The Way of Invisibility

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Back in the lair, the lights are back out and Splinter watches as the turtles train on the bamboo poles again. Then Casey stumbles in, still dazed and Casey accidentally knocks over all the posts, and as a result, knocks down the other turtles and Splinter. Jesse claps and turns on the lights. "You can almost set your watch by this guy." Mikey said to them while Leo sees that Casey was hurt. "Casey, what happened?" Leo asks him while helping Casey up. "Where are Raphael and Jamey?" Splinter asks him. "The invisible ninjas took them." Casey said to him making Mikey and Tasneem look at each other. "Invisible ninjas, huh? This story wouldn't involve Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, by any chance?" Mikey asks him making Tasneem laugh in her hand. "I got proof!" Casey yelled as he shows them the orange eye. Donnie takes the eyes and walks over to his table to study it. Cheyenne follows him to the table as Donnie puts the eyepiece under a magnifying glass. "Oh, some kind of optical device. Heavy duty hardware." Donnie said as Casey walks over to them while Leo and Jesse tries calling Raph and Jamey. "Raph's not answering his Shell Cell." Leo said to them. "It's the same with Jamey." Jesse said to them getting worried making Leo place his hand on her shoulder. "Aah!" Casey yelled as he throws a stool in frustration. "This is all my fault!" Casey yelled to himself. "Don't worry. I installed tracking chips in all the Shell Cells. Just in case." Cheyenne said to Casey while she picks up the tracker and types something in but all that came up on the screen was static. "Interesting. Not picking up a signal." Donnie said to them while standing next to Cheyenne. "Aah!" Casey yelled as he kicks the sofa away. "We'll never find them!" Casey yelled as he starts kicking around more stuff. "I may be able to calibrate the scanner to trace the comms signal from your invisible ninjas." Donnie said as Cheyenne hands him the tracker. "Better make it fast." Tasneem said to him while Casey breaks a chair. "We're running out of furniture." Mikey said to him.

Back to Hun and Raph, Dr. Stockman watches from a booth. "We've been over this, again and again, freak. I'm only gonna ask you this one more time. Who do you work for? How long have you been on this planet? What is the level of your technology?" Hun asks him. "Planet? Technology? Boy, are you barking up the wrong shell." Raph said to him. "Answer me!" Hun yelled while he hits the table that Raph was on, causing it to rock. "Uh, come to think of it, who do you work for? I mean, you look way too dumb to be in charge of all this." Raph said to him while he was trying to pick the lock that was holding his arm down. "Your choice." Hun said as he grabs a buzz-saw. "You can talk, or you can let your DNA do the talking for you. Now is there something you want to tell me?" Hun asks him while Raph gets his right hand free. "Just this!" Raph yelled then he punches Hun in the gut, grabs a gas mask, and puts it over his mouth. "Sweet dreams, lard butt." Raph said as Hun runs back dazed. Raph grabs the buzz-saw and cuts himself free. "Don and Cheye will kill me if I leave this." Raph said to himself as he grabs his sai and broken Shell Cells. Raph then runs over to Jamey and slowly picks her up bridal style. Raph looks at Jamey's head which was cut on the side and bleeding a lot. "I gotta get you outta here." Raph said as he runs out the door and sees that he was on a boat. Raph walks over to the edge of the boat and looks down at the water. "Raph?" A faint voice calls Raph, he looks down at Jamey whose head was leaning against his plastron and her breathing was really slow. "Don't worry Jamey, I've got you." Raph said to her while holding onto Jamey. "None of them are going to hurt you now, not while I'm here." Raph said to her as he sees blood from her head dripping onto Jamey's arm. "Good thing turtles are amphibious." Raph said as he looks at the water. "Keep your breath, Jamey." Raph said to her, Jamey did as Raph instructed and Raph jumps into the water and swims away. After some time Raph reaches land and runs off holding onto Jamey. What Raph doesn't know is that there were invisible footprints behind him, indicating that Foot Tech Ninjas are indeed following him.

Back At The Lair

Donnie gets a blip on his scanner making Cheyenne look over at the scanner. "I'm getting two signals. It's them!" Donnie yelled to the others. "Woo-hoo!" Casey cheers and he accidentally shorts out a light. "This guy's bad news even when there's good news." Tasneem said to the others. "It's faint, but at least we got a blip we can follow." Donnie said to them then more signals appeared on the tracker. "Make that several blips." Cheyenne said to them. "The invisible ninjas' signal?" Leo asks them. "Raphael and Jamey may not even be aware he is being followed." Splinter said to the teens. "Which means we gotta find them before they bring in some seriously unwanted house guests." Jesse said to them making Leo agree with her while Mikey looks at Casey. "We already got one of those." Mikey said to Tasneem. "So, uh, how do we stop something we can't see?" Casey asks them. "Already got that one covered, Turtle vision heat sensor goggles." Cheyenne said to them while showing the group the goggles. "After all, an invisible body is still a warm body." Donnie said to them as he hands one to everyone. "All right, Mikey, Tasneem, and Casey, you will search above ground." Jesse said to the three who nod. "Me, Leo, Donnie, and Cheyenne will look below." Jesse said to them as everyone puts on a pair of goggles. "Let's go." Leo said to the group while Mikey looks at Casey who was wearing the goggles over his mask. "That's a good look for you." Mikey said to him. 

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