The Invisible Ninjas

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Ever see one of those old movies where the private eye wakes up after being knocked out cold? He always says the same thing. "Ugh. Where am I?" Okay, so it's not exactly original, but it's true. I have no idea where I am. Is this an operating room? Torture chamber? TV game show? The last thing I remember, I was battling a bunch of street thugs with Casey and Jamey. Okay, definitely not the game show.  -Raph

In New York, In The Lair

Splinter lights a candle and turns to face the turtles. The turtles were all balancing on thin bamboo poles that were set up on a mat in the middle of the lair. "My students, tonight our training shall focus on combining two essential disciplines: The way of balance..." Splinter said to them then he claps, turning off the lights. "And the way of invisibility." Splinter said to them. "Dudes." Mikey said while looking at Cheyenne and Donnie. "Did you put in the clapper?" Mikey asks the two while Splinter goes up to Mikey and whacks him in the hand with his stick. "Ow!" Mikey said as he rubs his head. "Michelangelo, the way of invisibility also includes the way of silence. I suggest you employ both if you wish to avoid my walking stick." Splinter said then he turns around and does a flip to another post. Splinter lands near Leo and tries to hit him, but Leo flips it and lands his feet on the post he was on and a post near it. Donnie tries attacking Splinter but Splinter ducks it, and Donnie lands on another post. Splinter turns to the sisters to see the four have not moved from their bamboo poles while Mikey flips around and lands on a bamboo pole. Mikey looks around and claps, turning on the lights and Mikey sees that Splinter is right in front of him. "Peekaboo, I see you." Mikey said making Tasneem laugh a little. Mikey turns to her and smiles at her, Tasneem smiles back at him but Mikey can see she was looking at something behind him. Mikey turns around just in time to be hit by Splinter's walking stick. Mikey falls off balance as he nearly falls all the way off. "Hey, don't I at least get points for creativity?" Mikey asks Splinter. "A creative mind must be balanced by a disciplined body." Splinter said to him then he claps to turn off the lights. "We must learn stillness and alertness, for they are the only defense against the unexpected." Splinter said to them then Jamey jumps over to Splinter. Splinter dodged her attack only for Tasneem to grab onto his arms from behind while Cheyenne takes Splinter's walking stick. Jesse then points one of Leo's swords that she grabbed in the dark at Splinter. "Did we win?" Tasneem asks Splinter from behind him. "Yes, good work." Splinter said to them as the elevator opens it was Casey wearing his mask and he was unable to see with all the lights off. 

"Hey, guys?" Casey calls out as he hits the bamboo poles causing the turtles and Splinter to fall over. "Uh oh." Casey said to himself while Mikey was checking up on Tasneem who landed on her head. Splinter angrily turns around to him then Splinter leaps up and knocks Casey down. The turtles turn the lights back on and run up to Splinter. "Master Splinter, no! He's okay!" Leo yelled as the turtles run over to them. "Sensei, this is Casey. The nutca-uh the guy we told you about." Donnie said to him. "You remember. The igilant-vay?" Tasneem asks Splinter. "We figured it'd be okay to give him access to the lair. You know, for emergencies and stuff." Raph said to Splinter who gets up from Casey. Jamey helps Casey up then Splinter bows in respect. "Please forgive my rash action." Splinter said to Casey. "No problemo." Casey said to him while he removes his mask to show his face to Splinter. "Although next time..." Splinter said to him while he points his stick at Casey's head. "You would be wise to heed the ancient Japanese proverb phone first." Splinter said to him then he walks away from Casey. "Whoa!" Casey said as he takes a look around in the lair before looking at Jamey and Raph. "Your crib's even more awesome than you two said." Casey said to them as he accidentally kicks a bamboo pole, to Splinter's annoyance. "You didn't come all the way down here for the nickel tour." Raph said to him while Jesse walks over to Splinter and she helps him pick up bamboo poles. "What's the 411 street-side?" Jamey asks him while Leo watches Jesse help Splinter. "Graffiti. It's everywhere. All over town." Casey said to them making all the turtles confused. "And I think I speak for everyone in the room when I say, duh." Mikey said to him while Jesse walks over to them after helping Splinter. "We're New Yorkers, Casey. We've seen graffiti before." Cheyenne said to him. "Uh uh. Not this kind." Casey said to them and he holds up a picture of the graffiti drawing of a sword stabbing 8 turtles. "I thinks somebody's trying to send you a message." Casey said to them making Tasneem take the picture from Casey. "Blech! Talk about getting the point!" Mikey yelled while Jesse looks at the picture from her sister's hands. "Do all the tags look like this?" Jesse asks Casey. "Some are a little more graphic." Casey said to her then he sees the Sword of Tengu. "Hey, cool sword. Looks just like the one in the graffiti." Casey said to them then he walks over to the sword. "Casey, no!" Donnie yelled but it was too late, Casey tries grabbing the sword and he gets electrocuted and sent into a bookcase. "Remind me, who's idea was it to invite him down here?" Jesse asks Leo as the turtles and Splinter walk over to Casey. "I thank you for this information, Mr. Jones, but now we must return to our training." Splinter said to him as the group leads Casey to the door. "Wait, don't you guys wanna put the smack-down on the scum who did this?" Casey asks them. "Well, yeah. But it smells way too much like a set-up." Tasneem said to him. "Someones just trying to get under our shells." Donnie said to him. "Why should we stoop to their level?" Cheyenne asks Casey who pulls out a bat. "But this is a matter of honor! What about all that bushidoodoo stuff you guys always talk about?" Casey asks them. "That's Bushido." Leo said to him. "Which has nothing to do with payback for a bunch of nasty wall doodles." Jesse said to him. "Sorry, Case. I gotta go with my bros on this one." Raph said to him making Casey look over at Jamey. "And you?" Casey asks her. "I gotta side with my sisters." Jamey said to him. "Oh man!" Casey said as he puts his bat away and was about to leave when he spotted the huge t.v set up that was in the turtles living room. "Say..." Casey said as he runs over to the t.v setup and he sits on the couch. "So what's on the tune?" Casey asks as he starts eating pizza while the turtles look on bewildered.

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