Things Change

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In New York

In The Sewers

Four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their mutant rat father and sensei Master Splinter who was giving them a lesson. "Remember, to be a true ninja you must become one with the shadows. Darkness gives the ninja power, while light reveals the ninja's presence. Now, can you extinguish this flame without revealing yourselves." Splinter said to his sons while he held up a lit candle for the boys to try to extinguish. Donatello was first to act, charging at the candle while he breathed heavily. Splinter easily moved the candle out of the way, Donnie flying into the wall beside him with a thud. "Too noisy, Donatello." Splinter said to him then Michelangelo attacked next with all his might but Splinter trips him with his walking stick making Mikey slam into Donnie. "Whoa...ow!" Mikey said as Donnie's shell hits the wall. "Too clumsy, Michelangelo." Splinter said to him as he goes on his knees again while Raph was sneaking up behind Splinter then he jumps at him but Splinter ducked making Raph miss. Raph turns and sees Splinter has risen to take several steps back. Raph rushes at his father, who drops to his knees and trips Raph with his stick making him slide into his brothers. "Ahh!" The three groan while Splinter stands up, facing the group. "Poor choice, Raphael." Splinter said to him now it was Leo's turn. Leo was above his dad clinging to pipes and then he jumps down, swinging his swords. Leo slices the candle in half and catches the top part on his katana then Leo blows out the candle. Splinter turns on the lights and looks at Leo. "Well done, Leonardo." Splinter said to him while Raph was not happy about the end results. "Teacher's pet." Raph snapped at his brother who looks at him. "Ninja drop out." Leo said to him snapping back while he tosses the candle at Raph who catches it. "Ooooooh." Donnie and Mikey called while Raph squishes the candle then he rushes angrily at Leo. "My sons." Splinter said as put his walking stick between Leo and Raph to stop them. "Ah, my sons. If you are to become true ninja, you must work harder." Splinter said to them as the brothers all kneel in front of him. "Your path in life will not be an easy one." Splinter said to them while a fly goes over to Mikey who looks at it and then back at Splinter. "The outside world will not be a friendly place for you. You four are different in ways the surface dwellers would never understand. To survive you must master these skills I teach you." Splinter said to them while Mikey was trying to grab the fly. "Ninjitsu powers of stealth and secrecy. You must become Kage; shadow warriors, and you must never be discovered by the outside world." Splinter said to them then Mikey slaps hands together over the fly. Splinter walks over to Mikey who looks at him to see Splinter giving him a stern look.

Then the lair starts to shake and crumble. "Huh? What is that noise?" Splinter asks his sons as the brothers stand up while stones fall from the ceiling. "Whoa! Earthquake!" Mikey yelled while Donnie looks over at the shaking lair. "In New York? Possible but not likely." Donnie said to him as a large stone slab falls at his feet. Mechanical creatures burst through the walls and march toward the Turtles. "What are those things?" Leo asks as he and his brothers take out their weapons. "New York City cockroaches?" Mikey jokes to his brothers. "Whatever they are, they picked the wrong party to crash." Raph said to them and he kicks one of the robots making the others start attacking them. Donnie smashed a bunch of robots with his Bo Staff while Mikey smacked some more across the room with his Nunchucks. "Hey, Leo!" Mikey yelled while one of the robots bits onto his Nunchucks. "Think fast!" Mikey yelled and threw the robot to Leo who slices it in half while Splinter was being cornered by the robots. Splinter swings his walking stick hitting a few robots but more keep coming. "We have to help Master Splinter. Come on!" Leo told his brothers then the brothers made their way to where Splinter was while the Mousers starts eating support beams. Raph jumps out in front and destroys Mouser as the ceiling begins to break apart and then collapses. "Look out!" Leo yelled as he pulls Raph back as the ceiling falls in. "Oh, no." Leo said as the brothers run over to where Splinter was but a large pile of impassable rubble is in their way. "Master Splinter!" Raph yelled while Leo tries to find a way through the rubble. "Master Splinter. Master Splinter! No!" Leo yelled for his dad as Raph sees one more robot making him walk over to it and he stomps on the head of a Mouser and crushes it. "What the shell are those things?" Mikey asks them while he was looking at a Mouser. "Whatever they were..." Raph said to him then he kicks Mouser whom Mikey was looking at. "They're junk now." Raph said to him as Donnie walks back to them with a duffel bag while Leo was trying to find a way through the debris pile. "Guys, Splinter. We've got to find Splinter." Leo said to them making Raph and Mikey run over to Leo and Donnie. "Master Splinter, can you hear me?" Leo calls out but no answer. "Donatello, any way to..." Leo said to him then a sound cuts him off making the brothers look at Donnie. "What are you doing?" Leo asks him. "Shell cell. I'm calling Master Splinter. I hope." Donnie said to him.

On the other side of the debris wall, Splinter was lying on the ground. He rises at the ringing sound and opens his shell cell. "Hmm, which button do you press to answer this thing? Hello?" Splinter asks himself while pressing buttons.

On the other side of the debris wall, the brothers were happy to hear that Splinter was okay. Leo takes shell cell from Donnie to talk to Splinter. "Master Splinter, are you all right?" Leo asks him. "Hello?" Splinter said to it. "Master Splinter..." Leo calls him. "Stupid device." Splinter said to himself. "You don't have to press any buttons, you already answered it." Leo said to him. "Ahh. Leonardo, whatever those mechanical menaces are, they have managed to eat through the support structure of our home. We must leave right away. Meet me at the old drainage junction at the south point." Splinter said to them while Raph shoves Mikey aside. Donnie takes out a map from his duffel bag that he on him. "If we take the south conduit, it'll intersect with the old drainage tunnel." Donnie said to them while looking at the map. "We'll meet you there, Sensei." Leo said to Splinter and the call ends. Mikey runs up to the brothers then he puts his hands on Leo and Donnie's shoulders. "What'd he say, what'd he say? Did he mention me?" Mikey asks them making Raph shove him again.

Before the brothers leave, Donnie was making sure he had everything. "Goodbye broken pipe, goodbye grungy pay phone, goodbye dented manhole cover, goodbye home sweet home." Mikey said as Raph walks over to him. "Hello, cruel world. Come on." Raph said to him and he grabs Mikey's mask tail and yanks him off his feet.

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