as you can see that I'm going to the south to search for more knowledge about your world—"

     "Stop lying, crow man!" Yuu yelled, pinching the Headmaster's ears. "You're not gonna go there to search for a way to our world, you know?! You think we're dumb, huh?!" He continued.

     "True, he's just gonna chill out there..." Grim muttered, tired of the Headmaster's antics. "Look at his clothes! He's ready to spend vacations!" Ace pointed out.

Crowley said that he won't be there to chill out and instead try to find a way to get Barbatos and Yuu back to their world in a country he specifies as Rome. He denied the fact he'll go there to chill, swim in the seas of the south, drink coconut juice under the sun, and more since he's a busy person—he's certainly gonna do that since he specified it...

     "That's unfair! Take us with you!"

     "No, that'll ruin my experience—Unfortunately, no. However, I have an important mission for you guys~! Your school life and feast are dependent on it!" Crowley clapped his hands as he started to tell the meals he's gonna give them, making the demoness sigh because he's gonna be indebted to someone again.

Crowley assigned them to make sure the fire spirits will be warm amidst the winter if they give them dried-out wood since the kitchen ghost currently wants to see his daughter give birth. It's a peculiar request, but for the sake of their feast and boredom—they agreed to it...

     "Just putting the wood on the fire already gives you warmth and a feast~! Like two birds with one stone!" Crowley exclaimed, taking his luggage. "It benefits both of you and fears not, I'm a man of my word."

     "Comparing your annoying requests before, this one is pretty easy! Just put the wood on the furnace, then there!" Grim chortled, imagining the feast that's gonna happen anytime soon. "Exactly, Grim. I may not look like someone kind—"

     "We don't see you as a kind Headmaster, we prefer (Name)-senpai as the Headmistress," the first years commented and earned a hurt look from the Headmaster. "Dear me, she only served as my replacement, but it seems she did a great job. In any case, before I forgot—Luke and Yuu, please have this since I'll be gone for a while"

     "A phone?" Ace asked, looking at it. "If an emergency occurs, feel free to contact me. ONLY FOR EMERGENCIES, ALRIGHT? So refrain from taking pictures with that phone... Anyway, I shall now excuse myself since I still need to find a way to get you both home. For I am gracious—"

     "(Name)! Come on!" Luke called. "Lilia is already waiting for us in the mirror!" He told the demoness, grabbing her skirt.

     "Okay, okay. I'll go now," she smiled and carried the angel to the mirror. "Wait! Where are you two going?!" The Headmaster demanded.

     "His Highness Malleus-san has invited us to join him these holidays, Headmaster," (Name) replied and gave him the letter as proof. "Now we're in a hurry, so please excuse us. Farewell, and do enjoy your lovely vacations!" She waved her hand and went with Lilia.

The Headmaster felt jealous because of it, but he also feels the fact something bad is gonna happen to her. (Name) and Luke was happy, to say the least since they'll be able to have a peaceful holiday after what happened these past few months...



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