The Shredder Strikes, Part 2

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Well, it took me a while, but I managed to see Oroku Saki for who he really is: The Shredder. Of course, to get to this point, we had to fight a bunch of Foot Ninja, which wasn't easy. Then, we had to go up against Hun again. Definitely not easy. But the real nightmare is about to begin. Now we have to face the Shredder, and something tells me, this is really not going to be easy. - Leo

The turtles stand in the rain on a rooftop, facing Shredder and his Foot ninja. "The time for games has ended. No more charades." Shredder said to them as he removes his helmet. "You see me as I am. And it will be the last thing you will ever see." Shredder said to them then he puts his helmet back on. "Prepare to face your destiny and your doom!" Shredder said to them. "Well, uh, he's your friend, Leo." Donnie said to Leo with fear in his voice while Cheyenne holds his hand. "And he certainly has a strong sense of personal style. I mean, nice outfit." Mikey said to them. "Yeah, but something tells me he didn't get all dressed up for nothing." Raph said to them. "Guys. We're in for the fight of our lives." Leo said to them. "Leo's right." Jesse said to them then she looks at her group. "You guys ready?" Jesse asks them then her eyes meets Leo's eyes. "Not really..." Tasneem said to them. "Don't worry, neither am I." Jamey said to her. "We've trained for this but statistically speaking the odds of us winning this unharmed are low like very low." Cheyenne said to them. "Good thing, I never follow the stats." Raph said to them then his arm bumps into Jamey making the two look at each other for a second. "Foot ninja, attack! Destroy them!" Shredder yelled at his nights then Foot ninja race forward and engage the turtles in battle.

Leo rans over to the one side of the roof, jumping up and kicking two ninjas down while Cheyenne takes Jesse aside to cover her cut. Donnie was by Cheyenne and Jesse whacking ninjas away with his Bo Staff. Raph clashed his sai with a ninja's sword then Tasneem kicks the ninja away. Raph pats Tasneem's head making her smile at him as Jamey clashes her weapons over and over with multiple ninjas around her making Raph run over to help her.

Mikey was facing three ninjas and he was getting ready to fight them. Suddenly Shredder jumps down by him and he kicks Mikey down sending Mikey flying across the rooftop. "Mikey!" Tasneem shouts as she runs over to him while Shredder turns to Leo. Leo was fighting a ninja until Shredder kicks Leo in the chest sending him flying but Leo flips off the ground with his hands and land back onto his feet sliding to a stop. Donnie was twirling his Bo Staff in front of him overwhelms two Foot ninja before the Shredder leaps down next to him, grabs the staff, and pitches Donnie down on the rooftop. Donnie lands on his shell a few feet away, Donnie gasps as he looks up to see a Foot ninja coming down at him with a sword. As the ninja swings at Donnie's face, Raph catches the blade on his sai. Donnie rolls out of the way as Raph pushes against the ninja. "Watch your back, brainiac!" Raph said to him. "Isn't that what you're for, Raph?" Donnie said to him as he stands up and he runs towards another ninja as Raph disarms the ninja and sends his sword flying. Leo and Mikey were standing shell-to-shell, fighting ninjas then Mikey noticed the sword heading their way. "Leo, low bridge!" Mikey yelled at his brother then the two duck and the sword Raphael sent flying goes past them and strikes an electrical unit making sparks fly and then flames erupt. 

Mikey, Tasneem, Donnie and Cheyenne were deal with ninjas, while nearby, Shredder faces off with Leo, Jesse, Raph and Jamey. Flames move all around them, Leo and Raph leap at Shredder who meets them mid-air, knocking both down. Shredder looks over at Jesse and Jamey who were ready to attack. "You attack from below." Jesse said to Jamey. "And you attack from above." Jamey said to her then the two attack at the same time. Jamey try to swiftly kick Shredder under his foot but he jumps up but Jesse hits his helmet with her fans. Shredder lands on the ground and he looks at the two sisters and he smiles under his helmet. Shredder stands up as Jamey attempted to attack him again only for Shredder to kick her in her chest away from him. Shredder then looks at Jesse who was facing him while holding her fans tight. "Ah, Jesse my daughter." Shredder said to her as he walks closer to her. "Tell me, how is your mother in the afterlife?" Shredder asks her before he laughs darkly while Jesse growled. "Why don't you ask her yourself because when I'm done with you, you'll be in the afterlife!" Jesse yelled then she runs towards Shredder. Jesse's fans clashes with Shredder's gauntlet the sound echos into the distance. "Pathetic child!" Shredder said as he pushes Jesse to the ground. "You will be the one to join your mother!" Shredder yelled at her and he punches Jesse in the face making her fall onto the ground. Jesse sees her fans have landed a few feet away from her, Jesse breathes heavily as she turns around to see Shredder staring down at her. "Don't worry about your sisters, I will take care of them when I am done with you." Shredder said to her as he rises his gauntlet. "You talk too much!" Jamey yelled as she jumps onto Shredder's back and she tries to stab Shredder who stops her attack. Jesse grabs her fans and she threws it at Shredder sending him stumbling backways. Jamey jumps off Shredder and she grabs Jesse's fans before doing a backflip over to Jesse. Jamey extended her hand to her older sister, Jesse smiles at her as she takes her hand. "Ready for another round?" Jamey asks Jesse while she hands the fans to her. "Ready when you are." Jesse said to her then the two run at Shredder. The two run pass Raph and Leo who were laying on the group. "What? You tried already?" Jamey jokes as her and Jesse run pass them.

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