A Mouser Hunt

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In New York

Later At Night, In The Sewer Lair

Everyone was asleep in the lair but two figures who runs to the exit who was no other than Raph and Jamey. "You sure this will work?" Jamey asks Raph. "Positive, at least we can both agree we like kicking some shell." Raph said to her. "That's true, but don't let it get to your head." Jamey said to him then suddenly, two figures appeared in front of them. "Midnight stroll?" One of the figures asks as the two walks out of the shadows. "Out of my way, Leo." Raph said to his brother. "Master Splinter said we stay put." Leo said to him and Raph gets into a fighting stance. "Look, I'll go through you if I have to." Raph said to him making Leo matches his stance. "I'd like to see you try, hothead." Leo said to him. "Careful what you wish for, Splinter Junior. Haa-yaa!" Raph yelled then he leaps at Leo and the two started fighting with each other. Jamey walks around the brothers and into Jesse who gives her a look. "I was forced to do it by Raph." Jamey said to her as a Mouser runs past them, followed by Cheyenne, Tasneem Donnie, and Mikey. "Hey guys, Cheyenne got one working!" Donnie yelled at them. "Come on, he's faster than he looks!" Tasneem yelled at them as they follow the robot. "So, you just gonna let that Mouser roam free?" Raph asks Leo who looks at him. "Master Splinter is so going to kill us." Leo said to him as he gets off of Raph. "Master Splinter is so going to kill you guys, not us." Jesse said to him as she and Leo follow the others. "Well, you coming or what?" Jamey said to Raph as she follows the others. "If you insist." Raph said then jumps up and runs after the others.

In The tunnels, the turtles followed the Mouser to a large spillway with water coming out of multiple pipes. "Watch your step here guys. Don't want to end up as turtle soup." Leo said to them as they all run across a large pipe. The Mouser clamps onto the wall with its feet and starts walking up it. "Resourceful little critter." Donnie said to himself. "So what do we do now?" Raph asks them. "Like Master Splinter says, a ninja is always prepared." Leo said to him then the group pulls out their shuko spikes from their belt. "I thought that was the boy scouts." Mikey said to him. The turtles start climbing the walls behind the Mouser. "Next time let's leave the wall-crawling to the dude in the blue and red tights." Mikey said to them. "You read way too many comic books." Leo said to him. "However, he's a cool superhero." Tasneem said to Leo with a smile then the turtles jumps into a pipe that the Mouser went through.

The turtles then follow the Mouser through the tunnel. "Just curious, Don. What's to stop old turbo jaws from munching up another six-point two on the Richter scale?" Mikey asks his brother. "I shut down his jaw servos. It couldn't even chew through a stick of gum." Donnie said to him then the mouser turned to a wall beside it and began to eat it making an escape tunnel. "You were saying?" Tasneem asks Donnie. "But I...I'm sure I shut it down." Donnie said to them a little upset. "Aww, Don's finally lost his techno mojo. It's sad really." Mikey said to them. "It must have some kind of security override routine." Cheyenne said to them hoping it will make Donnie feel better. "Of course." Donnie said then he turns to Cheyenne. "Thanks, Cheyenne." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne look away and blushed. Jesse walks over to Cheyenne and places her hand on Cheyenne's shoulder. "Head up, sister." Jesse said to her making Cheyenne look at her with a smile. "Come on, guys." Donnie said to them and the group starts following the Mouser when Donnie stops. "Oh, no." Donnie said making Leo look at him. "What is it, Don?" Leo asks him. "If I'm not mistaken, that's a serious water main hanging right over our heads." Donnie said to them making Cheyenne look up. "So?" Jamey asks him. "So, our little Mouser friend just ate through the pipe's support." Cheyenne said to her as the pipe burst and water came rushing through. "Incoming!" Leo yelled then the water flooded the tunnel and washed the Turtles off their feet. They slide out through the pipe into the spillway. Donnie pulls bō and uses it to catch himself on a small pipe. "Grab on!" Donnie yelled and everyone grabs on. Mikey was about to but his hands were slippery and he slipped and starts to fall toward the drain. Tasneem lets go of Jesse's hand and take out her Manriki. Tasneem threw one end to Jesse who grabs it and wraps it around her hand. Before Mikey gets into the drain, Tasneem grabs his hand just in time. "You okay, Mikey?" Tasneem asks him, Mikey just looks at her in shock. "Yeah." Mikey said to her as Jesse and Jamey pulled on the Manriki to rise the two younger turtles. "Ow! Watch where you point those shuko spikes, Jamey." Raph said to her. "Aw, keep your shell on, Raph." Jamey said to him as Tasneem grabs onto Jamey's legs. " I got an idea." Mikey said and he starts swinging back and forth. "Mike wait! What are you...?" Leo asks as Mikey releases Tasneem and flies through the waterfall, followed by ours and they land against a wall and cling to it. "Guys, you okay?" Jesse asks them as Raph spits out water. "Peachy." Raph said to her. The turtles jump into another tunnel. "When I get my hands on that metal menace, I'm gonna grind him into little bot burgers." Raph said as the turtles remove their shuko spikes. "Easy, Raph. We still gotta keep him in one piece." Donnie said to him. "What makes you think we'll even find the little blender butt?" Mikey asks them. "I think he left us a few clues." Leo and Jesse said at the same time making the two look at each other. "Okay, let's go." Jamey said to them and the group runs into the hole in the wall.

