6 | Kidnapped?

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I don't know how to draw (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

- Entrance Ceremony Chamber -

    "Since you weren't placed in any dorms and are magic-less, you must return to your hometown," the Headmaster told Yuu, who was glad he was gonna go back home. "Once again, face the mirror and state your hometown, it'll create a passage for you."

     Yuu imagined his mansion, sister, partner, and money, "Japan..." He whispered. The Dark Mirror's mask disappeared for a while, creating a small white void.


It is nowhere...

The place where they belong does not exist in this world...

     Crowley widened his eyes in fear, "What do you mean by that?" He asked the mirror. The mirror didn't speak another word and disappeared once more, but no white void was showing. "This is unbelievable. My first time as Headmaster to encounter such a despicable moment... I mean, chaos has happened today."

     "I'm from Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan," Yuu said to the Headmaster. Crowley gave him a questioning look, "I have memorized every hometown in Twisted Wonderland, so I have a major grasp of it. I've never heard of your hometown."

- Library -

Crowley has placed a lot of books on the table, reading every hometown within Twisted Wonderland. From ancient to extinct hometowns, there's no single one that contains Yuu's hometown...

     "There's nothing here sadly," Crowley sighed. "I've searched each book, I can assure you. The world map, extinct civilizations, ancient hometowns, history books, and unheard hometowns. Are you sure you're not lying to me?"

     "How pitiful," Barbatos entered the room. She sat beside Yuu, who was hiding his face with his palms. "I can assure you that he's not lying. Earth is where he's from, after all, I'm from there too." She testified.

     "Do you have any identification, license, or name on your shoe?" Crowley asked. (Name) made a circular motion using her finger, there a small mirror appeared and it showed Tokyo, "Is this enough identification for you?"

     Crowley looked closely at the mirror, "I have never seen a such place like that." He stated. (Name) brushed the mirror as the Headmaster coughed in disbelief, "I can't let someone linger in the streets because their hometown is unable to locate. As the Headmaster, I'll provide you with a home in the meantime. For am I gracious!"

     "Good," she nodded.

     "I almost forgot that we have an abandoned dorm within the castle. It was used as a dorm before, but for certain reasons, it's now unused for centuries," the Headmaster said to Yuu. "You'll be the supervisor of the dorm until I find a way to get you back to your home. It may be unused for quite a while, yet it has a certain charm in it."

     Yuu drooped his face, tired since he knows he should clean the dorm alone, "I don't wanna clean..." He murmured. (Name) chuckled, "Don't worry, Yuu-san, I'll help you clean the dorm."

     "My kindness is limitless! I'm certain that I'm the role model of all teachers!" The Headmaster babbled, the two students not listening to him anymore. "Now come on, let's head to the dormitory."

- Ramshackle Dorm -

From afar, (Name) thought it was a shed because of how badly worn it is. Yuu is at least grateful that he'll have a temporary home for a while. Beneath (Name)'s calm facade, she still worries about Diavolo whom she left alone...

     "How charming," (Name) scratched her cheek as the three of them entered the dorm. "Right, right. I welcome you to Ramshackle Dorm. I'm going back to do more research and do make yourself at home. Don't go wandering around in school!" He warned the two as he left them.

     "I'll just try to find a couple of cleaning materials inside the school," (Name) stated. Then a thunderstorm was heard from the outside, "Do make sure you'll never leak the dorm while I'm away."

Summoning a small black void, she turned it into an umbrella. As she waved goodbye to Yuu and returned to the school without knowing a certain cat is gonna make another chaos in Ramshackle Dorm...

     "Excuse me," someone called from behind her. "Be a dear and help me bring this inside, will you?" He favored.

His hair reminds her of Lucifer, but he has the right side of it dyed white, while the other is black. He's wearing a striped coat with a tail-like hanging and his waistcoat is the same as his hair. Wearing black polo within it, with a red tie and gloves complementing his outfit...

     "Certainly, sir," she bowed and took the books from his arms. The unknown man took the umbrella from her hands, "I haven't seen you. You must be new, aren't you?" He asked.

     She smiled, "Indeed, sir." The vibe between them is awkward as they entered the school and it seems both of them paid no mind to it. "You can put the books on the desk and you're excused." The mysterious man told her.

     She nodded at him, placing the books as he said. Before she could even leave the room, the man took her arm and removed her hood, "So the Headmaster wasn't lying about a woman entering this school and if you're asking what name I go with, it's Divus Crewel, pup. Your Potions teacher for the whole school year."

     Crewel is shorter than (Name), which she finds amusing, "Nice to meet you, Professor." She smiled at him, "I'll be leaving now, I'm aware you know what name I go by."

- Devildom -

Everyone in the student council room was in serious mode, searching for the beloved butler. Diavolo was contacting almost everyone he knows in the Human Realm, as well Simeon...

     "It's impossible for (Name) to get kidnapped, Mammon," Lucifer told his brother. Luke was crying in Solomon's chest, "I miss (Name)..." He kept repeating that sentence for the past 2 hours.

     "(Name)'s a formidable demon, she can't get kidnapped. There are no signs of a break-in or anything inside the castle," Satan said. "It's either she left without permission or something else."

     "(Name) doesn't leave without permission." All heads turned to Diavolo, who was not in the mood to play with them. "This is a serious matter. I want everyone to cooperate until we find (Name), I don't take a no for an answer."



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