Very Obvious

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A Few Days Later

In New York, At The New Lair

The Turtles settle into their new lair, Jesse, Jamey, Raph, and Leo went back to the brothers and Splinter's old home to pick up some more furniture that hadn't been destroyed by the robots. Mikey and Tasneem were setting up the t.v system while Donnie was fixing some of the support beams in the lair and Cheyenne was looking over at the broken pieces of the robots.

"There." Tasneem said as Mikey places a smaller t.v on top of a bigger one. "What's the matter, you two? Can't decide what to watch?" Donnie asks them as he welded a metal strip into place. "I need more power Captain." Mikey said to him as Donnie lowers himself to the ground while Cheyenne turns to them. "The turtle cave must be set for maximum entertainment potential." Mikey said to him and he plugs in power cords. Tasneem turns on the TVs that go bright and a loud sound forces Tasneem to turn them off. "Aww!" Mikey said as Donnie walks over to the two while Splinter was on the couch swing practice dummy. "Turtle cave? That is so lame." Donnie said to Mikey who looks at him. "What would you call our new digs, the shell-ter?" Mikey asks him while Tasneem sits down on the floor. "How about the sewer of solitude?" Donnie said to him. "Terrapin station?" Tasneem said joining in on what to name the lair. "The school for gifted reptiles?" Cheyenne said to them from where she was standing. "The hall of nin-justice." Mikey said to them making Splinter look up and clears his throat making the teens look at him. "We will call this place...home." Splinter said to them. "Hmm...catchy." Mikey said as Splinter stands up. "Now, what is keeping the other four?" Splinter asks them while Donnie walks over to Cheyenne. "They just went to get the last of our stuff from the old lair." Mikey said to him. "Ya, they should be back soon, since my sisters took the sewer surfer boards that Cheyenne made." Tasneem said to Mikey who looks at her. "Cool, and with the sewer slider that Donnie made, Raph and Leo should be back soon too." Mikey said to her while Donnie looks over at the robots with Cheyenne. "They should be back any minute now." Donnie said to them as he reached for a piece then he touched Cheyenne's hand. The two looked at each other, and Cheyenne blushed and she quickly moved her hand away. Donnie looks away from her too and he starts blushing too.

Meanwhile with the other four turtles at the old lair. Jesse finds a canister that says TCRI making her pick it up while Leo walks over to her. "I'll take that." Leo said making Jesse turn to him. "Oh, sure." Jesse said to him as she hands the canister to Leo who takes it to the sewer slider. "Our home, for fifteen years – and this is all that's left." Leo said to himself while Jesse finds a custom sign that says "Sewer Sweet Sewer" making her pick it up and she runs over to the sewer slider. "Here, Leo." Jesse said to him making Leo turn to her to see the sign in her hands. "Thanks." Leo said to her as he takes it from her. "When I find out who built those home-wrecking robo roaches..." Raph said and he punches a support column, which crumbles at the impact point. "Raph, come on, let's not trash this place anymore than it already is." Leo said to him and the turtles gets onto their riders. Raph starts the sewer slider as Leo sits on top of their belongings while the two sisters get onto their sewer surfer boards. The four make their way back to the new lair. "Now remember, Don said the accelerator hasn't been calibrated yet, so take it nice and..." Leo said to Raph who accelerates quickly. "Ah~oh!" Leo yelled as he holds on. "Yee~ha!" Raph yelled when he almost ran over Jesse and Jamey. "Hey, watch where your driving!" Jamey yelled at him as the two sisters turns to the brothers. "How about you! I know it's a sewer, but I am sure sewers have a speed limit, and you are going much lower than it!" Raph yelled at her as Jamey was now beside the sewer slider. "Okay, maybe we can have a little race, unless you're afraid of being beaten by a girl." Jamey said to him, Raph doesn't answer her, he just speed up the sewer glider. "Sister, let's show them what we can do." Jamey said to Jesse and the two speed up their sewer boards to full and they speed by the boys. A look of shock and intimidation, but interest spread across Raph's face. "We'll see you losers at home." Jesse said to them and the two sisters speed up even more. "Whoa." Raph and Leo said at the same time.

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