The turtles exit through the hole and enter the subway tunnel and the group starts looking around for the robot until Don spots the Mouser. "There!" Donnie yelled pointing over to the robot who was walking on the other side. They run towards the tracks, with Raph out in front. "Look out!" Leo yelled as he grabs Raph by the shoulder and yanks him back then the train shoots past them. When it's gone, so is the Mouser who was hitchhiking a ride on the train. "Whoa, robo Houdini!" Mikey yelled when he didn't see the robot. "Wrong, robo hitchhiker." Tasneem said to him then she points at the train to show Mikey that the Mouser was holding onto the back rail of a train. "We'll never catch him now." Mikey said to them. "Oh, yes we will." Jamey said to them as another subway car passed by. The sisters jump onto the train as it passes them. "What a maniac." Leo said to them then the brothers jump onto the train. After a few minutes, the Mouser leaps off its train. "There's our stop!" Raph yelled then the turtles jump off the train and follow the robot on foot again. 

The turtles enter another room to see there were two Mousers now. "Whoa. Who invited him?" Mikey asks them as the Mouser turns to them. "I got it." Jamey said then she throws shuriken and it slices Mouser's head open. "Good aim." Raph said making Jamey look at him. "Uh, thanks." Jamey told to him as the Mouser stands up again. "This is not good guys." Leo said to them. "Neither is that." Donnie said as he points out a bunch of Mousers marching towards them. "These chrome domes are a lot tougher than the last batch." Cheyenne said to them as the turtles take out their weapons. "Yeah, and there's a lot more of them too." Raph told to them as the turtles were surrounded by a hoard of Mousers. "Great, just great." Jamey told to them. The turtles go into action, destroying Mousers as fast as they can. Cheyenne stabs three Mousers at once with her Bo's blade while Tasneem wraps her weapon around three robots and she throws them into the wall. Mikey hits some of the Mousers with his nunchaku while Raph stabs the Mousers in the head with his weapons. Jesse stood by herself as Mousers start walking over to her but Jesse was not worried at all. Jesse opens her fans as she watches the robots that get closer to her. Jamey jumps down by her sister with her weapons at the ready. "Like always you are not worried." Jamey said to her. "Yep." Jesse said to her and the two start fighting the robots. "These Mousers are incredible! The servo mechanics, the circuitry, the articulation!" Donnie said making Raph look at him. "Gee, Donny, why don't you just marry one already." Raph told to him as he stabs another robot. "Guys, the only way to stop them is to slice their heads off." Leo said to them while he slices some of the robots' heads off. "Well, ain't that great news...for the turtles with the blades." Mikey said to them as he hits some robots around him. "Drive 'em this way, we'll slice and dice." Raph told to them and the turtles come together at the top of a staircase and continue fighting Mousers. Soon there are piles of destroyed Mousers lying all around them. "Great job guys. Just make sure we leave one..." Cheyenne said as Raph leaped atop the last one, driving his sai through its head and crushing it. "Hah, hah, hah!" Raph yelled as he stomps on the head. "Intact." Cheyenne said to them as she rubs her eyes while Jamey hits Raph on the head. "HEY!" Raph yelled at her. "So much for tracing them back to the source." Leo said to them while he puts his weapons away. The turtles then hear a scream not too far from them. "What was that?" Mikey asks them.

A lady named, April was trapped by four Mousers. April tries to pull the board off the blocked opening but it won't come loose. April closes her eyes and screams as Mouser leaps, but then a bō smashes into it. Soon all Mousers are destroyed and April looks to see who saved her. "Oh, oh thank you. Thank you so much." April said to them as the shadows walk over to her. "You saved my...my..." April said as Mikey leans out of heavy shadows. "Hey! How ya' doing?" Mikey asks her when April sees Mikey, she faints. Mikey reaches down and picks her up, turning back to his group. "Hey, so...can I keep her?" Mikey asks them with a smile.

To Be Continued

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