Shell Shock Time

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In New York

Friday night, the turtles attempt to sneak out of the lair. "I don't know, Raph. We should probably tell Master Splinter." Leo whispered to Raph. "And have him stop us from going topside? No way." Raph whispered back at Leo who looks at him. "We have to find that vigilante whack bag and stop him. For his own good. He's not a bad guy. Just a little..." Jamey said as she starts thinking of a word. "Misguided." Jamey finished Raph's sentence making Raph look at her with a smile. Then suddenly, the lights in the lair flashed on making the turtles all look over to see Splinter. "Ahem." Splinter said looking at the teens. "Busted." Mikey and Tasneem said at the same time. "How many times have I told you not to sneak up to the surface?" Splinter asks them. "This month?" Cheyenne asks while thinking of an answer. "512." Donnie said to them. "Actually, it's 789." Cheyenne said to Donnie shyly. Donnie looks t her with an impressed look on his face making Cheyenne blush a  bit. "It is dangerous for you to go about openly in the world above." Splinter said to them as he walks over to them. "You cannot simply walk amongst the humans. They will not accept who and what you are. It is as the great sage and warrior Kenji Hashimura once said, Why walk when you can ride?" Splinter said to them making everyone look confused. "Come again?" Raph said to him making Splinter smile. Splinter leads them all to the elevator that leads to the old abandoned garage. "Take the truck." Splinter said to them. The turtles enter the elevator and go to the warehouse and look at the armored car. "Alright, we got a few hours to make this truck turtle ready." Raph said to them. "Let's get to work." Jesse said to them. The turtles all worked hard for the next few hours, fixing and adding things to the truck. Raph and Jamey were working side by side and their hands touched. The two both ended up blushing and quickly moving their hands back. After all their hard work, the Battle Shell was ready for action. "Now this is a ride." Raph said to them while Cheyenne takes off her safety goggles. "You ain't seen nothing yet. Let's roll!" Donnie yelled and the turtles hopped in and drove off.

A few minutes, the Battle Shell arrives at the park, with Donnie driving. "On your left is Central Park, 843 acres of landscaped beauty in the center of the city." Donnie said to them then Raph looks out the window. "Wait! There he is!" Raph yelled as Casey rides past them making Jamey run up to Donnie and Cheyenne. "Floor it, keep up with him!" Jamey said to them. "You go get him, you two." Cheyenne said to Raph and Jamey. "I and Cheyenne whipped up something in the back that we think you might like." Donnie said to them then Donnie gives Cheyenne a smile. Jamey and Raph go to the back of the truck and the two see two bright red motorcycles with red helmets on their kickstand. "Donatello and Cheyenne, you two are the turtles." Raph said to the two while Jamey grabs a helmet. The two put on their helmets and they drive rides out of the Battle Shell.

