27 | Unknown Number

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*Where are y'all huh? I better see you guys commenting (lol)


Diavolo was bruised and (Name) is treating him at the moment. The others stared at how Diavolo's butler is positioned, she was being held tight on the Prince's lap as her glowing hands were at the sides of his head...

     "My Lord, this is quite an inappropriate position," she whispered, sensing the stares the others are giving because of how they were positioned. "Well, everyone knows I'm courting my butler. I don't see any harm doing this in front of everyone," he smirked at her.

     (Name) sighed at her Master's stubbornness, "I'm still rejecting your confession, My Lord. You know how sensitive our positions are," she stated.

- Cooking Club -

     "This meat is so yummy," Vargas commented, chewing the meat Barbatos cooked. Trein and Vargas are just passing the club room until they were enamored by the scrumptious scent from inside the room, "You're a great cook, (Name)! The perfect example for a cooking club member!" He praised the girl.

     "Ah, right. I almost forgot, Ms. (Name)," Trein suddenly took something from his pocket. A plain, red box with a bonded white ribbon on it, he handed it to her, "I saw this in the mail of the school, specifically addressed to you."

(Name) took the box from the Professor's hand, opening it revealed a black phone. The phone seems to be second-hand, looking at the scratches on the screen. It still functions, thankfully, but what surprised her is the fact there's an unknown number first thing on the screen. The message from them read, "Hello, (Name), I know you've got the phone. I have news for you, your dear Luke is here."

Just then, she felt her body vibrate, as if someone is trying to summon her. She felt her stomach churning from the force of the summoning, then it stopped as if nothing happened. She knew it was Solomon trying to summon her, but knowing her situation, she couldn't teleport where he is now...

     'Luke's here? What is he doing here?' She asked herself, gazing once again at the phone. The Professors are busy eating her cooking, so they didn't notice she's in a frantic state. Typing back to the messenger, she asked, "What do you mean Luke's here? Who are you?"

This person's typings are familiar, too. It reminds her of her typings whenever someone texts her before. That's impossible in any case since she couldn't see another her in the future or past at the moment or did this mystery messenger do something to her powers to see the future happenings?

     "Patience," the messenger texted back. "He's currently safe and is probably on the verge of getting sold to selfish magic users within this world." It said.

She couldn't believe her eyes when the messenger said that, causing her to lose the smile on her face. She wasn't in the mood into joking around with unknown senders, but then they added another message, saying: "Apply to be a waiter in the town, just outside the campus. Apple Cider, specifically. Use your male form, (Name)."

     She texted back, "I'm not fond of trusting random strangers, the unknown sender. You've got some guts to joke around me even though Luke is in danger," she said. "What are you doing, Ms. (Name)?" Trein asked, placing his plate in the sink.

     She hid the phone, "Customizing the phone, sir. It seems you already finished your meal," she smiled at him. The Professor nodded, "Yes, indeed. I need to leave to handle Kingscholar's remedial classes and Vargas, get out of the table."

As soon as they left, she felt the vibrate of the phone, cuing for the message from the mysterious messenger. "I can assure you, (Name). Just do what I say, Luke will be safe if you get him in time." She glared at the phone and replied, "Once I get Luke back, I'll hunt you. Do you understand?"

- ??? -

     "LET ME GO, YOU MONSTERS!" Luke yelled to the ones guarding him. He was in his angel form, but restrained by a magical cage to prevent him to use his magic, "HOW DARE YOU LOCK ME IN THIS CAGE! I'LL SUE YOU TO THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL!"

     "Don't worry, kid. You'll get sold to the rich people who are selfish towards magic," the guard assured. Luke was disgusted by what he just heard from the guard, he wishes he didn't use his magic to teleport where the beloved butler is.

     'Save me, (Name)!' He begged mentally.

- Woods inside the Campus -

Arriving outside the botanical garden of the campus, the woods are filled with chestnuts. It was surprising, to say the least. Grim was admiring the field at the point he got into vines of spikes from the chestnuts, causing his paw to bleed. He probably got too excited from imagining the Mont Blanc the chestnuts can make...

     "We'll be needing a bunch of buckets to get these chestnuts," Deuce stated. "Maybe the botanical garden has buckets and tongs, don't you think?"

     Ace huffed and just crossed his arms, "I don't know, man. Why you kept asking me anyway?! Plus I'm wondering if the botanical garden has those stuff," he grumbled. Deuce takes Ace's collar from the back, dragging him, "Come on. Let's take a look."

- Botanical Garden -

     Ace whistled, "Didn't know this place is big," he commented. Deuce nodded, "Yeah, it is. There's probably someone who watches this place, they might have an idea where to find baskets and tongs." He said.

     "I'll go right."

     "I'll go left."

     "I and Grim will go to the northern part then."

Yuu and Grim went north to check for anyone near. The place is filled with different plants and fruits, making the hungry grey cat sniff each of them. He was gonna take one bite from one of the fruits, but Yuu prohibited him, grabbing his tail. The black-haired man fell to his back because he must've stepped on something and that something made him fall to his back...

     "Oi, you've got some nerve stepping on someone's tail," a tall, buff man appeared behind Yuu. He has lion ears with intimidating emerald-like eyes, "I was in the middle of my nap and you just ruined it. This sucks," he rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

     "Are you the caretaker here? You sound so vulgar, bro," Grim stated, looking at the victim of Yuu. Yuu crossed his arms, not feeling sorry at all, "Then stop sleeping in someone's path then if you're aware you're gonna get your tail stepped on," he said under his breath.

     The lion then sniffed him, "Aren't you the one who the mirror said doesn't have magic?" He asked. "Interesting..."

     Yuu took a step back away from the lion, "I BATHE DAILY, SIR!" He yelled at him. Grim gave the lion a nasty look, "I dunno why, but this guy is making my blood boil. He's underestimating you, bro!" The grey cat yelled at Yuu.



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