36 | Crimson Tyrant

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*I'm questioning how it went 30k reads

*Also Barbatos has the kinkiest character song among the obey me characters (I love it)

- Heartslabyul Dorm, Rose Maze -

Yuu closed his eyes, waiting for the demoness to come and save him. The demoness in her demon form appeared, carrying Yuu out of harm and avoiding the rose tree that's gonna hit him—she must've arrived late...

     "Are you alright, Yuu-san?" She asked, checking the shaken Dorm Leader of Ramshackle. Ace was saved by Trey using his doodle suit, making Riddle angry because his magic was overpowered by Trey with his "child's play" magic, "Let's go—"

     "Wait, (Name)-san!" Yuu held the demoness's arms, stopping her from teleporting. "Riddle-san, he seems not in his right state of mind!" He told the demoness, who seems to not care about his state.

     "It's not our problem, to begin with," the demoness told the desperate human. "I'm afraid I should leave this to the hands of the Headmaster."

     "The Headmaster isn't even helping!"

     "I believe from the day we made a pact, I'll only protect you from harm and no one else. I only helped Ace-san and Deuce-san back from the Dwarves' mine because you're also there," the demoness said bluntly. "He also needs your help! He's in danger, too!" Yuu tried to convince the demoness, who seems calm amidst the chaos that occurred.

     She sipped her tea, "I'm not sure if I can save him. Do you remember what happened in the Dwarves' mine? It's the same situation as the one happening right now," she stated. "I may worry about your friends, but now isn't the time to worry about someone else's safety."

     "I ORDER YOU TO DEFEAT RIDDLE!" Yuu demanded, glaring at the demoness. The demoness looked at him with a surprised expression and bowed in front of him, "As you wish, Yuu-san."

From the distance, they could hear a lot of trees getting thrown with magic repelling them, turning them into cards. They must've figured it was Trey's unique magic, Doodle Suit. A bunch of students was panicking, making Cater assist them outside the dorm...

     In the middle of the Rose Maze, Riddle finally gave in to his emotions. The new Riddle laughed, raising both of his hands, "Those who disobey me doesn't deserve my attention and kindness! I am the rules of my world, MY ORDERS ARE ABSOLUTE! Everyone who won't respond 'Yes, Lord Riddle' will have their head chopped off!"

     The Headmaster bit his nails, watching Riddle go berserk, "Ah, I messed up! A student gave into his emotions and went Overblot!" He panicked, pulling his hair. "Overblot?" Grim asked.

     "Overblot is where someone gives in to their negative emotions, resulting in them using their magic way past their limit. It's a state that everyone in Twisted Wonderland must avoid at all costs," the Headmaster replied. Grim and Deuce was still confused, asking again and it made Cater feel irritated and answered, "OH, FOR GOODNESS SAKE! IN OTHER WORDS, HE'S IN A BERSERK MODE!"

     "Indeed, he is," (Name) nodded, appearing behind Crowley and startling him. "If he kept continuing releasing magic out of his limit, he might die!" Trey frantically told them.

     Grim gasped when he heard that Riddle can die because of this, while the Headmaster has other priorities, "Right now, our priority is the innocent ones' lives! I shall evacuate them with Cater-kun and we must make Riddle-kun return to his senses!" The Headmaster exclaimed, ready to run away from the danger. "Losing his life is a terrible matter, but there's something worse than that—ANYWAYS, CALL THE OTHER TEACHERS TO HELP US—"

(Name) snapped her fingers, removing the collars on her juniors neck to help her attack, Riddle. Summoning a large number of black snakes from below, she motioned them to attack Riddle and they started to bite his ankles and arms. The others are trying to hit the manifestation behind him, hoping to crack the head...

     "STOP THIS AT ONCE!" Riddle yelled at the demoness, summoning a collar on her neck which she removed with ease. Cater was panicking, trying to stop the juniors from attacking Riddle, "WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

     "Ms. Barbatos! Stop it!" The Headmaster called as he the demoness fought the manifestation with her bare hand. She summoned a large black hammer and made a hammering motion, flattening the manifestation, "HE'S ONLY DYING IF WE WON'T DO ANYTHING!" Grim yelled, helping the demoness.

     "He's right. I can't sleep if we won't be able to save him," Deuce agreed. "HE ALSO HASN'T APOLOGIZED TO ME, YET! I AIN'T LETTING HIM DIE WITHOUT A PROPER DISCIPLINE!" Ace added.

     "ALL OF YOU BOW DOWN TO ME!" Riddle yelled. The demoness teleported behind, stomping his head to the ground, "Tone it down, Riddle-san..." She said as she pushed his head on the soil, preventing him from yelling and followed by a close hit by the manifestation's rose tree.

     "You guys help (Name) attack Riddle and I'll take care of the sealing collar magic!" Trey encouraged them. "Be quick! I can't last long since my magic isn't limitless!" He added.

The Headmaster and Cater tried to stop them, but it was too late because Riddle's gonna attack them again if they won't do anything. The demoness cast a large red circle on the ground below Riddle's manifestation, strings appearing from it. With a small flick, it sliced the manifestation into pieces...

     "Hm, you're persistent," she stated, looking at the mending manifestation. It helped Riddle get off the ground, "You! Every one of you has the guts to hurt me! I'LL TAKE YOUR HEADS AT ONCE AS TROPHIES ONCE I BEAT ALL OF YOU!" Riddle yelled.

     "I still need to say something to him! I can't let him die!" Trey yelled from behind. "Well, we can't turn back now!" Yuu stated, guiding Grim's attacks.

The Headmaster and Cater promised they'll be back once they evacuated all students. Grim and Ace combined their attacks, making an inferno tornado toward Riddle. Trey immediately rewrote Riddle's sealing magic, preventing him to stop the juniors' magic...

     "Mere spells won't do," the demoness told them. "Then what do we do?" Deuce asked.

With no other choice, the demoness placed her hand on the floor and it made her demon insignia. The ground shook as if something was appearing from the ground, while Barbatos was muttering a Latin spell to knock Riddle's senses for good. A large skeleton hand appeared from the ground, but before they guess what it's gonna do, it flattened Riddle and its manifestation...

     The skeleton hand sucked the negative energy out of Riddle, while the manifestation is slowly disappearing, "Was I wrong, Mother...?" Riddle asked himself, his body shaking on the ground. "That's impossible..." Then he fell unconscious.

     The demoness sighed at his state, "(Name)-san! We did it!" Yuu exclaimed, running towards her. Just then, she noticed his body was weakened and he slowly fell unconscious, "Yuu-san!" She panicked, running towards the fallen dorm leader of Ramshackle.

*Beep* "Use your healing ability, (Name). Put your hands at the sides of his head..."



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