The Shredder Strikes, Part 1

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In our ninja training, Master Splinter is constantly telling us that when given two choices, always choose the harder path. But somehow, when you're a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, the harder path always seems to choose you. - Leo

At The Turtles Lair

The turtles engaged in weapons training with one another but Jesse who was talking to Splinter. "Ha! You know what I like best about weapons practice?" Raph asks them. "I don't know..." Jamey said to him while she side kicks Cheyenne who blocks the attack. "Maybe the weapons, duh." Jamey said to him as she runs over to Raph's side. "Bingo." Raph said to her while Mikey and Tasneem run over to the two.  Mikey wraps a nunchaku around Raph's sai and tosses his brother. Tasneem wraps her manriki around Jamey's arms and she tosses her into Raph. "Too bad you two stuck with those lame toothpicks, and not a real weapon like the nunchucks." Mikey said to the two. "Or a Manriki." Tasneem said to them with a smile. Suddenly, Donnie and Cheyenne uses their bō to sweep Mikey and Tasneem's feet out from under them but they quickly flipped back up. "Sorry, you two. But the bō staff is where it's at." Donnie said to them while twirled his Bo-Staff. "My Bo-Staff may have an update but I siding with Don on this anyway." Cheyenne said as she press a button on her Bo making the blade pop out at the end of it. "Everyone..." Leo said as he unsheathed his Katana. "Put away the toys. Hi~yah! Double katana is the only way to play!" Leo yelled as he knock everyone down one by one. "What did I tell you? Double katana? Pretty sweet, huh?" Leo asks them with a smile. "Nice one, Leo." Donnie said to him from his spot on the ground. "You just got lucky." Jamey said to him making Raph nod agreeing with her. "Not so lucky for my tail. It just got kicked." Mikey said to them. "Oh boy." Tasneem said to herself while rubbing her head.

"Well fought, Leonardo." Splinter said as he and Jesse walk over to them. The turtles all line up with Jesse joining them. "Thank you, Sensei." Leo said to him as he bows to Splinter. "You have won, but do you know why?" Splinter asks him. "Well, I have the superior weapons. I read where sword master Musashi said the katana blade holds the soul of steel and is the truest guide to the warrior's way. Which is kind of how I feel." Leo said to him making Jesse smile at him impressed. "Very impressive Leo you know your Kanata knowledge very well." Jesse said to him making Leo look at her to see Jesse wearing the necklace he given her making him blush. "Thanks." Leo said to her. "Many things are said, but few are true." Splinter said to him. "Huh?" Leo said very confused. "Master Splinter's got that look." Raph said to the others. "I think somebody's gonna get it." Donnie said to them making Mikey chuckle. "Michelangelo!" Splinter calls him. "Huh?" Mikey said looking at him. "Do you think I am funny?" Splinter asks him while raising his walking stick. "Um, yeah. I mean, sometimes. There was that time you told that joke about the ox and the sparrow. It wasn't really a joke, but it was funny and—" Mikey said making Tasneem elbow him. "Oof! I mean, no, Master Splinter." Mikey said to him quickly. 

Splinter sigh as he turns to Jesse. "Jesse, please come here." Splinter said to her. Jesse walks over to him and Splinter hands his walking stick to her before moving back leaving Jesse and Leo facing each other. "Leonardo, attack Jesse with your katana." Splinter said to him making the other turtles quickly stand back. "Master Splinter, I..." Leo said frozen as he looks at Jesse. "Do!" Splinter yelled at him. 

Leo slices down at Jesse, who stops the attack with Splinter's walking stick making Leo and the others all gasp. "Is this the great and glorious weapon of which you speak? Helpless before another ninjutsu student like yourself?" Splinter asks him as Jesse kicks Leo away. "Again, with both!" Splinter yelled making Leo charged at Jesse with both Katanas this time. Jesse parries each strike by using just the walking stick, wielded in one hand with the other behind her back. Jesse then easily knocks the Katanas out of Leo's hands before pressing the end of the stick to Leo's chin and lifting his head. Leo's brothers chuckles at Leo's embarrassment of getting beaten by his crush. "In the hands of a true ninjutsu master, anything can be a deadly weapon." Splinter said to Leo while his brothers laugh at him a little. Jesse removes the walking stick away from Leo and she hands it back to Splinter. "Remember, a weapon is only as good as the arm that wields it, Leonardo." Splinter said to him then without looking, he throws the stick directly into the center of the punching bag. "Until you have learned this lesson, you have learned nothing." Splinter said to him making Leo frowned as he picks up his Katanas.

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