22 | Trey Clover

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*I can hear barking and it's not from my dogs

*Also I like the fact the Barbatos and Malleus Draconia has more votes

- Class 1-A -

     "Professor Crewel, why not have other students carry your things to your class?" (Name) asked since she was going back to her juniors' class once again. "I prefer you," the Professor smirked.

     (Name) smiled at him once they arrived at the classroom. Before she gives the books to Crewel, she gave him a small kiss on the cheek and left him, "HEY! MS. (NAME)! BARBATOS! COME BACK HERE, YOU SNEAKY PUP!" He yelled at her disappearing figure.

- Potion Class -

     "Nice to meet all of you. Seems like a fresh year, fresh new faces shall I meet," Crewel said as he dropped the books on the table. (Name)'s lipstick is seen on his cheek, causing everyone to look at it, "With rare hair colors within the bunch, make sure to put extra care on it. My name is Divus Crewel, you may address me as Master Crewel," he announced as he gave everyone books.

     "I can tell he's into kinky stuff," Yuu whispered to them. Crewel coughed, "Pups, take your seats and behave. Let's start now, make sure to flip your book to page 4!" He ordered.

     "Holy shit, this is a lot..." Ace whispered looking at the fungi's names on the book. "I'm going to enter every fungi's name and appearance within your little skull, so you'll remember it. I don't want to see any pups eating anything on the ground and that'll cause you to get poisoned," the Professor exclaimed. "Dogs prefer things on the ground after all. If I see a failing grade, don't be surprised if I became strict and cold!"

     "What's fungi again...?" Deuce asked, trying to find the definition in the book. Ace made a scooping motion as if he were scooping ice cream from the book, "Let me remember it. I hope this works... My memory sucks at memorizing!" He yelled, punching his book.

     "I suck at this," Yuu murmured, hiding his face with his palms. "All I can say is that anything that touches grass is dirty!" Grim yelled, also doesn't want to memorize.

- History -

Standing in front of everyone is an old man, around his 50s with a fat, black cat in his arms. His wrinkles stood out with his fiery green eyes and gray hair. He looks like he's the strictest among the teachers on campus...

     "My name is Mozus Trein, address me as Professor Trein. Along with my family, Lucius," he introduced himself. "I'll be in charge of teaching you the History of Magic and how it made this world prosperous. *meow* Your grades will not just be recorded by academics, but as well your behavior and participation within my class. SLEEPING IS PROHIBITED IN MY CLASS!"

     "No shit, Sherlock..." Ace commented. "Flip your book to page 15. We'll start with the magical crystals found within the Dwarves' mine. *meow* Because of this, magical energy spread throughout the world since it's certainly one of the greatest discoveries of the year called First Year of the Magic Age—TRAPPOLA, WAKE UP!"

     Ace snorted, "What? What?" He hit his head on the table. "Meow, at Dwarves' mine... Meow, magical energy..." Deuce murmured, writing what he just heard from the Professor.

     Yuu yawned, "This is so tiring..." He whispered. "Mhmm! I want a class that'll let us use magic, so I can go BANG BANG!" Grim exclaimed, making a gun motion with his fingers.

- Physical Education -

Their teacher has a buff structure this time, with his slicked-back brown hair and his chin looking sharp. He looks nice, but surely he can make you go cry with a pinch from him. They're having a Collab class with the students of 3-C, specifically (Name)'s class...

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