Notes from the Underground, Part 2

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My name is Cheyenne, and as one of the turtles of science, I like to investigate things. But I never thought my study of the strange crystals we found in our lair would awaken creatures from the underground, lead us on a search deep below the Earth, or take us to an abandoned Foot Genetic Lab where terrible things were done in the name of the Shredder.  - Cheyenne

As a turtle of science, you wouldn't think I'm the type to believe in monsters but you be wrong, dead wrong. - Donnie 

The monsters gets closer to the turtles as they walk backwards into the lab. "Ah, I think I speak for all of us when I say Zonks!" Mikey yelled as the back away from the monsters. The turtles threw their backpack aside while the blue monster walks closer and sprays acid at the turtles disseminating the floor. "That's it." Raph said as the turtles grab their weapons. "OK, you guys take the three on the left." Mikey said to them. "There ARE only three." Jamey said to him. "Yes, so you guys can fight while I will be odd turtle out." Mikey said to them. "You're telling me." Raph said to him then the red monster throws an unit at the turtles but miss. The group then engage with the monsters while Mikey stays back with Cheyenne. 

Donnie and Tasneem engage in combat with the red creature. When Donnie hits the monster with his Bo Staff, it raises its claws in preparation for an attack, but Tasneem deflects the monster's claw with her Manriki and leaps over it while clinging to her weapon, causing it to fall. Donnie and Tasneem give each other the thumbs up, but the red thing snatches them up with its claws and throws them.

The blue monster approaches Jesse, who leaps out of the path, but Leo is grabbed and thrown into a pipe. Leo stands up, cuts the pipe, and kicks it to the blue monster, which uses its acid to spread it.

Together, Jamey and Raph battle the stone monster, ultimately defeating it. Jamey kicks the monster in the face then Raph snatches its arm and throws it over his shoulders. With a nod, Raph turns to face Jamey, who assists Donnie and Tasneem by kicking the red monster out of their way.

The stone monster climbs and digs itself inside into ceiling for a sneak attack. "WOW! That would be so cool if it was not trying to kill us." Tasneem said to them then the stone monster digs out for the sneak attack that was right above Mikey. "Mikey!" Raph yelled as he runs over to Mikey, before the monster can attack Raph intercepts the stone monster's attack and succeeds. "Watch your back you oddball!" Raph yelled at him. "You just called odd didn't you?" Mikey said to him then the stone monster jumps on Raph. "I'm not odd, I'm eccentric." Mikey said to himself then he walks over to Cheyenne's hiding spot. "Raph thinks I'm odd." Mikey said to her. "You're just being sensitive." Cheyenne said to him while she rubs his head. "Sensitive? If there's one thing I hate, its when people call me sensitive." Mikey said to her.

The turtles continue to fight the monsters, Tasneem and Donnie fight against the red monster while Raph and Jamey fights the stone monster. "Hey, I know these monsters are viscous abominations but guys we're not holding our own out there, now lets dig deep." Mikey said to them.

Jesse and Leo continues to fight the blue monster, it sprays acid onto the glass silos cursing them to crack. "You will take no more of us!!" Blue monster said to Leo and Jesse. "It talks." Jesse said to herself. "We're not here to take anybody." Leo said to him then a big piece of equipment begins to topple on top of the creature. Rather than letting the monster get crushed, Leo leaps and carries the beast away from the toppling machinery. "Look out!" Leo yelled as he lamps at the monster. "Leo, you okay?" Jesse asks him as she runs over to him. "I'm fine." Leo said to her then he looks at the blue monster. "Why have you attacked us?" Leo asks it while the blue monster seems puzzled then the red monster attacks Leo and Jesse kicking them into a wall where Cheyenne and Mikey was. "You know something guys? They're thinking we're somebody else." Leo said to them. "Ah man that's just great, we're getting our shells sh-elacted at someone elses fight?"  Mikey asks them. "Then I vote we get the shell out of here." Donnie said to them as the turtles group up. "Run away, that ain't my style." Raph said to them. "We will call it a tactical retreat lets move." Jesse said to them while she helps Cheyenne stand up. "We're leaving." Donnie said as he pushes a button with his Bo-staff which opens a sealed door and the turtles head down the corridor the monsters begin to follow. "Tactical retreat, I can live with that." Raph said to himself before following the others.

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