Identify Your Enemies

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My name is Donatello, and right now I'm learning just how long I can hold my breath. There is a  vibro-cannon that is seriously messing up the East River. If this keeps up, the whole South Street Seaport could go crumbling into the water. I'd be fascinated by the technology if I wasn't otherwise occupied. - Donnie

In The New York

In Sewer Lair

The Turtles are in their lair, enjoying some extreme sports. "He is the Alpha Dog, the Thrash-Meister, the Undisputed God of the Half-Pipe." Tasneem said as Mikey does a flip on his skateboard while she rides her skateboard. "Wahoo!" Mikey yelled as Jamey and Raph were following the two on rollerblades. "Who needs half-pipe, bro? We got FULL-pipe!" Raph shouted to Tasneem as he circled the entire sewer pipe. "Hahahaha." Raph laughs as he does a loop around the pipe. "Woohoo, yeah! Haha!" Raph said then Jamey does a loop around the pipe and she does a front flip before landing in front of Raph. "Nice landing, babe." Raph said to her making Jamey look at him. "Don't call me babe, Raphael." Jamey said to him in a little mean tone. "Alright...babe." Raph said then he speed off with a now mad Jamey who started chasing him. "Aww, they are in love." Mikey said to Tasneem who laughs. Behind the two young turtles were Cheyenne and Donnie riding their bikes while Jesse and Leo were using a scooter. The turtles ride into the lair, and Donnie rides over to a ramp. "Going for airplitude!" Donnie yelled as he rides off the ramp then Leo goes off the same ramp and grinds a table with his scooter. "Going for grinditude! Woo!" Leo yelled as Jesse rides past Leo. "I won't award you points for that, Leo, but you can at least deserve one for trying." Jesse said to him with a smile making Leo follow her. Donnie rides over to Cheyenne who was watching everyone with a smile. "You okay?" Donnie asks her making Cheyenne look at him. "I'm okay, Donnie." Cheyenne said to him with a smile making Donnie's heart melt. "Hey, you want to have a race?" Cheyenne asks him making Donnie nod a little.

Splinter walks in holding a tray that has a teapot, teacup, and two muffins. Leo rides past him with Jesse following him. "Excuse us, Sensei." Leo said to him, Splinter sets the tray down on the table by the TV. "Heads up, Sensei! I mean, down!" Donnie yelled as he rides right over Splinter who ducks it. "Donnie!" Cheyenne calls after him as she rides around Splinter. Splinter pours himself some tea and looks to his right annoyed. Splinter then jumps over the table as Raph and Jamey ride by and land on the other side of the table. "Nice recovery, Sensei!" Raph yelled making Splinter sighs and reach for a muffin, but Mikey rode by and grabs it. "Hey, thanks, Sensei!" Mikey yelled as Tasneem rides after Mikey. "Mikey, that was not yours!" Tasneem yelled as she follows him. 

"Extreme breed!"

The teens yelled while Splinter sits down and tries turning on the TV, but all of a sudden, the electricity goes completely out. The turtles crash into each other in the now-dark lair. "Nice wiring job, Don." Mikey said to his brother very sarcastically. "I guarantee it's not my wiring. Maybe it's a blackout." Donnie said to him. "Maybe. Now you wanna get your foot off my shell?" Mikey demanded more than asked. Splinter lights a match and ignites a candle and pointed it toward the turtles. Leo looks down to see he was on top of Jesse who was already looking at him. "Leo, are you going to get off me anytime soon?" Jesse asks him making Leo move off her. "Sorry." Leo said to her as he helps her up. "Keep that flame away from Mikey. He scarfed down a whole chili pizza for dinner." Tasneem said to Splinter making Mikey hit her with a playful yank. "Clearly there is a power failure. I suggest you investigate and see if it can be fixed." Splinter said to them. "We're all over it." Mikey said to him then he and Tasneem pick up their skateboards and ran out of the lair. Raph pressed a button on his rollerblades while Jamey rides go after the younger turtles on her rollerblades with Raph following her. Jesse and Leo folded up their scooter while Donnie folded up his and Cheyenne's bikes then the two follow Jesse and Leo out of the lair. "And hurry up! I do not wish to miss my favorite program." Splinter said to them. 

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