25 | Punishment

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     "My Lord, I've told you to stay away from the kitchen," (Name) said as she placed a hand on her forehead. Diavolo is kneeling in front of her amidst the flaming kitchen, "I'll take everything from here, and please don't come back in the kitchen before you fully destroy it," she added and guided the Prince back to his office.

     "I want to bake a cake for you~," he hugged his butler. (Name) sighed, "I'll help you bake a cake later once we're done with work. What do you say, Your Highness?" She offered. Diavolo immediately kissed her cheek and ran to his office. She touched her cheek, where he kissed her, and coughed from how bold her master is.

- Cafeteria -

     "Holy shit?! Dorm Leader?!" Ace gasped, surprised at Riddle's appearance. "Hey, Riddle-kun, you look pretty cute today~!" Cater complimented, but received a cold stare from Heartslabyul's dorm leader. Riddle huffed, "Cater, I advise you to stop talking. If you don't follow my advice, it's off your head."

     Cater smiled at him, "No need to threaten me like that, Riddle-kun~! Gimme a break," he jokingly nudge the red-haired man. Grim shrieked when he saw the dorm leader, "You're the one who cast a weird collar on me in the Entrance Ceremony!" He angrily pointed at him.

     Riddle smirked and crossed his arms, "Well, well. Aren't you the ones who destroyed the chandelier that almost got you expelled? And stop telling someone's Unique Magic a weird collar, a total disgrace to me," he stated. "The Headmaster's too nice to let you go off the hook. My goodness, if he kept being like this, the name of Night Raven College shall by the rule-breakers. His job is simple, just cut the rule-breakers head off."

     "I admire your motto, Riddle-san," (Name) praised. Riddle also glared at her, but she only returned a simple smile to him, "You must be (Name) from Diasomnia, the rumored special case of the higher-ups. Your feats about punishing misbehaving students are truly acceptable, I admire you for that," he said to her.

     "These two can be best friends... Then there's our dorm leader looking innocent, but the words that come out of his mouth are terrifying..." Ace whispered to Deuce. Riddle turned his gaze back to Ace, "The Headmaster may have forgiven your notorious doings, but I won't. Don't worry, if you break another rule, I'll personally have your head chopped off," he threatened.

     "Yes, Dorm Leader," Ace nodded. "About my collar, can you remove it now? Pretty please?" He begged, giving puppy eyes. Riddle smirked again at Ace's face, "I was planning to remove it, but from what you just said earlier, it appears that you haven't learned your lesson. I have decided to let you have the collar since first-year classes focus on basic academics using magic. It also has its perks because you won't be able to cause another commotion like yesterday," he said.

     (Name) sipped her tea once again, watching Riddle scold her beloved junior from Heartslabyul, "Good tea," she murmured. "Doesn't that sound wonderful? Now stand up and stop chit-chatting with your friends. Once you finished your lunch, you should prepare everything for the next class. Laws of the Queen of Hearts #271 state that One should leave their sit 15 minutes after they finished their meal. If you break another rule, the collar will stay longer on your neck, am I understood?" Riddle finished scolding Ace.

     Ace nodded, "And there's another one of his weird rules—" He whispered under his breath. "I expect a reply of Yes, Dorm Leader!" Riddle glared at him again. "Yes, Dorm Leader!" Ace and Deuce exclaimed.

     Trey placed a hand above Riddle's shoulder, "Listen, I'll look after the two of them, okay?" He assured. Riddle huffed and crossed his arms, "As the Vice Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul, you should stand as their role model. Just as the Laws of the Queen of Hearts #339 states that a Tea after a meal should be lemon tea with two sugar cubes," he told Trey. Magically, 4 teacups of lemon tea with sugar cubes appeared in front of the Heartslabyul students, "I didn't know you already got tea. Very good, Trey."

     "Did you do it again, (Name)-san?" Yuu asked, which received a light chuckle from the demoness. "I'll be taking my leave then. I must refill the sugar cubes for our Unbirthday Party tomorrow before it's too late," he bid goodbye.

     As soon as Riddle left the cafeteria, all of them exhaled in relief, "Whew! That was a close one!" Cater patted Deuce and Ace's back. "It would be wise to drink the lemon tea I have prepared," the demoness told them. "Thank you, (Name)-chan~!" The orange-haired man exclaimed as he sipped the tea.

From nearby, three Heartslabyul students are panicking since one of them broke a rule. Laws of the Queen of Hearts #186, No one is permitted to eat hamburgers on Tuesdays. Before they know it, the three of them are collared, similar to Ace's case. Cater and Trey quietly sipped their teas, while Ace and Deuce are glaring at their seniors...

     Placing the teacup on the table, "Riddle—Our dorm leader—fought the place of being the dorm leader of Heartslabyul in his first week here. I must admit, he can be a bit harsh, but he's only doing it because he wants to continue the legacy of the Queen of Hearts. He has good intentions for everyone," Trey explained. "I believe you said the Queen of Hearts is a deranged leader. No one is in their right mind to continue her legacy," (Name) stated. "TRUE! COLLARING SOMEONE FOR EATING A TART ISN'T A GOOD ACTION IN ANYONE'S EYES!" Grim retorted.

     "You're just agreeing because you also got collared in the Entrance Ceremony," Yuu mocked the grey cat. "I KNOW! IT'S A COLLAR THAN CAN CANCEL MY MAGIC AND ACE'S MAGIC!" Grim explained his side.

     "Unique magic, huh..." (Name) whispered. "Riddle's Unique Magic, you say?" Cater asked. Deuce placed a hand under his chin, "By unique, does that mean he can only use it?" The blue-haired asked.

     "Except for the fact, only one person can use the magic or not. It's only proven that the magic, Riddle, for example, can only use by him and him only. That's why it's called Unique Magic and I'm pretty sure Professor Trein will teach you that in class soon," Trey explained. Cater nodded, "Riddle-kun's unique magic can cancel someone's magic for a time limit. It's called, Off with your Head!" 

     Grim shivered, "Even the name is scary..."



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