The Unconvincing Turtle Titans

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Nope, you haven't tuned into the wrong show. That's me standing next to Tasneem, Mikey, under the cape and cowl. The flying dude up in the sky? His name's Silver Sentry. We're in the middle of our first superhero type team up. He just doesn't know it yet. You'd think an earthbound turtle like me would have a rough time keeping up with a guy who can soar through the sky like an eagle. And you know what? You'd be right. - Mikey

Two Days Later

At night, with the turtles combing above ground through a manhole in the middle of a street. They immediately dart into the shadows along the sidewalk. "Remember, the purpose of this training exercise is to master the Way of Invisibility." Leo said to the group and the group run along the sidewalk, each finding a place to stay out of sight as they move. "Haven't you noticed how much safer the streets are since we put the smackdown on that Shredder dude?" Mikey asks the group as they stop. "Looks like we really accomplished something for the greater good." Mikey said to them making his brothers all start laughing while the sisters stare at them. "Greater good? Puh-lease! What, are you running for office?" Donnie asks him while Raph puts his arm around Jamey. "Get over yourself already." Raph said to him. "Fine. Make fun. But I still think we could be doing a whole lot more to help people." Mikey said to them then the group hears the sound of police car sirens draws their attention. The turtles quickly duck out of sight as a police car zips past. 

They use the rooftops to follow the sound of sirens and stop when they are across the street from a building that is on fire. The fire department is spraying the building, trying to put the fire out. On an upper floor, a little girl stands at a window, waving her hands and crying. "Hey, look! We gotta help that kid!" Mikey said to them making Jesse place her hand on Mikey's shoulder. "Hang on. The fire department's got it covered." Jesse said to him. "Besides, we'd get spotted." Leo said to him. "But we could—" Mikey said then Donnie cuts him off. "Don't worry, Mikey. It's covered." Donnie said to him. "But what if they can't get her in time?" Mikey asks him. "Then he will." Jamey said to him as she points up at the sky. Silver Sentry zips into view and stops to hover above the scene and he flies towards the little girl. "Wow! It's really him." Mikey said to himself. 

"The Silver Sentry."

Tasneem and Mikey said at the same time making the two look at each other then smile. 

Silver Sentry rescues the little girl and flies off just before the room she was in explodes. He lands on the street and sets the girl down whose parents embrace her. Then are more explosions making Silver Sentry flies up so that he's directly across from the blaze. Inhaling deeply, Silver Sentry blows on the fire and puts it out making the crowd cheers and Silver Sentry flies away.

"See? Now that's what I'm talking about. There's a guy who doesn't have to stick to the shadows. And look what he's able to do." Mikey said to them as the group starts walking away but Tasneem stands by Mikey. "Hey, that's it. We should become super heroes." Mikey said making the others look at him. "Exqueeze me?" Cheyenne asks Mikey. "Yeah, yeah! Go out on nightly patrols. Thwart crimes. Help the helpless. Rescue the...rescueless." Mikey said to them with a smile. "I think you've got your mask on too tight, Mikey. The oxygen's not making it to your brain." Donnie said to his brother. "Don't you get it? We'd have secret identities to protect ourselves." Mikey said as the group jumps onto a fire escape and then to the street below but Leo and Jesse pauses. "We could work out in the open." Tasneem said to herself. "That's right." Mikey said to her. "Reading way to many comic books, Mikey." Leo said to him. "And watching to many superhero movies and cartoons." Jesse said to him with a smile. 

Back at the turtles' lair, Master Splinter holds a training session, he stands in the center of the rug while his sons and the girls sit on the edges, facing away from him. "The two greatest weapons at the ninjas' disposal are placement and surprise. Tonight we perfect a move that utilizes both. Leonardo, Jesse! Invisible Flying Dragon!" Splinter yelled making Leo and Jesse rises, bows, and then the two leaps over Splinter who try to attack them but miss. "Miss again." Jesse said to Splinter with a smile while Leo looks at her with a smile. "Jamey! Raphael!" Splinter calls them next making Jamey and Raphael does the same maneuver. "Nice moves, babe." Raph said to Jamey who looks at him. "I know we are dating now but don't never call me that." Jamey said to him making Raph give her a little smile. "Donatello and Cheyenne!" Splinter calls them making Donnie and Cheyenne leaps over Splinter. "Yay!" Cheyenne yelled while rising her hands in the air making Donnie laugh a little. "Tasneem and Michelangelo!" Splinter calls the younger turtles but Mikey was too busy scribbling in a notebook with Tasneem watching him while ignores Splinter. "Michelangelo?" Splinter said then he then uses his walking stick to rap Mikey on his shell. "Yow!" Mikey yelled in pain. "What are you doing?" Splinter asks Mikey. "Uh, nothing." Mikey said to him while he holds the notebook behind his back. "Oh, yeah? Let me see." Raph said to him as he grabs it out of his hand. "Hey! Give it back!" Mikey yelled at Raph who laughs. "Keep away!" Donnie yelled then Raph tosses it to Donnie. "Keep it away!" Raph yelled while the girls watch the two. "Really guys." Cheyenne said to them as Mikey runs from one to the other trying to grab the notebook. Mikey jumps up to try and catch it, but Leo leaps and gets it instead. Jesse walks over to Leo who opens the notebook. "Hey, check this out." Leo said making the others walk over to him and Jesse. "What is that? The Ninjustice League?" Raph asks them. The group see that Mikey has drawn all eight of the turtles wearing super hero costumes. "More like the Shelltastic Eight!" Donnie said to them with a smile. "The Legion of Sewer Heroes!" Leo said then the three brothers start laughing. "Well, hardy-har! Even our levelheaded leader gets a funny in." Mikey said as he walks over to them with Tasneem following him. "You're not really serious about this super hero kick, are you?" Leo asks him. "Why not? Super heroes never have to hold back because they're scared someone's gonna see them. And wouldn't it be nice to get a little credit for the good we do?" Mikey asks them as Jesse takes the notebook away from Leo. "Your intentions are noble, Michelangelo. But you must never forget who you are. You are ninja! You operate in the shadows." Splinter said to him. "But can't we accomplish so much more out in the open?" Mikey asks him. "There are many paths, my son. You must choose the one that is true to yourself." Splinter said to him as Jesse hands Mikey's notebook back. "Now let us return to our training." Splinter said to everyone. "It's okay, Mikey." Jesse said to the younger brother as Cheyenne and Jamey walk over to them. "We understand what you are saying." Cheyenne said to him while she places her hand on Mikey's shoulder. "We also had that thought when we were younger." Jamey said to him while Mikey looks at the notebook and then tucks it under his arm. "Sorry, Sensei. I gotta get out and clear my head." Mikey said and he enters the elevator and takes it up to the garage. Then the girls look at the brothers giving them a look.

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