The Shredder Strikes Back, Part 2

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The worst has come to pass. My son Leonardo and Jesse was out on a training exercise when they were ambushed and chased across the city by the dark forces of the Foot. Shredder was back and he had Jesse while Leo was returned to us broken and battered, only to deliver a terrible message. I had foolishly thought the worst had come to pass, but now I fear it is yet to come. 

- Splinter

An unconscious Leo lies on the living room floor of April O'Neil's apartment, as his brothers, the girls, Splinter, and April try to comprehend what is happening. "What? What did he just say?" April asks them. "He said, The Shredder's back." Mikey said to them. "No way, we were all there. We all saw what happened that night on the roof." Raph said to them. "There's no way any human could've survived that." Donnie said to them. "We're not dealing with any human. This is the Shredder." Raph said to them while Cheyenne starts breathing heavily. "Cheye, breath." Tasneem said to her while she rubs Cheyenne's shell. "Uh, if you read comic books, you'd know, the bad guy always comes back. Always! And sometimes the bad guy will take someone that the hero cares about. And it looks like the Shredder has pick Jesse." Mikey said said to them. "Jess, will be fine, Cheye. We will find a way to save her." Donnie said to her while he hugs her. "We need to get Leo out of here." April said to them. "She is right. We must leave now and come back to get Jesse." Splinter said to them. "Guys! We got company!" Mikey said to them as Foot ninja begin appearing on buildings across from them. "What's the plan? Leo and Jesse are always the ones with the plan. So what are we gonna do without Leo or Jesse to come up with a plan?" Mikey asks them. "No time for a plan." Raph said to him. "Why not?" Tasneem asks him then Foot ninja crash through windows and Mikey screams. Mikey leaps behind the couch and pushes it towards the center of the living room while more ninja burst through the kitchen windows. "Master Splinter, grab Leo. We'll cover you." Donnie said to him as he begins fighting Foot ninja with his bō. The turtles start fighting off the Foot Ninjas while Splinter and April carry Leo behind the couch. 

The battle rages on, with the turtles holding their own. Raph uses his sais to parry a sword attack, Jamey leaps over and tosses the Foot ninja into the wall after grabbing him by the belt. Donnie rushes over to Cheyenne, who was struggling, Donnie uses his bo to strike the ninjas' head, causing them to fall on the ground. "You okay?" Donnie asks her. "Yeah...I...I...jus...just..." Cheyenne said as she begins trembling making Donnie to hold her hands. "Cheye...breath in and out." Donnie whisper to her while Tasneem and Mikey keep the Foot Ninjas away from them. Donnie gently strokes Cheyenne's cheek as she begins to breathe deeply. "When we get Leo somewhere safe, we will find a way to get your sister back." Donnie whisper to her to clam her down while holding her. 

Suddenly while Mikey and Tasneem were fighting one gigantic Foot ninja grabs Mikey, bounces him off the couch. Tasneem throws her weapon at the Foot ninja's hand before he hit Mikey. The ninja pulls out his sword as he turns to her, the ninja grabs the weapon and he grabs her arm. "Ow!" Tasneem yelled as he rises her up and he was going for a killing blow but Splinter leaps. "No!" Splinter yelled and he kicks the ninja down making him drop Tasneem. "I will hold them off. Help April get Leo down the stairs and out through the antique shop." Splinter said to them and he starts tears into the Foot ninja invaders. Leo starts groaning making Mikey knee down to him. "Leo?" Mikey calls his name. "My swords." Leo said weakly. "Where are my swords?" Leo asks as he tries opening his eyes. "Jess, where is she?" Leo asks them. "Take it easy, bro, we're getting you outta here." Mikey said to him as more ninja leap through the broken windows. 

Splinter looks back at Leo and April as the giant ninja sneaks up behind him, but before he can attack, Splinter back fists him. Another ninja aims an arrow at Splinter's back and fires. Splinter turns and catches the arrow in mid-air, and breaks it in two. "Enough!" Splinter yelled then he looks at the turtle group who was fighting. "Raphael, Jamey and Donatello, cover the rear! Michelangelo, I told you to help April get Leonardo downstairs! Tasneem and Cheyenne stay with April and Mikey if they get attack!" Splinter orders them then he begins fighting off ninja.  Mikey stands and battles Foot ninja with his nunchaku, pushing them away from April as she helps Leo to his feet with Tasneem helping her. "I can walk." Leo said them then he grunts and nearly falls and April tightens her grip. "Leo, lean on me." April said to him. "April, leave me. Get away if you can. This is our fight, not yours." Leo said to her while Tasneem holds him up. "Not my fight? Look, Leo, we're all family now. I could never run out on you! Let's go." April said to him.

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