Jamey and Raph ride into Central Park catching up to Casey. "Hey Hotshot! Slow it down!" Raph yells at Casey who speeds up and they go through two turns with Raph and Jamey easily keeping up with him and riding up to his right. "Pull over, wack job!" Jamey yells at Casey who just drove faster and moved in front of her. Jamey was about to speed up when she saw people hiding. "The lady said to pull over!" Raph yelled and he forcefully applies the brakes on Casey's bike causing him to crash. "Time for a little shell shock." Raph said then he speeds towards Casey and jumps off the bike to tackle him to the ground. Jamey was so caught up in looking at people who were watching them that she didn't notice the bikes there were dead ahead. Jamey hits the bike making her fly off her bike and she flew into a tree. "Jamey!" Raph yelled as he got off Casey who was stunned. Jamey rubs her head as Raph stands by her. "Let me help." Raph said to her as he stuck his hand out to her. Jamey looks at Raph a little hesitant but she takes his hand. "Ugh, I can't believe I just got my butt kicked by two giant frogs." Casey said to them whinging. "Turtles." Jamey and Raph said to him at the same time. "Whatever." Casey shouted at them. "Look, we're no fans of the Purple Dragons either. we'll help you take them down, but we gotta exercise just a little restraint." Jamey said to Casey while Raph helps him up. "Save it. You don't know what you're talking about." Casey said to them. "Try us." Raph said to him making Casey lift up his mask. "Well, a long time ago when I was a kid, some young punks were shaking my dad down for protection money. They were Purple Dragons and when my pop didn't give the money to them, they torched our store." Casey said to them as he remembers that night making a tear run down his cheek but he was quick to whip it away. "So don't tell me how to deal with Purple Dragons." Casey said to them. "Just be careful. Your anger could take you down. Make you act just like them. My father once told me a true warrior finds balance in all things." Raph said to him making Jamey look at him. "Balance, huh?" Casey said to them. "Well, you know, as much balance as a couple of hot-headed whack-bags like us can manage." Raph said referring to all of them making Casey smile. "Me? You two are the only whack-bags around here, Doc." Casey said to them. "Hey, we ain't half as crazy as you." Jamey said to him and she punches Casey's arm. "Well, which one of us went flying into a tree?" Casey asks her. "There will be no mention of that ever again." Jamey said to them. "Sorry, but for little green dudes, you two are totally nuts." Casey said to them. "Yeah, well I'm not the one running around in a hockey mask." Raph said to him. "I gotta protect my good looks. I'm saving this face for Hollywood." Casey said to him. "Really? Your face is not for Hollywood, my friend." Jamey said to him.  "Well, isn't this romantic." Said a purple dragon as the three got surrounded by purple dragons carrying various weapons. "So, when you said I'd go too far, get myself into trouble, you meant something like this?" Casey asks Raph. "Something like it." Raph said to him as the Purple Dragons get closer to them, but the Battle Shell rolls in at the last second, causing the thugs to disperse, and the rest of the turtles ran to their side. "Friends of yours?" Casey asks Jamey and Raph. "Brothers actually." Raph said to him. "And the girls are my sisters." Jamey said to him as the turtles pull out their weapons. "I can see the family resemblance." Casey said to them. "We are the pretty ones." Mikey and Tasneem said in unison. "No, I'm the cute one!" Mikey yelled making Tasneem look at him. "You're not cute, I'm cuter!" Tasneem said to him making Mikey down. "You, you kinda are..." Mikey said to her. "Really? You two are doing this now." Jesse said to them. "Thanks, Mikey and don't worry, you're pretty cute too. I would say 2nd place." Tasneem said to him making Mikey look at her with a smile. "Just stop." Jesse said to the younger turtles than the Purple Dragons charged. Mikey and Donnie use their weapons to block two thugs' attacks then Cheyenne and Tasneem jump over and knock them back. Casey and Raph each have a thug jump at them but knock the thugs back while Jamey kicks two other thugs from under their feet. Leo gets surrounded by multiple thugs, he sheathes his swords and split kicks two of them. "Guys, check it out! I got my split kick right!" Leo yells to his group. "I missed it! Let me see it again!" Jesse said to him while Raph threw a purple dragon over his shoulder. "Yes, one more time!" Raph yelled and Leo split kicks two more thugs. "Haha! Saw that one!" Jamey yelled at him. "Great job, Leo." Jesse said to him while Raph puts away his sai. "Thanks." Leo said to her. "I give you a ten!" Casey yelled holding up his hands with Raph holding up his hands. "Hey, Raph, only a six?" Leo asks him as Jesse jumps over Leo and kicks a thug away from him. "Bro, it's all I got!" Raph said to him and he blocks a punch and kicks someone while Leo and Jesse confront Dragon Face. "He is all yours, Leo." Jesse said to him and Leo charged at the guy using his swords to chop part of Dragon Face's weapon off. "Uh oh." Dragon Face said then Jesse kicks him knocking him out with the rest of his gang.

"I know I'm gonna regret saying this, but I'm glad I met you, crazy man." Raph said to Casey. "Same here, Casey." Jamey said to Casey. "Me too, freako, and you know something? I'm starting to see what you're all about." Casey said to the two. "Oh, you mean about balance? Self-control?" Raph asks him. "No, I mean that you're green mutant freaks." Casey said to him and he punches Raph and Jamey's arms. "But I like you two." Casey said to them. The three share a laugh while punching each other until Casey tackles Raph and Jamey down and they continue to fight while the others look on. "He's your brother." Leo said to Mikey. "No no, he's YOUR brother." Mikey said to him. "Absolutely, YOUR brother." Leo said to him. "Can we leave them here?" Tasneem asks them while Jesse rubs her eyes at what was happening in front of her.

Back At The Lair

Tasneem and Mikey were nothing laying on the couch watching a movie, Jesse was teaching Leo the flying split kick, while Donnie and Cheyenne were making sure Jamey was okay after hearing she flew into a tree with Raph waiting eagerly for her, though he didn't understand why he wanted to spend time with her. When Jamey was checked out with only a bruise she and Raph were sitting together on the top floor of the lair. "Nice bruise." Raph said to her. "Shut up, Raphie boy." Jamey said to him as she playfully punched Raph's arm. "Jamey, look, I know you said never to speak of it again but...about the...little kiss, I'm sorry...." Raph said to her making Jamey point her finger at him. "I said never to speak of it again." Jamey said to him. "Sorry, I know you probably didn't like getting kissed by someone like me." Raph said to her making Jamey give him a look. "I ever said that." Jamey said to him making Raph look at her shocked to hear what Jamey said to him. "I'm going to bed." Jamey said to him as she stands up. "Night, Raph." Jamey said to him and she walks away from him leaving Raph sitting by himself as he watches her enter her room. "Night." Raph said to himself. 🎵Raph and Jamey sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G.🎵 Raph hears Tasneem and Mikey singing making him glare at them. "Shut it." Raph said to them but the two keep singing. 🎵First comes love.🎵 Tasneem sings making Jesse and Leo look at them. 🎵Then comes marriage🎵 Mikey sings while Cheyenne and Donnie watch as Raph runs over to the two. 🎵Then comes baby In a baby carriage!🎵 Tasneem and Mikey sing in unison then they see Raph charging at them making the two run away with the others watching them.

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